Ignacy Lukasiewicz Scholarship Programme  to Study in Poland

Promoting socio-economics practices is the core reason behind the Ignacy Lukasiewicz Scholarship Programme in 2024. In essence, this program is for certain target groups and countries.

This article will reveal to you in detail all you need to know about the Ignacy Lukasiewicz Scholarship Programme 2024 and how you can apply for it.

According to UNECA, Africa as a continent has experienced very low levels of socio-economic growth. In fact, they are actually getting poorer by the day.

So, in order to solve this problem, NAWA has decided to sponsor this program wherein individuals will get a proper orientation about socio-economic matters.

They will in turn practice and teach their fellow citizens until the re-orientation process is complete.

The table below clearly reveals all we will talk about as concerning this scholarship program.

About the Ignacy Lukasiewicz Scholarship Programme 2024

Socio-economic growth is a very important element that can help a country function properly.

In fact, without socio-economic growth, a country’s economic stability and rise are at risk.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) have collaborated to produce the Ignacy Lukasiewicz Scholarship Programme.

The scholarship program is for foreign students from select countries in different continents.

Generally, this scholarship enables students to complete full-time second-cycle studies.

These studies will be carried out in selected fields such as engineering and technical sciences, agricultural sciences, exact and life sciences.

Furthermore, all beneficiaries will pursue these programs at higher education institutions(HEIs).

The financial benefits include a tuition waiver for students in public HEIs, however, those in non-public HEIs have a different agreement.

In the case of non-public HEIs, the tuition fees will arise from an agreement between the scholarship beneficiary and the non-public HEI that accepts the student.

Scholarship Benefits

As a beneficiary of the Ignacy Lukasiewicz Scholarship Programme 2024, you’ll get a complete tuition waiver guaranteed that you’re in a public HEI.

On the other hand, if you’re in a non-public HEI, your tuition waiver will be discussed between the beneficiary and the school.

Also Read: Poland Scholarships for Students

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the Ignacy Lukasiewicz Scholarship Programme 2024, you need to;

  • Not be a citizen of Poland and have never applied for Polish citizenship
  • Plan to begin second-cycle studies or preparatory course in the next academic year
  • Be a student of the last year of first-cycle studies in any of the selected subjects by the time of submission
  • Not have a Master’s degree
  • Not have previously gotten a scholarship under this program
  • Speak English at the B2 level

Scholarship Level

This scholarship is for students at the second-cycle level i.e. Master’s students.

Host Nationality

Poland is the host country for the Ignacy Lukasiewicz Programme. Therefore, students can begin to search for HEIs in Poland today.

Eligible Nationalities

The eligible countries for this scholarship are Angola, Ethiopia, Philippines, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Colombia, Lebanon, Mexico, Myanmar, Nigeria, Palestine, Peru, South Africa, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda and Vietnam.

Furthermore, other countries covered by Official Development Assistance, with the exception of developing countries of Europe and Central Asia are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

Application Process

The application process for the Ignacy Lukasiewicz Scholarship Programme 2024 is online.

However, all applicants will need to crop out their photos before attaching them.

Additionally, certain documents must follow up with your applications. Hence, these documents include;

  • A scan of the Applicant’s valid passport page with the Applicant’s personal information, confirming the Applicant’s nationality;
  • An outline of the planned Master’s thesis in the field of engineering and technical sciences, agricultural sciences, exact sciences or life sciences – specifying the topic and the research method. The description must be entered in the form available in the
  • NAWA system;
  • Scan of the diploma of completion of first-cycle studies in the fields of engineering and technical sciences, agricultural sciences, exact sciences or life sciences, along with the supplement (transcript of subjects taken) and the GPA, conferred no earlier than in 2017.
  • Applicants who are students of the last year of these studies – a scan of a document issued by the HEI indicating the GPA from the entire course of studies, bearing the HEI seal;
  • Applicant’s declaration of not having previously completed a Master’s degree studies (second-cycle or uniform studies);
  • A scan of a certificate confirming knowledge of English at least at the B2 level – a list of accepted certificates is provided in Appendix no. 2 to the Regulations.

If the appendices are issued in a language other than Polish or English, it is also necessary to submit their translation into Polish.

The translation must be either done by a certified translator of Polish or certified by a Polish embassy or consulate.

In countries where the institution of a certified translator does not exist, it is possible to submit translations of documents.

Start Your Application

Application Deadline

The application deadline for the Ignacy Lukasiewicz Scholarship Programme 2024 for Study in Poland is March 16, 2024.

Therefore, you need to hurry and submit your application.

Scholarship Page

Ignacy Lukasiewicz Scholarship Programme FAQ

Who is the sponsor of Ignacy Lukasiewicz Scholarship Programme?

The sponsors of the Ignacy Lukasiewicz Scholarship Programme are the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA).

When is the Ignacy Lukasiewicz Scholarship Programme deadline?

The deadline for this scholarship program is March 16.

Which students are eligible for Ignacy Lukasiewicz Scholarship Programme?

All students are eligible for a Master’s program from Angola, Ethiopia, Philippines, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Colombia, Lebanon, Mexico, Myanmar, Nigeria, Palestine, Peru, South Africa, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, and Vietnam.

How can you apply for Ignacy Lukasiewicz Scholarship Programme?

You can apply for the Ignacy Lukasiewicz Scholarship Programme when you pick up the application form online and submit it with the required supporting documents.


Benefactors of this scholarship have testified to its importance and value.

Indeed, most have become agents of change and transformation in their countries.

So, you can apply for this scholarship and become the bringer of light and hope in your community and country.


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