Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship

The Irish Government Postgraduate Scholarship Program is open for applications. The Ireland Scholarship Program is an established national initiative funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation, and Science and managed by the council.

The program is unique in the Irish research landscape and complements other funding channels for postdocs in the Irish ecosystem.

Its features include:

  • Individual and prestigious awards for excellent research on behalf of the applicant;
  • An objective selection procedure involving independent and independent international peer review;
  • Funding in all disciplines, from archaeology to zoology;
  • With the exception of non-targeted bottom-up research grants funded by our strategic funding partners.

The program offers exceptional students the opportunity to direct their own research from the beginning of their career with a supervisor in their area of interest.

Successful Ireland postgraduate scholarship applicants who become academics under the program are known to have the potential of world-class future researchers in research and the quality of their ideas.

See the table of contents below to see the requirements.

About the Sponsor: Government of Ireland 

The Government of Ireland is the cabinet that exercises executive authority in Ireland. The Constitution of Ireland vests executive authority in a government where the Taoiseach is the head of government.

The government is composed of government ministers, all of whom must be members of the Irish parliament.

Nomination of the Taoiseach must be approved by the Dáil Éireann, the lower house of the Oireachtas, the Irish legislature. Following the nomination of the Dáil, the President of Ireland appoints the Taoiseach to his role.

More About the Ireland Scholarships 2024/2024

Level/ Field of Study

The Government of Ireland scholarships cover postgraduate programs

Host Nationality

Ireland’s postgraduate scholarship is hosted by the Government of Ireland and can be taken in Ireland.

If you are an international student and you desire to study in the UK, Check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in the UK

Eligible Nationality

Applicants will belong to one of two categories: nationality and place of residence.

For category 1, applicants must fulfill both criteria:

  • Be a national of a Member State of the European Union OR of Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein or Switzerland
  • Usually resident in a Member State of the European Union or in Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein or Switzerland for a continuous period of three out of five years before 1 September 2024.
    All other candidates fall into the second category.

Aside from the Ireland Scholarships 2024, there are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

Scholarship Worth

Successful Ireland postgraduate scholarship applicants are entitled to the following benefits:

  • An allowance of € 16,000 yearly
  • A contribution from outside the EU up to € 5,750 yearly
  • Eligible direct research costs of € 2,250 annually.

Number of Scholarships

The number of Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships for the academic year 2024 is not specified.

Duration of the Government of Ireland scholarships

  • Research Master – 1 year
  • Master of Structured Research – 2 years
  • Traditional promotion – 3 years
  • Structured doctorate – 4 years
  • Value of the stock market

Eligibility for the Government of Ireland scholarships

To qualify as Ireland postgraduate scholarship applicants:

  • Must have an honorary title or equivalent. If the results of the Bachelor’s exam are not known at the time of application, the Board may propose an interim scholarship, provided the Bachelor’s degree or equivalent is a first or second degree. If a fellow does not have an honorary degree or equivalent, he or she must have a master’s degree. The Council’s decision on the eligibility of an applicant for these criteria is final.
  • Must not have had two unsuccessful applications including strategic partner topics for the program;
  • In the case of applications for a research master’s degree, not having or already having a council scholarship;
  • In the case of applications for a doctoral degree, they have no other scholarship or have exercised previously than that which would have enabled them to obtain a master’s degree in research.

How to Apply for Ireland Scholarships 2024

Potential candidates should carefully read the general conditions for 2024 to see if they qualify or not.

The indicative versions of the application, supervisor, and referral forms are for information only.

All Ireland postgraduate scholarship applicants must create and submit their forms through the online system.

Click here to apply.

Ireland Scholarships 2024 Application Deadline

The last date to apply for the Ireland Government Scholarship 2024 is Thursday, 29 October 2024.

Ireland Government Scholarship 2024/2024 FAQs

Potential applicants should read the 2024 Terms and Conditions carefully on the Ireland Government website to ascertain whether or not they are eligible.

> Candidates must have a Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent Degree For Master’s Programs and the scholar’s bachelor’s, or the equivalent, degree result is a first-class or upper second-class honors.
> Applicants must possess a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree or equivalent Degree For Doctoral Programmes.
> Also, result awaiting students can apply.

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