Ongoing Local Scholarships In Sudan 

Are you a Sudanese student looking for financial aid to pursue your academic dream? Here are ongoing local scholarships in Sudan, 2024.

Sudan, officially the Republic of Sudan, is a country in Northeast Africa. It is bordered by Egypt to the north, the Red Sea to the northeast, Eritrea to the east, Ethiopia to the southeast, South Sudan to the south, the Central African Republic to the southwest, Chad to the west, and Libya to the northwest.

Sudan, once the largest and one of the most geographically diverse states in Africa, split into two countries in July 2011 after the people of the south voted for independence.

Therefore, If you are a qualified scholar needing help to realize your dreams, don’t miss out on the following scholarships in Sudan.

These Sudanese scholarships provided on this portal are very much available for Undergraduates, Masters, and Ph.D. students. Some of these scholarships are from the governments, local companies, international organizations, and financial aid bodies who have taken it upon themselves to see that students like you get the required financial help you need not minding the civil unrest in the region.

Scholarships for Sudanese students 

We have provided you with the scholarships in Sudan for tertiary students, offered by some of the major learning institutions in Sudan, and other learning institutions from across the world that are ready to give a helping hand to the Sudanese students.

We have also highlighted the level needed for each scholarship and the application links. Most of the scholarships are open, so take advantage of these opportunities.

The Local Scholarships in Sudan are listed below:

#13 Aga Khan Foundation Scholarship for Developing Countries (Masters & Ph.D.)

His Highness, Aga Khan, founder, and chairman of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is the 49th hereditary Imam (spiritual leader) of the Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims.

The Aga Khan Foundation grants a limited number of scholarships each year for postgraduate studies to excellent students from developing countries with financial challenges.

The Aga Khan scholarship is for Masters and Ph.D. students.  The Foundation assists students with tuition fees and living expenses only. The cost of travel is not included in the Aga Khan scholarships.

To qualify for Aga Khan Foundation Scholarship, you need to possess the following;

  • Excellent academic records
  • Genuine financial need
  • Admission to a reputable institution of higher learning and
  • Thoughtful and coherent educational and career plans.

#12 $50,000 OPEC/OFID Scholarships for Developing Countries

The OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) is the development finance institution instituted by the Member States of OPEC in 1976 as a channel of aid to the developing countries.

In furtherance to the idea of international development, OFID gave rise to a scholarship for developing countries.

The Scholarship is available for those students who wish to study for a Master’s degree. The winners of the OFID Scholarship Award will receive a full-tuition scholarship of up to the US $50,000.

This is another Local Scholarships in Sudan for students.

#11 Sudanese Students Global Program in Advocacy

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is the United Nations’ global development network. It draws funds from voluntary contributions from member nations. The organization operates in 177 countries, where it works with local governments to meet development challenges and develop local capacity.20

The Global Programme is open for Sudanese graduates sponsored by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Sudan.

#10 Government Scholarships for Sudan students

The Government of the Czech Republic offers scholarships for South Sudan and Ethiopian students in the Czech Republic. The scholarships are available for pursuing undergraduate, masters, and PhD degree level.

Government Scholarships are provided to study in two languages-Czech or English.

The scholarships are available for pursuing undergraduate, master’s, and Ph.D. degree levels. Currently, the amount paid to students of a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or follow-up Master’s study program stands at CZK 14,000 per month, whereas the amount paid to students of a Doctoral study program stands at CZK 15,000 per month.

#9 MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program for African Countries 

The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program for African countries is a 10-year, $500 million global initiative to educate and develop next-generation leaders who will contribute to the social and economic transformation of Africa.

This program targets academically qualified, yet economically disadvantaged young people in South Africa, SADC, and the rest of Africa, who will contribute to the transformation of the continent.

Scholarship benefits:

  • Full tuition fees
  • Accommodation in a UP residence
  • Meals
  • Books and printed material
  • A modest monthly stipend
  • Medical aid (Ingwe only)
  • Travel costs (one return trip for the duration of the study period)
  • Cost of one visa application for the duration of the study period

#8 P4hpt Ph.D. and Masters Scholarships for African Students

Partnering for Health Professionals Training in African Universities (P4HPT) is an EU-funded project under the Intra-ACP Academic Mobility Scheme that aims at building capacity of health professionals.

This is one of the Ongoing Local Scholarships in Sudan 2024 open to PhD and Masters program.

The P4hpt PhD and Masters Scholarships cover:

  • Round-trip flight ticket and visa costs (using a preferred travel agent and calculated against direct linear distance)
  • Direct participation costs such as tuition fees, registration fees, and service fees, where applicable
  • Comprehensive Travel Insurance (Health, Accident, and Travel)
  • A monthly subsistence allowance for the mobility period
  • Master: €600 for 24 months
  • Doctorates: €900 for 48 months
  • Staff: €1000 for 6 months

The scholarship is awarded for up to 24 months for masters program; 48 months for a doctoral program and up to 6 months for staff.

#7 Stanford Africa MBA Fellowship

Stanford GSB is excited to contribute to the region’s human and economic development by educating leaders through The Stanford Africa MBA Fellowship 2024.

This is for graduate students to obtain an MBA at Stanford GSB. 

The Stanford Africa MBA Fellowship Program pays for tuition and associated fees (approximately US $170,000).

Considerations and selections are made based on these three criteria:

  • Intellectual vitality
  • Demonstrated leadership potential
  • Personal qualities and contributions that will add to the class.

#6 Catholic University of the Sacred Heart Africa Scholars Program

As part of its mission to foster relationships with developing countries, the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart is pleased to call for applications for the Africa Scholars Program at University.

These Scholarships are available to pursue postgraduate degree programs taught. all accepted applicants will be offered tuition fee reductions.

Through the Catholic African Program, all accepted applicants will be offered tuition fee reductions. Students should expect to cover a minimum of €850 per month for rent and food. Living costs in Piacenza and Cremona are approximately €200 per month lower than in Milan and in Rome.

#5 Macquarie University Africa Development Scholarship in Australia

Macquarie University is awarding the Africa Development Scholarship to qualifying Africans. This award enables them to pursue the undergraduate or postgraduate program. Therefore, African students are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

Annually, the sum of AU$5000 is donated for your tuition fees.

#4 David Oyedepo Foundation Scholarships for African Students

David Oyedepo Foundation is offering a full-tuition scholarship for African students to study at the Covenant University and Landmark University for undergraduate degrees. This scholarship takes care of your Books, Accommodation, and Other Expenses.

The scholarship aims to groom youth leaders who are ready to put their learned skills to work in leading organizations, communities, and their local countries.

Oyedepo Foundation Scholarship is for students, pursuing their Masters, Undergraduate, and Secondary Program. Full Academic fees for a maximum of 5 years.

#3 €10,000 Scholarships For Africans In Singapore, France & Abu-Dhabi

This scholarship is worth €10,000 is clearly provided to Africans who need financial help in pursuing their MBA programs.

#2 Mandela Rhodes Scholarships For African Citizens

The Mandela Rhodes scholarship program is a combination of financial support for postgraduate studies and a high-quality leadership development program. This scholarship aims to build exceptional leadership capacity in Africa.

The Scholarship caters for the following:

  • Tuition and registration fees as set by the institution;
  • A study materials allowance as set by the MRF;
  • Accommodation and meal allowances as set by the MRF;
  • A medical aid allowance as set by the MRF;
  • Economy-class travel allowance for international Scholars only from the Scholar’s home to their institution at the beginning and back home at the end of their degree program;
  • Personal allowance.

#1 TWAS Young Scientists International Awards for Developing Countries 

TWAS recognizes and supports individual scientists in developing countries who have made excellent contributions to the growth of science, measured in terms of the number and impact of scientific research papers published in internationally recognized journals.

Each year the Academy awards eight TWAS prizes of USD15, 000 each. Each prize is accompanied by a medal. The selection of the awardees is made on scientific merit and on the recommendations of the selection committees composed of TWAS members.

FAQs On Local Scholarships In Sudan

Of course, you can actually get a scholarship to study abroad from Sudan. All you need to do is visit for details.

Yes, it is. As a matter of fact, the average Stanford GSB fellowship for the class of 2024 was approximately $40,000 per year or $80,000 in total awards.

The Government of the Czech Republic offers scholarships for South Sudan and Ethiopian students in the Czech Republic. The scholarships are available for pursuing undergraduate, masters, and PhD degree level.


These Local scholarships for Sudanese students are inexhaustive, therefore I recommend you explore our Sudan scholarship category for more free Sudan bursaries.


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