Koffi Addo Writivism Prize for Creative Non-Fiction Guidelines

Writing can be fun but there is great excitement when you are rewarded for your creativity and hard work.

So, in this article Koffi Addo Writivism Prize for Creative Non-Fiction Guidelines. Read through to know the eligibility requirements.

Koffi Addo Writivism Prize

The Koffi Addo Writivism Prize for Creative Non-Fiction is an annual award for creative non-fiction by emerging African writers administered by the Center for African Cultural Excellence (CACE).

Eligibility                                               .

  • Entrants must be unpublished writers (unpublished here means those who have not had a book published), residents of an African country. Questions of eligibility shall be resolved by the CACE administration and their decision is final
  • Only one entry per writer may be submitted for the Koffi Addo Writivism Prize for Non-Fiction. The story must be original and previously unpublished in any form (including on the writer’s personal blog).
  • All entries will be checked automatically for plagiarism using electronic software. Entries found to be plagiarized will be disqualified without notification to the writer.
  • All entries must be in English, and 2,500 – 3,500 words long.
  • Entries should be attached in Microsoft Word or Rich Text formats, with the title of the story as the file name. The first page of the story should include the name of the story and the number of words.
  • The entry must be typed in Times New Roman 12-point font and 1.5 line spacing. No mention should be made of the identity of the writer in the entry.

More information

  • Each entry shall be acknowledged independently by email, and sent after the deadline.
  • Entrants agree as a condition of entry that CACE may publicize the fact that a story has been entered or shortlisted for the Prize.
  • Worldwide copyright of each story remains with the writer. CACE will have the unrestricted right to publish and translate the short-listed stories in an anthology and elsewhere.
  • The writer shall not publish the shortlisted story elsewhere, until ten years from the first date of the original publication by CACE.
  • Shortlisted writers will edit their stories with a commissioned editor prior to publication in the annual anthology. Failure to cooperate with the editorial team will lead to exclusion of the story from the anthology.


  • Short listed writers may be invited to attend the annual Writivism Festival in Kampala, Uganda, from August 24 – 27, 2024.
  • The winner of the prize will be awarded $500 (USD) cash and may be considered for a one month writing residency at a university in an African country.
  • The winner will be required to produce a complete first draft of a publishable creative nonfiction manuscript before the residency.
  • The winner, on taking up the residency commits to publishing the manuscript edited through the residency, under the Writivism Series with a CACE partner publisher.
  • The 2024 prize judging panel comprises EC Osondu (Chair), Angela Kintu and Panashe Chigumadzi.


  1. Entries must be submitted online, by emailing them to info@writivism.comas attachments (not in the body email), clearly labeled in the subject: Koffi Addo Prize
  2. The writer must include in the body of the email, other information about him/her, as country of residence, age, legal name and pen name (where applicable), and telephone contact.


The deadline for receiving entries was March 31, 2024, at midnight GMT.

WEBSITE LINK:https://writivism.org/2017/02/01/2017-koffi-addo-writivism-prize-for-creative-non-fiction-guidelines/

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