Destination Australia JCU International Awards,

The Australian Government Department of Education, Skills, and Employment funds the James Cook University Destination Australia scholarship. The Destination Australia Program aims to attract and support international and domestic students to study in regional Australia and receive a high-quality learning experience. This article explores the Australia JCU International Awards for 2024.

The better news, the scholarship is open for the 2024 academic session.

About James Cook University

James Cook University (JCU) is home to over 22,000 students and offers internationally-renowned teaching and research excellence that makes a difference. We boast an impressive calibre of teaching and research staff who are passionate about passing their expertise on to the next generation.

Their career-focused courses are designed to prepare graduates for the workforce by experiencing real-life scenarios while learning from leading industry professionals. JCU students graduate job-ready, equipped with the practical skills and confidence required to face the challenges of the future.

JCU campuses are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment to allow optimal learning experiences. Our cutting-edge lecture theatres and our small tutorial sizes are designed to encourage collaborative learning and problem-solving.

The schools’ external study options offer flexibility for students who want to complete courses at their own pace or from a distance.

Application Deadline:

The priority deadline for scholarships is February 5, 2024.

Summary of Scholarship

  • University or Organization: James Cook University
  • Department: All departments (No departments are specified for the said scholarships)
  • Course Level: All courses
  • Award: $15,000
  • Number of Awards: N/A
  • How to Access: Can be accessed Online
  • Eligible Nationality: Both International and domestic students
  • Place of taking award: Can be taken in Australia

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible Countries: All nationalities.
  • Eligible Course or Subjects: The sponsorship will be awarded in any course of two or three-year duration offered by the University. After, that must submit an online application form for the programme.
  • Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following/given criteria:
  • Must be an international student studying on a valid student visa.
  • Must be a new commencing student in 2024 enrolled full-time in any course of two or three-year duration.
  • Applicants will be assessed on four criteria:
  • Eligibility under the program guidelines, Response to Written Submission questions, Academic merit (applicable for Master’s applicants only), any other criteria that the Selection Committee deems appropriate.

How to Apply

  • How to Apply: If you have an urge for this studentship, you are suggested to take affirmation in any course at James Cook University.
  • Supporting Documents: You must submit degree certificates, your previous year’s CV with your application, and a written statement of no more than 600 words outline:
  • Why have you chosen to study at JCU and in a regional community?
  • How do you plan to contribute to the local community during your studies at JCU? and
  • Why should JCU choose you to receive the Destination Australia Scholarship?
  • Admission Requirements: To be admitted, seekers must have to check the entry requirement at the University.
  • Language Requirement: If English is not your first language or mother tongue, you should provide evidence of your English language proficiency through one of the entry requirements or language tests.


James Cook University will provide the value of the support will be $15,000 per year. Scholarship payments will be made in 2 equal installments after the census date of Study Period 1 (March 25, 2024) and Study Period 2 (August 26, 2024).

Apply Here!


Scholarships are intended to mitigate the hardship of paying tuition in a foreign state, which is often quite exorbitant.

Thus, we hope that you apply for these available scholarships. Always remember that the trick is to apply for as many scholarships as possible. It predisposes you to several considerations from scholarship sponsors. You never know which one will click for you.

Cheers to several wins and bests of luck.


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