IATSS Leadership Training for ASEAN Students in Japan, 

Applications are ongoing for the IATSS Leadership Training for ASEAN Students in Japan, 2021. The program is for Students from Asia or Countries that belong to the ASEAN region. The IATSS forum 2024 seeks to strengthen the agreement between the ASEAN Nations.

To get more information about this training and how to participate, carefully read this article without skimming.

In this article, we have put down relevant information about IATSS Leadership Training including the application deadline.

The table of contents below will help you for easy navigation.

About IATSS Leadership Training

Since 1985, The IATSS Forum is an international training institute that aims to bring out the best qualities in individuals who will one day become future leaders in the ASEAN region.

The IATSS Forum provides a place where young professionals can gather young and outstanding individuals from respective ASEAN countries, and provides opportunities for participants to make efforts to solve current issues in the ASEAN region.

Scholarship Type:

International Leadership training

Field of study:

Leadership Training for ASEAN Students

Scholarship Benefits:

The IATSS Forum pays for the round trip airfare, participation fees for the program, accommodations, and almost all food expenses, etc.
Participants need to pay for their personal expenses.

To be taken in(Country):


Scholarship Number :

Not Specific

Eligible Nationality:

Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia


To be eligible, the Candidate must meet the following requirements:

  • Must be from one of the above countries and possess the physical and mental capabilities necessary to participate fully in program activities.
  • Candidates should be 35 years old or younger at the time of the closing date of the application.
  • Students must currently be a full-time employee working in a professional field.
  • Have at least 2 years of full-time professional job experience at the time of the application.
  • You need to have sufficient English skills and cultural adaptability to live and study abroad.
  • The applicant must be ready to travel to Japan.

Application Deadline:

For now, the application deadline is undisclosed.

Application Procedure: 

You can begin the application Click here to apply on the official website and get more details by clicking the Official website

NOTE: The leadership training has been suspended due to the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic.

To access other opportunities, click

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