Federal Poly Nasarawa Post UTME Past Question and Answers

Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa (FPN) may not be as hot as OAU, UNN, UNIBEN, or UI but it is a polytechnic that students are scrambling for. Like most higher institutions in Nigeria, you need to pass the Post UTME exam to gain admission to FPN. And there is no easier way of passing FPN’s post UTME than by practicing beforehand with the Federal Poly Nasarawa Post UTME Past Question and Answers. Get a copy here NOW!

With the JAMB cut off mark for public polytechnics pegged at 120, there will be twice the number of those writing post UTME in public universities appearing for Post UTME screening at the public polytechnic.

Since Polytechnics in Nigeria don’t have the infrastructure and academic staff strength to contain tens of thousands of students, the screening would be stiff. Only those who score high will scale through.

As evidence of this, for the 2018/2019 academic session, Federal Poly Nasarawa admitted only 2,361 National Diploma students from the buzzing number of students that sat for the Post UTME screening exam.

Do you want to be among the set of students that get selected to commence the 2020/2024 academic session in Federal Poly Nasarawa? Then you need to start practicing for the exam NOW!

Don’t procrastinate, get a copy of the Federal Poly Nasarawa Post UTME Past Questions and Answers here and start practicing.

How to Get your Past Questions and Answers for FPN

Pay the sum of one thousand Naira into this bank detail to get a copy of the Federal Poly Nasarawa Post-UTME Past Questions and Answers immediately.
Account Name: Silicon Africa Tech Limited
Account Number: 0546392167
Bank Name: GT BANK
CONTACT DETAILS: 07012040283
EMAIL: info@worldscholarshipforum.com
It is really important, however, that you read this article to the end to get other vital information.

For quick navigation, here are what this post contains:

What is the Nature of the Federal Poly Nasarawa Post UTME?

The Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa’s Post UTME examination is computer-based. So, to better prepare for it, you need to have taken some basic computer practice on using the computer.

Fortunately, if you have passed the recent UTME exams, then you don’t need any further practice as the UTME was also computer-based. What you need now is to start practicing for the FEDPOLNAS post UTME, of which our past questions and answers will be a useful help.

Finally, as regards the nature of the questions to expect in the FEDPOLNAS post UTME exercise, expect to answer 50 questions revolving around your UTME subject combination. You’ll get exactly this in our Federal Poly Nasarawa Post UTME Past Questions and Answers.

It is very important that you know the 7 Easy Ways to Pass FEDPOLY NAS Post Utme In 2024

Why Should I get the Fed Poly Nasarawa Past Questions and Answers?

The major reason why you need to get the FEDPOLNAS Post UTME Past Questions and Answers is so that you pass the screening exercise with unbelievable scores and gain admission. The truth is, no Federal University or Polytechnic in Nigeria will deny you admission when you pass their post UTME exams on merit.

The question now is, are you doing enough to pass the screening exam on merit?

Our FEDPOLNAS Post UTME past questions and answers cover original past questions of the polytechnic for up to seven (7) years, with the questions for the 2018/2019 set being the most recent.

The trick to studying past questions that most students don’t know is that most federal universities and polytechnics repeat questions. So when you practice out FPN Post UTME Past Questions and Answers, you’ll be conversant with the likely questions you’ll meet on exam day.

As an icing to this very sweet cake that we’re offering you, you’ll also be added to the Federal Poly Nasarawa WhatsApp group once you’ve successfully purchased the post UTME past questions and answers.

The WhatsApp group is a group of fellow FEDPOLNAS applicants created for the purpose of providing credible information about the Post UTME screening exercise to fully equip you with every knowledge you need to not only pass the Post UTME but to become a student.

What else do you want but information on how to get your copy?

How Can I get the Fed Poly Nasarawa Past Questions and Answers?

Getting a copy of the Federal Polytechnic Nasawara Post UTME Past Questions and Answers id easy. The past question is a PDF document and it costs one thousand naira only (₦1,000).

To get yours, follow the steps below:

STEP 1: Select Your Subject Combination

You will write the same subject combination you wrote in UTME for the FEDPOLYMAS Post-UTME. So, we have compiled the subject combination you wrote in UTME based on the course you applied for in PTI.

Therefore, all you need do is specify the course you applied for in the description of your payment.

STEP 2: Select Your Payment Method

There are three methods of purchasing our original FPN Post UTME past questions and answer, namely:

1. Debit Card
2. Bank Transfer
3. Direct Bank Deposit

For any of the payment methods above, you’ll be paying into the account details below:

Account Name: Silicon Africa Tech Limited
Account Number: 0546392167
Bank Name: GT BANK

STEP 3: Confirmation of Payment

If you choose the Debit Card option, you’ll input your card details and email address. Upon payment, you will get an e-mail message containing the Post UTME Past question you had selected in Step One.

If you choose Bank transfer, type in the description of payment: “The Type of Federal Poly Nasarawa Post-UTME Past Question you’re purchasing.” e.g “FEDPOLNAS Medicine and Surgery Past Question.” Then contact the number below or email address with evidence of payment and you will get your Past Question instantly.

If you choose Direct Bank deposit, make payment to the account details above, then send the following information to the phone number or email below:

1. Depositors Name
2. Teller Number
3. Amount Paid

CONTACT DETAILS: 07012040283

EMAIL: info@worldscholarshipforum.com

Free Fed Poly Nasarawa Past Questions and Answers Download

Here are free questions you can practice with. The answers are in Bold.

English Language

In the questions below, choose the word(s) or phrase which best fills the gap(s)

1. Jubril found that thieves had entered his house in his absence. He went to the police to report the…

(A) break out
(B) break up
(C) break-in
(D) break into

2. After the accused was found guilty by the court, his counsel… before the sentence was passed

(A) begged for mercy
(B) made a plea for mitigation
(C) made an ovation
(D) made a plea for litigation

3. Four persons accused of currency … are being held by the security agents.
(A) trafficking
(B) traviking
(C) trafficking
(D) traffiking

4. Gone are the days when he… enjoy patronage.
(A) would
(B) will
(C) used to
(D) could

5. He did not attend the final burial …
(A) rite
(B) rights
(C) rites
(D) right


6. The muscle cell fluid of an athlete was tested immediately after a 100m race and was found to contain a high concentration of lactic acid. Explain what could have caused this. The

(A) athlete must have eaten food containing a lactic acid
(B) athlete must have injected lactic acid into his blood just before the race
(C) athlete must have carried out anaerobic respiration during the race
(D) athlete must have inhaled lactic acid from the environment during the race.

7. One of this is not a continuous variation

(A) height
(B) weight
(C) tongue rolling
(D) skin colour

8. One of the following is usually worm-like, cylindrical or flattened

(A) molluscs
(B) insects
(C) nematods
(D) annelids

9. The roots hairs are

(A) strength and support
(B) conducting liquid
(C) absorption of water and salt
(D) penetration into the soil

10. The random way genes recombine during meiosis and fertilization leads to

(A) genetic variation
(B) phenotype
(C) genome
(D) genotype

If you also need past questions for your second choice institution, click here

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