Ongoing Local Scholarships In South Africa 

South Africa, one of the most influential and developed African countries, places a high value on the education of her citizens. Thus, many scholarships in South Africa exist as incentives for students.

It will also interest you that numerous government bodies, NGOs, organizations, etc are the benefactors of these scholarships and bursaries to South Africans each year.

In this read, We have compiled many ongoing scholarships and bursaries in South Africa, including all the necessary information to access these scholar aids.

The list below consists of PhD and other scholarships in South Africa for undergraduates and master’s students.

Kindly go through our table of contents to enable you to specify your read of the information contained here.

While you await the information on Scholarships in South Africa, I ask that you go through our brief answers to pertinent questions you may have on South African Scholarships.

How do you get a 100% scholarship?

Getting a 100% scholarship is not necessarily rocket science. It is solely looking for those scholarships that fund 100%.

It also knows the requirements the scholarship benefactor requests applicants meet and is careful to meet all such prerequisites.

Maybe more than just these three, but my point is, to study the eligibility criteria of every scholarship call-out, then meet each back-to-back.

As requested, here are 8 tips and tricks to get a 100% scholarship

1. Know where to search for scholarships;

Use a scholarship search engine, search on credible websites, blogs, schools update, etc. Just ensure you’re getting the authentic info on the call-out.

2. Prepare in advance for scholarships;

Don’t always be taken unawares; push your IQ a little harder, or maybe, your efforts require the pushing even to acquire results that attract scholarships.

Get involved with your community, and it is called volunteering. It often sells big-time for some major scholarships too.

Either way, whatever the major requirements will be; volunteer experience, GPA, etc, make such to have enough of that.

3. Work hard and stay motivated;

you MUST be your first cheerleader. Cheer yourself on, motivate you, then add some hard work to all that self-cheerleading!

Furthermore, be passionate, very passionate. It fuels and sustains hardwork.

4. Distinguish yourself from other applicants;

I cannot overemphasize this, STAND OUT! Give the scholarship sponsor what it wants, this you can achieve by deeply learning about scholarship odds. This gives you an advantage that enables you to interpret the requirements better.

Don’t just do well with your grades or volunteering experience or any other requirements, add ‘top-notch’ to it.

Literally, blow your own mind with your results, then we will be near too certain that your scholarship-benefactors will be overly blown.

For one, you will already be STICKING OUT from the rest of the applicants with such extreme great results. Keep pushing you!

5. Read the instructions meticulously;

NEVER be in a hurry to BRUSH through any scholarship’s instructions. That may be the beginning of rejections, but no, not for you, please.

However, you need to pause, breath, then read again very slowly. When you’re done, go another slow round.

In the end, you’ll find some near-unnecessary detail that could have caused you the award of the scholarship. So dear, always ensure you read every part of the instructions, even the numbering. (Grins away)

Also, don’t ignore the optional questions! The can be very tricky! Answer just everything. It could be what eventually stands you out.

6. Submit an exceptional essay or cover letter;

Want to hear some truth? Sometimes, you meet all the requirements, but, your only downer was the cover letter.

If you have to take a course, by all means, do! But you MUST perfect the art of drafting a SWELL cover letter.

Very strategically, look for essay contests and send in your essays to as many call outs as possible. It builds your essay writing skill better.

7. Apply to every eligible scholarship;

The trick to winning scholarships is often by applying for several at once. The more scholarships you apply for, the better chances you stand to win at least a few.

So, keep applying for as many eligible scholarships as possible.

8. Be Positive;

This cannot be over said. Search, read, apply, then, stay very positive about getting every scholarship. That is sure how winners keep winning.

You sure will want o get a great news while immersed in your positive energy, so yeah, allow yourself be immersed in that during the waiting.

The positive response from the scholarship-benefactors will eventually come, so relax already.

What GPA do I need for a free scholarship?

Although some scholarships are based on the GPA of a learner, most scholarships are not just about a student’s GPA. The GPA that you need to get a free scholarship differs from college to college.

A 3.0 average is one of the most common grade point average criteria for scholarships. Some scholarship benefactors could ask for a GPA like 3.5–3.7 on a 4.0 scale. They may rank you based on class (e.g. top 9% or 15% in your school). Others may look at the ACT or SAT ratings.

Again, every scholarship differs from the other, thus, they are solely responsible for setting their eligibility criteria, definitely not World scholarship forum.

What is the average college scholarship?

According to College Board’s “Trends in College Pricing 2019″ full report, $9,520$9,520 is the average scholarship or grant aid per undergraduate in 2018-2019. This average cost includes federal, state, institutional, private, and employer grants.

For the year 2024 and beyond, no new college scholarship average has been released. Thus, this remains the most current assessment of the average college scholarship.

Who qualifies for a bursary in South Africa?

All round, academically strong candidates studying or considering studying for a CA(SA) qualification, qualify for a bursary in South Africa.

BDO offers financial assistance to such candidates. More so, preference is given to those previously disadvantaged.

BDO allocates a bursary based on academic achievement and available financial resources. Our bursaries amounts vary based on each individual applicant’s circumstances or academics as well as the regions bursary budget.

You should note that the said bursaries exclude residence fees and are limited to registration fees, tuition fees and books for each year of study.

Bursary applications are processed throughout the course of the year as part of the training contract application process. This is because they need to consider the applicant’s end of year exam marks for the bursary application. Also, applicants only receive feedback once the exam marks are assessed.

To be considered for a bursary, you should meet the following criteria:

  • Be studying at an accredited university that offers South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) accredited programs through to Honours/CTA level.
  • NOT be signed with any other professional services firm to complete a Chartered Accountant training contract
  • NOT be in possession of a bursary/scholarship/financial assistance award which has employment obligations or post-training contract employment obligations;
  • Commitment to study towards a CA(SA) qualification with majors in accounting and auditing


Minimum “B” in Mathematics (Maths Literacy is not accepted)
Minimum “B” in English Home Language or as a 1st language
Overall average of 70% or higher in Grade 11 and Grade 12
Proof of provisional acceptance from a SAICA-accredited university for the CA(SA) program.

University students:

70% or more in Accounts I
65% or more in Accounts II
Continuation of a bursary for CTA will depend on achieving the minimum requirements as stipulated by the university.


How do you qualify for an NSFAS bursary?

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is a public entity reporting to the Department of Higher Education and Training. NSFAS provides financial assistance in the form of a study bursary to qualifying students who wish to study or are already studying at TVET colleges and public universities.


Applicants who are approved for NSFAS funding are covered by the following:

  • Registration
  • Tuition
  • Food
  • Accommodation or transport
  • Learning material
  • Personal care


You qualify for an NSFAS bursary if you are a South African citizen who plans to study in 2024 or you are already studying at a public university or TVET college and you meet the following requirements:

  • SASSA grant recipients or
  • Your combined household income is not more than R350 000 per year or
  • A person with a disability with a combined household income of not more than R600 000 per year or
  • Student who begun their university studies before 2018 and their household income is not more than R122 000 per year


NSFAS  may need more information from you to process your application, check what supporting documents are required, and ensure you have all the relevant information.

You will need the following to complete your NSFAS application: 

  • Your own cellphone number and email address
  • Copy of your ID or birth certificate
  • ID copies of parents, guardian or spouse
  • Your proof of income or 1 year’s IRP5 (if applicable)
  • Your parents, guardian or spouse’s proof of income
  • If you are a SASSA grant recipient, no proof of income will be required
  • Applicants with a disability must submit a completed and signed Disability Annexure A Form, click here to download
  • An applicant who is recognised as a Vulnerable Child by the Department of Social Development must provide a completed and signed Vulnerable Child Declaration and Consent Form, click here to download.

You can apply online using a cellphone, tablet or computer. Follow these simple steps to apply:

1: Go to and click on the ‘myNSFAS’ tab
2: Create a myNSFAS account
3: Click on the ‘APPLY’ tab and answer the questions on the screen
4: Upload the required supporting documents then click on ‘submit’

After you click on ‘submit’, your application reference number will appear on the screen. The reference number will also be sent to your cellphone number and email address.


NSFAS Connect: and log into your myNSFAS account
Facebook: National Student Financial Aid Scheme
Twitter page: @myNSFAS
Instagram: @myNSFAS

Deadline: Applications close on November 30.

Ongoing Local Scholarships in South Africa 2024

  • Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academic Scholarship Application
  • Stellenbosch University Postdoctoral Fellowship in South Africa
  • Scholarships for South Africans | National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS)
  • UCT and African MasterCard Foundation Scholarships in South Africa
  • Fully funded Interdisciplinary Bilateral Master Scholarships in South Africa
  • Allan Gray Entrepreneurship Scholarship/Fellowship for South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, and Swaziland Students
  • African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Bursaries South Africa 
  • Ernst & Ethel Eriksen Trust Bursary Grant South Africa 
  • HWSETA Postgraduate Bursary South Africa 
  • Doug Banks Master Scholarship In Renewable Energy In South Africa
  • Young South Africans Investec Tertiary Bursary Programme
  • Guy Butler Research Award In South Africa At Rhodes University
  • South African Media Innovation Challenge
  • Deloitte Bursary South Africa
  • Maize Trust Bursary South Africa

Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academic Scholarship Application

Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa has its focus on less privileged girls from grades 8-12 in South Africa. The Academy is a female boarding school founded by Oprah Winfrey to provide educational and leadership opportunities for academically gifted girls from impoverished backgrounds.

Scholarship Worth/Application Deadline/Link

This South African Scholarship is a fully-funded one and application submission ends on 15 February annually.

You can get more information about the scholarship and how to apply by visiting the link: Scholarship Link

Stellenbosch University Postdoctoral Fellowship In South Africa

Applications are invited to study in South Africa for the joint postdoctoral research position in Sport & Exercise Medicine. The area of postdoctoral research will be on the molecular and cellular basis of sport and exercise medicine.

Scholarship Worth/Application Deadline/Link

Successful Applicants will gain the opportunity to study in this prestigious institution.

Read more about the deadline and how to apply Scholarship Link.

Scholarships For South Africans | National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS)

Application for 2024 NSFAS funding is now open for applications for all new South African students. This is one of the Scholarships in South Africa for undergraduates/diploma or postgraduate students.

Scholarship Worth/Application Deadline/Link

NSFAS is a fully-funded South African Scholarship, and the application is currently on for interested applicants.

You can get more information about the scholarship and how to apply by visiting the link: Scholarship Link

UCT and African MasterCard Foundation Scholarships in South Africa

African MasterCard Foundation Scholarships in South Africa is a fully-funded scholarship available to both undergraduate and postgraduate students to study the following course of study, Commerce, Engineering and Built Environment, Health Sciences, Humanities, Law or Sciences. Interest candidates can APPLY HERE.

Fully funded Interdisciplinary Bilateral Master Scholarships in South Africa

This South African scholarship is open to both South African citizens and citizens from other countries in sub-Saharan Africa to pursue their master’s studies.  The application for this program starts in June. For more information on the scholarship, interested applicants should click Scholarship Link.

Allan Gray Entrepreneurship Scholarship/Fellowship for South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, and Swaziland Students

The Allan Gray Orbis Foundation is offering  Allan Gray Fellowship to Southern Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Swaziland Grade 12 and 1st Year University students to develop future high impact, responsible entrepreneurs.

The Fellowship includes comprehensive tertiary education financial support alongside exposure to thought leaders, mentorship and entrepreneurial mindset development. For more information on the scholarship, interested applicants should CLICK HERE.

AIMS Bursaries is one of the Bursaries in South Africa for South Africans. Applicants who have finished their studies at AIMS could qualify for a not full bursary (to the amount of R90 000) to pursue a Ph.D. degree at an SA university. Applicants can download and complete the application form HERE.

For more information on this bursary, interested applicants should Scholarship Link.

For any bursary queries, please contact:

Tel: 021 787 9320


Ernst & Ethel Eriksen Trust Bursary Grant South Africa

Ernst & Ethel Trust are awarding  Bursaries in South African for Doctorate degree qualifications. Bursaries of a value not more than R20,000 would be made available for one year at a time and applicants are required to seek funding each year. Application for this scholarship opens on 1 August and closes on 30 September each year. Interested persons can get more information and how to apply Scholarship Link.

HWSETA Postgraduate Bursary South Africa

The HWSETA Postgraduate Bursary in South Africa will finance only postgraduate students pursuing areas of study relating to Health and Social Development strictly, and the application deadline is dated 30 July. For more information on the scholarship, interested applicants should click Scholarship Link.

Notwithstanding, the application form for this scholarship can also be downloaded and completed HERE.

Doug Banks Master Scholarship In Renewable Energy In South Africa

Doug Banks Master Scholarships South Africa In Renewable Energy in South Africa is two-year funding targeted at South African Students from a background of engineering, science, technology, built environment, or the law.

For more information on the scholarship and how to apply, interested applicants should Scholarship Link.

Young South Africans Investec Tertiary Bursary Programme

Investec, in partnership with StudyTrust, provides the funding necessary to see young South Africans with academic potential get to university. The benefits include a full bursary per year towards study-related expenses mentorship, and to mention but a few.

For more information on the scholarship and how to apply, interested applicants should Scholarship Link.

Guy Butler Research Award In South Africa At Rhodes University

This South African Scholarship award is open to any student pursuing full-time Postgraduate studies in English and English-related courses. Successful candidates for the honors, Masters and Doctoral programs will receive R45,000, R60,000, and R80,000, respectively. However, all applications are to be submitted on or before 2 October.

For more information on the scholarship and how to apply, interested applicants should Scholarship Link.

South African Media Innovation Challenge

South African Media Innovation Challenge is open to South Africans in media who are interested in searching for new ways to connect people with information. A total of ZAR 3 million of grant funding is available to support independent media (covering existing companies, non-profits, and new ventures) in South Africa. However, the application deadline is dated 31 October each year.

For more information on the scholarship and how to apply, interested applicants should Scholarship Link.

Deloitte Bursary South Africa

Each year, Deloitte awards bursaries to deserving students. Bursaries are awarded to learners studying towards a SAICA-accredited Chartered Accountancy stream degree qualification (undergraduate or postgraduate). The bursary award will cover the following expenses: tuition fees, prescribed book, and accommodation (to a capped amount).

However, there is no deadline for this scholarship as submission of applications is open all year round, and students are welcome to apply at any time.

For more information on the scholarship and how to apply, interested applicants should Scholarship Link.

Maize Trust Bursary South Africa

The Maize Trust will be presenting and dispatching bursaries to applicants within fields related to the Agricultural sector and to the South African maize industry. All applications should be submitted on or before 31 January.

For more information on the scholarship and how to apply, interested applicants should Scholarship Link.


It’s all spilt here; tips, tricks and strategies to get full scholarships in South Africa, the actual scholarships you should be going for in the country and answers to every other specific question you may have about South African scholarships.

What is most important, however, is what you do with these goldmines of information. Don’t waste them, they are targeted out enabling you to build a splufic future. GO FOR YOUR DREAMS!

Cheers to constant winnings!


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