Elim Bible Institute Scholarships for International Students in USA, 

Opportunities are currently available for the Elim Bible Institute Scholarships for International Students in USA. The Scholarship is designed for students pursuing their undergraduate studies.

Elim Bible Institute is a Bible college in Lima, New York, USA, offering a three-year program intended to prepare Christian leaders and workers for revival ministry. The school awards a two-year associate degree and one- and three-year non-degree certificates.

Elim Bible Institute and College are giving away a full scholarship to one eligible student through a random drawing for the 2024 school year.

In this post, We have put down information about this scholarship and how you can apply.

So what are you expected to do?

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About Elim Bible Institute Scholarships for International Students 2022

Scholarship Worth

The winner will receive a scholarship covering tuition, room, and board up to $13,388. For example, if the winner is a married student, the award will include tuition and $5,900 towards apartment costs and living expenses.

This offer does not cover costs associated with books and annual fees (tech fee, library fee, resident fees, etc.)

Eligibility for these Scholarships 2022

Only accepted full-time applicants will be entered into the drawing. Applicants are approved by the Admissions Committee after submitting their completed application to Elim as well as supporting documents like high school transcript*, pastoral reference, etc.

Seniors in high school must submit an Unofficial Transcript prior to graduation and an Official Transcript after graduation.

This scholarship covers the undergraduate program in any subject offered by the university.

The Scholarships will be taken in the United States. There are several USA Scholarships available for International students in 2024.

You can utilize these scholarship opportunities to solve most of your academics problems.

Check out other scholarships you can apply for in 2024 to study in EuropeAfricaAsiaAmerica, etc.

The scholarship is open to international students provided that they are currently studying in the United States.

Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Aside from the Dontpayfull scholarship 2024, there are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available

How Do I Apply for this Scholarship?

You may apply online or by mail. If you choose to apply online, we will create a special account for you in a program called “Populi” where you can begin the application process online without having to finish it right away.

At any point, you can log in and continue the application process. If you would like to apply by mail, print a PDF of the application and mail it to Elim.

When is Elim Bible Institute Scholarships 2024 Application Deadline?

This scholarship deadline was January 15, 2024.

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Apply Here


The scholarship is open to international students provided that they are currently studying in the United States.

The Elim Bible Institute scholarship is given to undergraduate students

All submissions of the application must be received by 15th January

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