University of Edinburgh-Higgs Centre MSc Prize Scholarship, UK, 

The University of Edinburgh is giving away up to two Higgs Centre MSc Prize Scholarships for international students.

This is a University of Edinburgh Masters Scholarships for Physics students. These Scholarships are available to study full time either MSc Theoretical Physics or MSc Mathematical Physics programs of study.

For an overview, kindly read through the table of content to get all the information that you need to enable you to apply for this scholarship.

About University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh founded in 1582, is the sixth oldest university in the English-speaking world and one of Scotland’s ancient universities.

The university is deeply embedded in the fabric of the city of Edinburgh, with many of the buildings in the historic Old Town belonging to the university.

The University has been influencing the world since 1583. Her global reputation relies on pioneering research and innovation, and world-class teaching.

Set in the heart of a beautiful city and a country which is passionate about international relationships, we have always a commitment to diversity.

Level/Field of study

Scholarships are available to international students who wish to pursue full-time MSc Theoretical Physics or MSc Mathematical Physics, a masters program in the field of Theoretical or Mathematical Physics.

Host Nationality

The scholarship is hosted in the United Kingdom.

Eligible Nationality

Students of any nationality are eligible to apply.

Scholarship Worth

Up to two Higgs Centre, MSc Prize Scholarships are available, each scholarship is worth £5,000 and tenable for one academic year.

Eligibility for the University of Edinburgh Physics Masters Scholarships

  • Applicants must apply to study full-time either MSc Theoretical Physics or MSc Mathematical Physics programmes of study.
  • Scholarships will be on the basis of academic merit to students of any nationality. Candidates must have a UK first-class honours degree or its overseas equivalent.
  •  The candidate should have a very good command of the English language. Therefore, the application should be written in English.

Application Procedure

Applicants can access the online scholarship application form in EUCLID via MyEd our web-based information portal.

Application Deadline

The deadline for submission is 1st May annually.

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Online Application


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