International Scholarships at Norwich University of the Arts in UK, 

This article contains the best international scholarships at Norwich University of the Arts in the UK in 2024

The Norwich University of the Arts is offering a range of merit-based scholarships for the academic year 2024. These scholarships are awarded to new international students for pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate programs.

The Norwich University of the Arts is a public university, based on a single site in the center of Norwich, in the United Kingdom. It is a higher education specializing in art, design, and media.

NUA requires all students to satisfy the English language requirements set by UK Visas and Immigration. Typically, students are asked to achieve an overall score of 6.0 with 5.5 in each section of the UKVI approved IELTS exam.

Scholarship Description:

  • Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate programs.
  • Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
  • Scholarship Award:
    International Student Scholarship: Global, undergraduate only: £5,000
    International Student Scholarship: Global, undergraduate or postgraduate: £2,000
    US Student Scholarship: US candidates, undergraduate or postgraduate: £2,000
    South Korean Student Scholarship: Korean candidates, undergraduate or postgraduate: £2,500
    UK-based International Student Scholarship: UK-based candidates, undergraduate or postgraduate: £1,000
    Russian Student Scholarship: Please contact the International Office for details
  • Number of Scholarships: Not given
  • Scholarship can be taken in the UK

Eligibility for the International Scholarships at Norwich University:

Eligible Countries: International students can apply for these scholarships.

Entrance Requirements: Scholarships are awarded on the strength of applicant portfolios and interviews as determined by course staff at the time of interview. Students must have overseas fee status and join NUA on three and four-year programs or postgraduate courses to be eligible.

The student must also take their place and submit a scholarship form to the International Office by the relevant deadline, agreeing to all associated terms and conditions in the process.

Advanced entry students are not eligible for the general scholarships, though they can apply for the country-specific scholarships in some instances.

English Language Requirements: NUA requires all students to satisfy the English language requirements set by UK Visa and Immigration. Typically students are asked to achieve an overall score of 6.0 with 5.5 in each section of the UKVI approved IELTS exam.

Exams must be taken at an approved test center and be no more than two years old when the visa application is submitted.

Application Deadline

Undergraduate scholarships: 3 April 2024

Singapore scholarship: 10 June 2024

Postgraduate scholarship: 10 June 2024

Application Procedure:

How to Apply:

Undergraduate applicants should submit their applications via The Universities and College Admission Service (UCAS). In some cases, undergraduate candidates can submit direct applications. MA candidates should submit direct applications. (ativan) You can find the application form on the Apply for an MA page or by contacting the International Office.

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