Finnish Government Scholarship | Updated

Applications are open to the 2024 Ph.D./ Fellowship Program of the Government of Finland. The Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) offers a number of scholarship programs for doctoral and research studies at Finnish universities.

The Finnish Government Scholarship Program is open to young researchers from all academic fields. The scholarship cannot be used for masters or postdocs/research.

Just take your time and go through this article, the World Scholarship Forum has arranged every detail you need to be an applicant for the Finnish Government Scholarship.

All You Need To Know About Finnish Government Scholarship

The Finnish Government Scholarship Program can be applied for a study/research period of 3 to 9 months, with the 9-month period being the maximum duration of a single applicant. Wish to study in Finland? Complete Guide to Easy Step by Step Procedures to get Finland Student Visa.


Finish Government Scholarships are designed to sponsor international students who are pursuing any course of study at the Ph.D. and research level in any field of study.


Finnish Scholarship is been hosted in Finland. If you are an international student and you wish to study in Finland, check out the list of Finland Scholarships.

Eligible Nationality

Finland Government Scholarship 2024 is made available for International Students.

Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Scholarship Benefits

  • The Finnish Scholarships for developing countries include a monthly allowance of 1500 EUR. The remuneration is sufficient for one person.
  • Costs related to travel, international or in Finland, are not covered by the program.
  • The scholarship holders are requested to take precautions in order to have sufficient insurance coverage for their stay in Finland.

Scholarship Number

The Finland scholarship has an unspecified number of offers. If you wish to explore more information on Ph.D. Scholarships, click on the link.

Eligibility for Scholarship

The criteria for applying for a scholarship are:

  • Applicants must contact the Finnish host university before applying.
  • Have a letter of invitation from the academic director in Finland; The invitation must also explain the commitment of the host institution to the project
  • Have obtained a master’s degree before applying;
  • Intended to conduct post-master studies as a visiting student, to participate in a research project or to teach at a university or public research institute in Finland;
  • Priority is given to doctoral studies;
  • Did not spend more than a year at a Finnish university just prior to the scholarship period in Finland;
  • To be able to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of oral and written expression in the language required for study/research;
  • The scholarship applicant holds the nationality of any of these eligible countries based on cultural agreements or similar agreements between Finland and the following countries: Australia, China, Cuba, Egypt, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Mongolia, Namibia, Peru, Republic of Korea, Republic of Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, United States

Required documents for an application

  • a completed and signed the application form
  • curriculum vitae
  • Copies of the latest diplomas
  • two letters of recommendation
  • Study/research plan (2-5 pages, including motivation, goals, work plan, working method, expected results)
  • Invitation/expressions of interest and motivation of the host university supervisor in Finland for cooperation
  • Language certificate (Finnish, Swedish or English) or other indications of sufficient language skills – see above, section “Admission criteria”.

Application Procedure 

Applicants from the USA: please refer to the “Fulbright-EDUFI Fellowship” instructions & application form on the Fulbright Online website.

Application Deadline

The application deadline for Finish Government Scholarships for International Students until February 15th, every year.


We have other great scholarship opportunities that might be of help to your search

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