This post clearly describes how to win and apply for the Jimmy Rane Scholarship 2023. James W. “Jimmy” Rane had a concise vision when he started this foundation in 2000.

His ideology was to give back to society in whichever way he could, giving birth to the Jimmy Rane Foundation Scholarship.

At first, not everybody saw things from his perspective, but as time passed, they began to realize the good his ideology had done for society. Since then, many investors have invested considerable money into this foundation to ensure its vision is carried out.

James W. “Jimmy” Rane Clearly understood the pang that comes with a lack of finance to see a person through education, and Jimmy Rane Foundation has taken it upon themselves to help out through the provision of the Jimmy Rane Foundation Scholarship.

James W. “Jimmy” Rane is connected to society, which was why he communicated with them through their pain and found a way to curb it, which gave birth to this scholarship opportunity.

For many students, the biggest obstacle to higher education is money. That’s why the Jimmy Rane Foundation is offering a full-time scholarship.

The scholarship is open to a high school senior, college freshman, or sophomore progressing normally toward graduation in the Spring/Summer of 2024.

The Jimmy Rane Foundation is dedicated to providing college scholarships to deserving students and strengthening their communities through education projects and grants.

Winners of scholarships will receive award amounts ranging from $500 to $5,000 per year.

The Jimmy Rane Foundation was created with a simple yet powerful idea: “It’s about giving something back.” That was the guiding principle for James W. “Jimmy” Rane when he established the foundation in 2000. And that’s precisely what he and countless sponsors have been able to do since then.

A student studying in an eligible college or university can only use the scholarship. The institution must be accredited legally by the united state of America educational governing body.

The scholarship opportunity is unavailable for students seeking a degree or diploma in any online institution. Applicants must ensure they meet this scholarship’s requirements before considering applying because any missing prerequisites would deny a person the opportunity to gain this scholarship.

A non-citizen of the United States of America or an immigrant without a permanent residence permit from the U.S. government should not apply for this scholarship because they are ineligible.

Applicants should read this scholarship’s requirements, which would be available below, to equip themselves with them and apply for the scholarship like a boss.

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 Level/Field of Study 

This is one of the scholarships in the united states of America, which is open to students majoring in art-related courses, and they go for students majoring in science-related classes.

This differs from the scholarships that prefer some courses more than others.

This scholarship is open for all study fields as long as the applicant is in good academic standing and a legal citizen of the United States of America.

Also, high school graduating students, sophomores, and already enrolled students in any accredited tertiary institution in the united states of America are eligible to apply.

Host Nationality:

An average scholarship hosted by the united states of America has its distinct qualities, and the Jimmy Rane Foundation Scholarship is no different.

The Jimmy Rane Foundation Scholarship is a platform housed under the United States of America umbrella.

Host Nationality:

United States of America

Eligible Nationality:

The eligibility criteria to be considered for a Jimmy Rane Foundation Scholarship will only be complete if the eligible nationality is included.

Students enrolled full-time as a high school senior, progressing normally toward graduation in the Spring/Summer, with plans to enter college no later than the Fall following graduation OR

students enrolled full-time as first- or second-year college student, no older than 20 years of age as of August 1 of the year, and generally progressing toward a bachelor’s degree, who are legal citizens of the united state of America, is eligible to apply.

Eligible Nationality: United States of America.

How much is the Jimmy Rane Foundation Scholarship?

The Jimmy Rane Foundation Scholarship is worth a vast gross amount. The amount one receives from the Jimmy Rane Foundation scholarship has much to do with a student’s level of need.

The Jimmy Rane Foundation Scholarship award amount varies depending on the student’s need. The award amount ranges from $500 to $5,000 per year.

The award may be renewed annually for a maximum of four academic years (or eight semesters) as long as all requirements are fulfilled. Scholarship funds may only be used for tuition and fees, books, supplies and equipment, room and board, and travel or research.

Scholarship Requirements:

Requirements are one of the most important aspects of a scholarship.

When the requirements are met, the applicant is considered eligible for the scholarship award.

Below are listed the scholarship requirements which must be made available by the applicant before being considered eligible to apply for the Jimmy Rane Foundation Scholarship.

Students enrolled full-time as a high school senior, progressing normally toward graduation in the Spring/Summer 2024, with plans to enter college no later than the Fall following graduation OR students enrolled full-time as a college freshman or sophomore, no older than 20 years of age as of August 1, 2024, and progressing normally toward a bachelor’s degree.

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Scholarships from the Foundation shall be used only at an institution that normally maintains a regular faculty and curriculum and normally has a regularly organized body of students in attendance at the place where the educational activities are carried on and the U.S. Department of Education lists that as being accredited by recognized accrediting agencies.

Students seeking degrees through online or distance learning programs exclusively shall not be eligible for the Jimmy Rane Foundation minimum grade point average (G.P.A.) of 3.0 for graduating high school seniors and A minimum grade point average (G.P.A.) of 2.75 for college applicants U.S. citizenship, or permanent resident.

All applicants must reside (permanent home address) in one of the following states or the District of Columbia: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi,

South Carolina, Tennessee, Louisiana, Texas, North Carolina, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, Delaware, or New JerseyEmployees of Great Southern Wood Preserving, Incorporated, its parent, affiliates, subsidiaries, and their immediate family members and those living in

the same household of each is not eligible. Employees of Great Southern Wood Preserving, Incorporated, its parent, affiliates, subsidiaries, and their immediate family members and those living in the same household of each are not eligible Students must certify that they did not participate as a student-athlete (whether on partial or full athletic scholarship or otherwise) in intercollegiate sports during the prior semester (or quarter,

if applicable) or academic year and will not participate as a student-athlete in intercollegiate athletics during the coming semester (or quarter, if relevant) or academic year.

How to Apply:

Applying for the scholarship, the candidates can register & log in through the given link:


On the website, the applicant would be required to register; after registering, the person should fill out the form and follow the next procedure and subsequent ones.

Application Deadline:

Suppose the applicant needs to apply by this deadline. In that case, they must wait for the next open, available on December 1—Online Scholarship Application: December 1 – February 6, at 11:59 PM Pacific Time Zone.





Scholarship winners don’t just apply for a few scholarships; they apply for every scholarship they can and learn how to use the information shared on one application for many others. Scholarship essays can be used more than once, carefully examining word count and subject matter.

Often it only requires a few minor writing tweaks to turn one great essay into several, allowing the student to apply for more scholarships with less time spent on writing new essays for each one.

Application details are usually very similar, so making copies of all applications and simply transferring the information from one app to another is another way to save time and apply for more scholarships.

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Reading the fine print in all scholarship guidelines is crucial to correctly applying for scholarships and not wasting time using for those in which a student does not qualify.

For example, if the scholarship guidelines require applicants to have a 3.5 G.P.A. and above, a student with a 3.4 G.P.A. should not bother applying.

Scholarship judges first look for easy reasons to eliminate applicants and then take more time to narrow down the possible winners. Incomplete applications (not including all required materials) and ignoring clearly stated applicant guidelines are the easiest ways to have applications tossed into the loser’s pile.

Students who meticulously follow all guidelines will have a much better chance of winning the scholarship money, even before the judges begin to read their essays.


Scholarships should always be addressed or addressed because of the essay requirement. The essay is the student’s chance to show the judges, in great personal detail, exactly why they believe they deserve the scholarship money.

Many students only apply for scholarships with an essay, so these scholarships tend to have less competition, meaning a greater chance of winning for the savvy student who takes the time to write a compelling essay.


Because the competition is so great for most scholarships, students need to find ways to make their applications stand out and get noticed by the judges.

Little details like a paperweight, envelope size, precise and proper font type, activity or scholarship resume, quality letters of recommendation, and overall presentation of the scholarship application packet can make a huge difference in how a judge rates the applicant.

Simply filling out a scholarship application and casually mailing it to the required address may look like a student has done their best. However, learning to polish and perfect the application is crucial to winning college scholarships.

Online-only applications can also be submitted with extra details that most students don’t bother including but make a massive difference in the eyes of the judges.


Finding the time and motivation to work on college scholarship applications is significant for many students.

One great way to overcome this is to encourage students to apply for scholarships well before their peers.

Most students think about winning scholarships once they have applied to college and start seeing the considerable cost of higher education.

This is often the spring of their senior year of high school; by that time, many scholarship application deadlines have already come and gone.

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