Czech Republic Government Scholarship for Developing Countries 

Are you from any of the developing countries or third world countries looking for Czech Republic Government Scholarships? Here we will be giving you a free list of Czech Republic Government Scholarship for both home and foreign nationals who wish to pursue their Undergraduate, Masters, and Ph.D. studies.

The Government of the Czech Republic offers scholarships within the framework of its Foreign Development Assistance in support of the study of foreign nationals from developing countries at public institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic.

These Government Scholarships are designed to cover the standard length of study

These scholarships are intended solely to promote the studies of adults who are foreign nationals from the eligible developing third countries

The Scholarship amount designated to the holders will cover for their tuition fees, accommodation, food, and most times transport fees.

17 Czech Republic Government Scholarship for Developing Countries 2022

Below are some Czech Republic Government Scholarship for home and foreign students and also, students from developing countries in 2024:

Government of Czech Republic Exchange Programme Scholarships 

The Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport of the Czech Republic (MEYS) annually offers scholarships to foreign nationals within the framework of intergovernmental exchange programs. Scholarships of this type are designed for university/college students or graduates and Ph.D. candidates(exceptionally for university researchers/teachers) who wish to undertake study or research visits.

Visit Czech public institutions of higher education.

Charles University Computer Science Tuition Fee Scholarships in the Czech Republic, 2022

The Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University is giving out Computer Science Tuition Fee Scholarship (CSTFS). The scholarship is open to candidates applying for the Bachelor’s or Master’s Programme in Computer Science, for the academic years beginning 2024. 

Application opens October and ends on April 30.


2024 JCMM Scholarships for International Students in the Czech Republic

Eligible applicants are invited to apply for the 2024 Harvard University Environmental Fellowship Program in the USA, all applications are to be submitted before the deadline. This Scholarship is available for pursuing PPh.D.studies or follow-up master studies at partner universities (Masaryk University, Brno University  

The application deadline is 1st December to 31st January.


UNESCO/IUPAC International Students Postgraduate Scholarship for 2024 – Czech

Over the years, more than 150 young researchers from different countries participated in UNESCO/IUPAC Courses (see archive) and contributed to a number of scientific projects. The participants receive monthly (increase valid from 1st January 2024) scholarship of CZK 9.500,-  (EUR 354,- ). Entries are been accepted for the UNESCO/IUPAC Postgraduate Scholarship for International Students 2024.

The deadline is in February.


2024 Czech Republic Government Scholarships for Foreign Students

The Government of the Czech Republic in her commitment to promoting education is delighted to call for applications for the 2024 Czech Republic Government Scholarships for Foreign Students and submission of applications will continue till 30 Sept. All foreign students are hereby encouraged to grasp the opportunity and make the best of it.

For the academic year 2024, the scholarship amounts to CZK 9,000 per month for those who do not hold a Master’s degree or equivalent and CZK 9,500 per month for holders of a Master’s degree or equivalent. Scholarship-holders are exempted from tuition fees.


2024 International Masters Scholarships at Silesian University in the Czech Republic

Applications are now available at Silesian University for scholarships for students enrolled in the Master in Business Economics and Management program. International Students are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

The purpose of this scholarship is to award outstanding achievements and to attract students of the highest caliber from around the world. The Dean of the SU SBA may award a one-time scholarship in the amount of 50.000 CZK to a maximum of 5 talented foreign students of the SU SBA.

It is a merit-based scholarship so you do not have to apply for it. If you are eligible in your application to the school, it will be granted.

The deadline is April 30.


CERGE-EI Ph.D. Scholarships in Economics for International Students in the Czech Republic 2024

CERGE-EI Ph.D. Scholarships in Economics for International Students in the Czech Republic. CERGE-EI Ph.D. Scholarships. Center for Economic Research & Graduate Education–Economics Institute (CERGE-EI) offers Ph.D. Scholarships for international students in the Czech Republic.

The Ph.D. in Economics program consists of 2 years of MA coursework followed by 2 – 3 years of supervised Ph.D. dissertation research, giving you both a Czech and US Ph.D. degree in Economics upon graduation. The majority of doctorate students are fully supported through tuition scholarships and stipends, as well as research and teaching opportunities. 

The deadline is March 31.


Ph.D. Positions in Masaryk University Department of Computer Science, Czech Republic, 2022

The Masaryk University Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Informatics, is making an open call for up to two Ph.D. positions with special funding in the University, in the Czech Republic.

Masaryk University is the second-largest university in the Czech Republic and it’s founded in 1919 in Brno as the second Czech university, it now consists of nine faculties and 35,115 students.

A stipend of net value at least 29000CZK per month (for standard doctoral stipend and the extra-departmental supplement of 10000CZK per month. The stipend is for successful applicants for the first 2 years, with a renewal for another 2 years. The total length of study is 4 years. 

The deadline is May 12.


Prague College Scholarships for International Students in the Czech Republic, 2022

Prague College Scholarships for International Students in the Czech Republic, 2024. Also, Prague College is proud to offer scholarships for international students to pursue undergraduate, master, and diploma programs.

These scholarships will cover up to 10%, 20% or more of tuition fees for either a single academic year or the duration of the program. All applicants are eligi2e to apply for scholarships that may be awarded in consideration of academic excellence, social engagement in school activities, or generally in society, financial need and special circumstances. 

Choose the exact scholarship for you as an international student.


Bakala Foundation Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships for Czech Students, 2022

Bakala Foundation inviting applications for up to 113 scholarships from Czech students for the academic year 2024. Scholarships are intended for students of basic university programs (undergraduate studies) and continuing students (graduate studies). #

The scholarship mission is to provide talented and committed young people with the opportunity to achieve academic success and subsequently fulfilling their goals in life.

Up to 113 scholarships will be awarded. Payment of tuition and accommodation will be made directly to the account of the university by the deadline required for the particular university. 

The amount to cover the cost of living will be transferred to your account at the time of commencement of studies.

The application is currently ongoing. It started on January 20 and the deadline is April 20.



This scholarship is awarded to a postgraduate student from the Czech Republic, Poland, Russia or Slovakia. The value of the award is a maximum of £4,000 per annum towards fees or maintenance costs or travel expenses. Applicants must have a previous degree program.

All students from every nationality are required to prove their English language competenceEntries are now been submitted for the Scholarship for Students from the Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, or Slovakia, 2024.


Government Scholarships for South Sudan and Ethiopian Students in the Czech Republic 2024

The Government of the Czech Republic offers scholarships for South Sudan and Ethiopian students in the Czech Republic. The scholarships are available for pursuing Undergraduate, Masters and Ph.D. degree level.

Government Scholarships are provided to study in two languages-Czech or English. The scholarship amount is regularly amended.

Currently, the amount paid to students of a Bachelor’s, Master’s or follow-up Master’s study program stands at CZK 14,000 per month, whereas the amount paid to students of a Doctoral study program stands at CZK 15,000 per month. 

The deadline for application is September.


Czech Government Bachelors and Masters Scholarships for Developing Countries 2024 – Charles University

The Czech Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport, the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University is offering Bachelor’s and Master’s scholarships to developing countries for the 2024 academic year. 

Under the terms of this grant, understudies will get a waiver of school expenses for their first semester of study, in addition to a coincidental installment of 50 000 CZK (around 2050 EUR) as a commitment towards living expenses. School expenses for the second semester of study won’t be deferred. 



Do well to make the best out of the available scholarship opportunities. Cheers!

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