Jindal Scholarship

It has always been one hell of a burden passing through the university or college especially when you are coming from a very humble background. We know that funding your business school education can be challenging. Never worry!  The Jindal Scholarship 2024 is for you!

The Jindal School of Management offers a variety of merit and need-based scholarships to help you meet this challenge.

The goal of the Scholarship scheme is to provide support to students who deserve a higher level of education.

The  Jindal scholarship scheme offers two forms of scholarships; Jindal undergraduate scholarship and Jindal graduate scholarship.

Each of these scholarships has specific criteria which may include: academic merit, residency status, community service, student organization/campus involvement, leadership and work experience to name a few.

Jindal Undergraduate Scholarship

The Jindal scholarship committee awards some merit-based scholarships to incoming and continuing undergraduate students in both the fall and spring semesters.

The school has an Undergraduate Scholarship Committee that reviews applications and, depending on the availability of funds, makes awards to the candidates who best satisfy the scholarship’s criteria and intention.

Level/Field of Study:

This Jindal scholarship is open to undergraduate scholarships only. Only students in the business major are eligible for this scholarship.

Host Nationality:

The Jindal scholarships for undergraduates is hosted and taken at the University of Texas, Dallas, United States.

Eligible Nationality:

Only citizens of the United States are eligible to enroll for the scholarship. Applicants must be graduating from a US high school to be eligible to apply for the Jindal scholarship.

Student’s Eligibility:

All first-time-in-college freshmen who have been admitted to UT Dallas as a Jindal School of Management undergraduate majors are automatically considered for this tuition and fees scholarship.

Incoming freshmen who have been awarded other tuition Scholarships/funding waivers aid are eligible provided their total award does not exceed $5,500 per semester.

But even so, students will need to take note of the following:

Candidates SAT/ACT scores, class rank, activities, achievements, leadership positions will be considered.

  • The Candidates must be graduating from a US high school.
  • Applicants must be enrolled in at least 15 semester credit hours.
  • They must be admitted as – and remain – a JSOM major.
  • The scholarship is applied to tuition and fees only

If you want to keep getting this scholarship, you must:

  • Have good academic standing
  • Have at least a UT Dallas GPA of 3.0
  • Be enrolled in 15 semester credit hours each semester

Scholarship Worth:

Recipients of the scholarship will be awarded $4,000 each year which is renewable every passing year for the next four years.

Recipients will receive an award totaling $12,000 distributed in designated increments over 4 academic years.

We also have 30 scholarships To Study In Ukraine For International Students.

Scholarship Number:

No particular number of beneficiaries is specified for this scholarship.

Application Deadline:

The portal for the scholarship opens this September. Watch this space for it.

You can apply for the Jindal Undergraduate scholarship here

Official scholarship website

Jindal Graduate Scholarship

The Jindal graduate scholarship is one of the Jindal scholarships. Unlike some other Jindal scholarships, this one particularly packaged for graduate students.

The scholarship is awarded to graduate students who are outstanding and competitive in their business career.

Each of the Jindal scholarships has specific criteria which may include: academic merit, residency status, community service, student organization involvement, leadership and work experience to name a few.

Also, see the NITDA Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme for Nigerian ICT Students

Level/Field of Study:

This scholarship is available to graduate students in the field of business. Only students enrolling in the Full-Time MBA Cohort program are automatically considered for these Jindal scholarships upon program application completion.

Students enrolling in the MS in Accounting Cohort, MS in Finance Cohort, MS in Business Analytics Cohort, MS in Financial Engineering and Risk Management, and any other Executive programs are not eligible for the scholarships listed below.

Host Nationality:

The Jindal scholarship for graduates is hosted and taken at the University of Texas, Dallas, United States.

Eligible Nationality:

Non-residents of Texas and International students are eligible to enroll for the graduate scholarship. Applicants can either be an international student or a non-resident of Texas to be eligible to apply for the graduate Jindal scholarships.

Student’s Eligibility:

  • Scholarship recipients must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 during the academic year.
  • Non-Texas residents including international students who receive a competitive scholarship of $1,000 or more during:
    • Fall semester may be eligible for in-state tuition for two consecutive semesters in that academic year (Fall and Spring semesters only and does not apply to Summer semester).
    • Spring semester may be eligible for in-state tuition for two consecutive semesters in that academic year (Spring and Summer semesters only).

Application Instructions:

If you must qualify for the Jindal scholarship 2024, you have to see these:

  • Scholarships are not transferable/deferrable. If a scholarship recipient defers admission, the scholarship will not be deferred and a new Jindal scholarship application form will be required to be filled for the semester of deferment.
  • Scholarships are non-renewable and cannot be combined or stacked with other scholarships awarded by JSOM, during the academic year.
  • Students must first complete the Jindal general scholarship application form and then complete each desired donor scholarship application prior to final submission. Apply for graduate scholarships through the scholarship application.
  • The JSOM Graduate Scholarship Application opens in Fall and Spring for new incoming students and in Fall only for current students.
  • Once a Jindal scholarship application form is submitted for a specific semester, students are unable to make any changes or apply for any other donor scholarships.
  • Students are expected to have fully read the criteria and requirements for each scholarship.
  • Failure to comply with scholarship requirements/criteria may result in the revocation of the scholarship.

Scholarship Worth:

Recipients of the Jindal graduate scholarship will receive an award up to $12,000.

Scholarship Number:

No particular number of beneficiaries is specified for this scholarship.

Application Deadline:

The portal for the scholarship opens this September. Watch this space for it.

You can apply for the graduate scholarship here

Official scholarship website

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