LPDP Scholarships 2024| UPDATED

If you’re an Indonesian student looking to grab a master’s or Ph.D. degree in Engineering, Science, Agriculture, Accounting/Finance, Law, or Religion for free, this post is for you.

The LPDP Scholarships program in 2024 sponsors your education as an Indonesian graduate student in any of these disciplines if you show academic prowess and leadership qualities.

See what you need to do to apply for and win this scholarship successfully.

About the 2024 LPDP Scholarship

The LPDP Scholarships are open, and apply now. The LPDP scholarship program application for the 2024 Education Endowment Fund (LPDP), a scholarship program organized by the Ministry of Finance, officially opened on Monday.

With this LPDP grant, beneficiaries receive LPDP support costs, including masters or doctoral programs, including initial costs (initial allocation) and regular costs (regular allocation).

The Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education (Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan / LPDP) sponsors graduate programs in master’s and doctoral programs. Programs at the University of Twente.

The grant aims to support the supply of trained and qualified Indonesian human resources with leadership qualities and a strong vision as future leaders of the LPDP scholarship in Indonesia.

Applicants to the LPDP scholarship program are Indonesian citizens with excellent academic performance and strong leadership who wish to continue their Master’s and Ph.D. programs.

Studies at the University of Twente, whether in areas similar or different from those previously studied. The University of Twente is one of the 200 most suitable and preferred partner institutions of the LPDP.

According to Kompas.com, the LPDP scholarship program targets Indonesian students with excellent academic results and leadership excellence. Successful applicants will receive funds to continue their studies through an LPDP scholarship.

This includes a full scholarship for the best university programs. BPI fellows are Indonesian citizens with excellent academic performance and strong leadership who wish to continue their studies at the Master’s or Ph.D. level.

See: Beit Trust Scholarships for Zambian, Zimbabwean, and Malawian Students 2024

Level/ Field of Study

The LPDP Scholarships 2024 is for master’s and doctoral students pursuing their master’s and doctoral programs.

The Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education Scholarship focuses on six priority scientific areas, which includes

If you are searching for undergraduate scholarships, click the links to various categories to find other scholarships available in 2024.

Host Nationality

The Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education scholarship is to be hosted in Indonesia. If you are an international student and desire to study in the United States, Check out the best scholarships available for study in the ASIA.

You can utilize these scholarship opportunities to solve most of your academic problems. Check out other scholarships you can apply for in 2024 to study in EuropeAfricaAmerica, etc.

Eligible Nationality

The LPDP scholarship program is available to Indonesian citizens in Indonesia. Read also if you wish to study outside your country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education Scholarship Benefits

  • University Fees:
  1. Admission fees(at cost);
  2. Tuition fees, including non-language matriculation (at cost);
  3. Non-tuition fees can be used for financing books, thesis/dissertation, seminars, publications, and graduation (package, annual, accumulative).
  • Supporting Fees:
  1. Transportation fees from the region of origin to the target university and back (once for each trip, at cost),
  2. Health insurance (package),
  3. Visa (at cost),
  4. Living allowance (package),
  5. Family support (package),
  6. Settlement allowance (package),
  7. The incentive for the top university which fulfills the requisites of LPDP,
  8. Emergencies/force majeure agreed upon by LPDP.

The LPDP scholarship program is awarded for a maximum of two years for the master’s program and four years for the doctoral program.

Who Can Apply For LPDP Scholarships 2024| Eligibility?

Applicants for the LPDP scholarship program must meet the following conditions:

  • Indonesian citizen
  • Take a bachelor’s degree
  • Has a leadership role
  • Participate in social, scientific, innovative, creative, or cultural activities.
  • Write an essay (500 to 700 words) about “My contribution to Indonesia.”
  • The maximum age of applicants on 31 December of the registration year is 35.
    Health certificate

Health Certificate

Candidates must have valid health certificates and medicines issued by a hospital. Anyone wishing to study abroad must also submit a tuberculosis repayment certificate issued by a hospital.

Letter of recommendation for the LPDP scholarship program

Those who have not worked must receive a recommendation letter from a church leader. During this time, employees can attach a letter of recommendation from their supervisor.

Declaration letter

Applicants must sign a letter stating they will return to Indonesia after completing their studies. The letter should also state that they do not engage in illegal activities or join an organization that opposes the Pancasila ideology.

How To Apply For LPDP Scholarships 2024

Registration will open on 2 July. Students will have three months to prepare all documentation needed for submission on 21 Sept. Different shortlisting methods will be used to process candidates’ applications. Please visit the LPDP website for more information.

LPDP Scholarships 2024 Deadline

The registration period will run until June 8th annually on their website. If you’re looking for information about LPDP requirements, you should see the list below.


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