GWIS National Research Fellowship | Apply Now

Nominations are invited for the GWIS National Research Fellowship will hold at any institution in the United States or abroad. Candidates of all nationalities are eligible to apply for these fellowships.

The National GWIS Scholarship Program is proud to offer scholarships in 2024 to help increase knowledge of the natural sciences and encourage women to pursue careers in research.

The mission of the GWIS fellowship is to create a global community to inspire, support, recognize and empower women in the field of science.

The National GWIS Scholarship Program is proud to offer scholarships in 2024 to help increase knowledge of the natural sciences and encourage women to pursue careers in research.

Endowment funds, generated mainly by legacies, provide the annual income that supports the scientific research carried out by the GWIS award winners. For the 2024-2024 funding cycle, we distribute approximately $5,000 in research grants to five women scientists who deserve it.

About Graduate Women in Science

GWIS (Women Graduate in Science) is a national professional organization whose objectives are:

  • Advance women in the field of scientific research.
  • Recognize people who have made outstanding contributions to scientific research or teaching.
  • Promote scientific research through scholarships, scholarships and scholarships.

The National Scholarship Program has existed since 1935 and grants 10 to 14 scholarships and scholarships of $1,000 to $10,000 per year.

GWIS also publishes newsletters for members and sponsors an annual national meeting.

The person nominated with the highest number of SDE scholarships will be known as the Adele Lewis Grant / SDE scholarship winner and the second highest-rated scholarship will be designated the winner of the Hartley Corporation / SDE scholarship. The funds available for a given year correspond to the income and contributions to the endowment accounts.

The amount varies from year to year. The Scholarship Committee reserves the right not to award a prize if there is no satisfactory candidate present.

All You Need To Know About Gwis Fellowship

Level/Field of Study

GWIS fellowship is available to conduct research in the United States.

Membership in GWIS is open to anyone, regardless of sex, who meets the following criteria:

  1. Have a degree or higher in a scientific discipline.
  2. You are currently conducting research or conducting research in the past.

Host Nationality

The GWIS fellowship will take place in the United States.

Eligible Nationality

Candidates of all nationalities are eligible to apply for the GWIS fellowship.

Scholarship Worth

The amount of the scholarships will not exceed $10,000 or the specified funds requested in the proposed budget. Any application submitting a budget request in excess of $10,000 (or more than $1.00) will be rejected.

Eligibility For GWIS Scholarship

To be eligible for the GWIS National Research Fellowship award, you must meet the following criteria;

  • Scholarships will be awarded to women with a degree from a recognized higher education institution, with an outstanding research capacity, who conduct hypothesis-based research at any institution in the United States. The United States or abroad.
  • The GWIS scholarship application is available free of charge to current GWIS members as a benefit to members. For non-members, a $50 application fee is required. Scholarship applicants who are not yet GWIS members can join GWIS with a basic one-year subscription at a discounted rate of $40. Please note that Member approval may take up to 48 hours. If you want to be a member of GWIS, do it (ideally) at least one week before the scholarship deadline.
  • The need for funding for research is a demand requirement.

Fellowship funds can be used for things such as:

These costs must be clearly justified in the proposal and be an integral part of the research design.

Funds cannot be used for the following:

  • Salaries
  • Course
  • Childcare
  • Professional meetings or to start a new appointment.
  • Go to another institution to attend classes
  • vital subsidy
  • General-purpose equipment
  • laptops and/or personal computers
  • Indirect costs

Requirements for Supplemental Documentation

  • Research that involves collections in the field must show proof of appropriate collection permits.
  • Research that involves cooperation with scientists from other sites/laboratories should include evidence of this collaboration (ie, a letter from the host scientist).
  • A maximum of USD 10,000 can be requested. Any proposal requesting more than $ 10,000 will be rejected.

Terms of the Award                                              

  • The scholarship period will be one academic year (from July 1 to June 30). The beneficiaries are not eligible for scholarships in the following years, although they may submit applications with a proposal or a project that is very different from that for which they had previously received a GWIS scholarship.
  • All the work of the proposal must be done by the IP of the grant. The candidate for the scholarship will be the one who will do the work, instead of using the scholarship to support a person who does work for him (for example, a teacher can not use the funds of a fund to support a graduate student).
  • The winner of a prize will send a summary of 100 words or less with a recent photo (.jpg file) to the editor of the GWIS Bulletin ( as soon as the prizes are announced.
  • The recipient of the prize must follow the outline of the initial proposal. If a major gap is essential, the approval of the Scholarship Committee must be obtained.
  • The supervisor of the winner of the scholarship must sign both documents and the previous president must receive them no later than May 15.
  • The recognition of the support for a prize is requested in the relevant publications, oral presentations and the curriculum vitae of the winners.

College Admission Requirement

  • Admission criteria: women who graduated from a recognized institution of higher education, with outstanding and promising research capabilities, will be rewarded and will conduct hypothesis-based research in all institutions, in the United States or abroad.
  • English language requirements: applicants from outside the country of origin will often have to meet specific language requirements in English or other languages in order to study in that country.

How to Apply

  • Application form: keep in mind that the page of the application form has a 45-minute deadline. Therefore, we recommend preparing the answers to the longest questions in advance in a separate word processor.
  • A PDF file that contains (note that there is a size limit of 30 MB):
  • Summary of the proposed project (written for a non-specialist, maximum of 200 words, source of 12 points, margins of at least 0.75 inches).
  • Project description. The description should be sufficient to allow a critic familiar with the general field of work to evaluate the underlying hypothesis and the methods that will be used in the experimental approach.
  • Budget proposal and budget justification.
  • Publication of research results.
  • Travel and stay during field studies.
  • Go to another laboratory for collaborative research
  • payment for undergraduate assistants (no more than 1/3 of the total budget requested)
  • Compensation of study subjects.
  • Recommendation letters.
  • Contact Information for Institutional Official to manage the expenses of your grant, if applicable.

To apply, visit our GWIS Fellowships Application Portal

Deadline For GWIS Fellowship

The deadline to submit applications for all GWIS fellowship is 11:59 am Eastern Time on January Yearly.

Scholarship Link


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