Mahadbt Scholarship  | Mahadbt Scholarship Form

The Government of Maharashtra is glad to announce its mahadbt scholarship in 2024.

Mahadbt Scholarship is an initiative of the Government of Maharashtra and a social group.

Under MahaDBT, Government provides scholarships to needy students both undergraduate and postgraduates.  The application form for the Mahadbt Scholarship can be obtained directly Online.

For many students, financial help is necessary to keep the study continue. Scholarships are the most acceptable form of financial support because we don’t need to repay.

Finding a good scholarship is a challenging task but doing some research is worth your time and effort. It all looks difficult to you so we decided to shed some light on it and make it a little easy for you.

In this article, we will share with you all the information you need to help you apply for the mahadbt scholarship 2024. You will learn about the criteria that make you eligible to apply, the worth of the scholarship, and how to apply for the scholarship.

If you are from Maharashtra and searching for a Mahadbt scholarship then this is the right article for you. We have good news for you that Maharashtra Govt. announced an e-Scholarship exclusively for Maharashtra students. Below is the basic knowledge about it.

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  • Because it is govt based scholarship, reservation applies as well.  It is different for the different cast categories Like SC, ST, NT, SBC & OBC.

Maharashtra is a state spanning west-central India, is best known for its fast-paced capital, Mumbai (formerly Bombay). This sprawling metropolis is the seat of the Bollywood film industry. It also has sites like the British Raj-era Gateway of India monument and cave temples at Elephanta Island. To the south is the rustic, beach-lined Konkan Coast. In the city of Pune, Aga Khan Palace is a memorial to Mahatma Gandhi.

About The Sponsor |What is MahaDBT.Gov.In?

First of all, I want to inform you that the scholarship website is changed after the latest update by the Maharashtra government. is the new official portal for Mahadbt e-Scholarship 2024. They also update the scholarship name from mahaeschol to Mahadbt.

Update: Maheschol.Maharashtra.Gov.In was the old website and it is no longer accepting new application forms for the scholarship. Now the official site is and don’t make any mistakes.

What You Need To Know About The  MahaDBT Maharashtra e-Scholarship

This is one of the best e-Scholarship if you clear the criteria. In this article, we are going to provide details regarding Mahadbt eligibility criteria, required documents, and last date, etc. We will try to answer your questions regarding Mahadbt Scholarship in the below comment section.

MahaDBT Maharashtra e-Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

You need to fall under the mahadbt eligibility criteria decided by the Government of Maharashtra. If you pass the criteria rules then don’t forget to apply because you will not get anything until you apply for it.

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  • Maharashtra Exclusive: The Mahadbt e-Scholarship eligibility criteria clearly state that this is strictly for Maharashtra-born candidates OR you must have a permanent resident certificate from Maharashtra.
  • You must be studying in Maharashtra.
  • You must have completed your past study from Maharashtra only. Anyone who studied in any other state of India will not be eligible to apply Mahadbt e-scholarship.
  • Senior Secondary result: You can apply only if you passed Senior Secondary exams with a 60% or above percentage. It is a must or you can’t apply.
  • Cast Category: Only the following caste categories students are allowed to apply.
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  • SC – Schedule Caste
  • ST – Schedule Tribes
  • VJNT – Vimukta Jat Nomadic Tribes
  • SBC – Special Backward Class
  • OBC – Other Backward Class
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The scholarship is open to both undergraduates and postgraduates students to study any course of their choice in Maharashtra state. Get access to our Scholarship by subjects, here you can access all our scholarships available to any level in all fields of study.

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The scholarship is taken in Maharashtra state INDIA.  We also recommend that you browse through our scholarship by country to find different scholarships available for your country of choice.

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This scholarship is open to Indians ONLY to take in Maharashtra state. Check out our fully funded scholarships for other scholarship opportunities you can grab.

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The applicants will receive a DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) Which means the scholarship fund will be directly transferred into your account.

Documents Required to apply for Mahadbt e-Scholarship or mahadbt registration

You can apply online and with our guide, it is super easy to do so. You need some documents to prove your eligibility. Here is the list of documents required while applying online. It is important to scan your document before start applying to avoid any missing document problems.

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  • Caste Certificate.
  • Income Certificate of Form 16.
  • Nivas Praman Patra OR Residence Certificate of Maharashtra.
  • Keep all the mark sheets of previously passed exams near as it needs some information as per market-sheets.
  • Non-Creamy Layer Certificate

How To Apply For Scholarship From MahaDBT | mahadbt registration

Time needed: 30 minutes

Try to apply as soon as possible if you have not done yet. You can read about the last date of mahadbt scholarship application. We have done all the research for you and made a step-by-step guide for applying to the Mahadbt e-scholarship. Follow the steps below-

  1. Open Portal

    Visit the official portal of

  2. Click On New Registration

    Click on the New Registration button on the right side. Or click here to open the registration page.

  3. Select Aadhaar Card As Registration Method

    We will recommend choosing the Aadhaar card option because all of you already have an Aadhaar card. Aadhaar card is already attached to your Bank account, Your PAN card, and other documents so it helps the website to find the user details in govt database easily.
    It is a simple 5 minutes process if you use your Aadhaar card to register on We are also going to provide the step-by-step process with screenshots.
    So after step 2, click “Yes” and the “continue” in the window below.

  4. Verify Aadhaar Number Using OTP

    Select the options “1” and “2” indicated in the below screenshots. You will get a box to fill in the Aadhaar card number after that. Now fill in your Aadhaar card and click on “Send OTP”. Simply verify the OTP which you will get on your registered Aadhaar mobile number.
    After verifying OTP, You will get all your information (Like the name, father’s name, etc.) on your screen and you don’t need to fill it again here. That’s why I insist to use the Aadhaar card while registering. The website pulled all the information from Govt database accurately.

  5. Create Username and Password

    You just need to enter a username and password now which will allow you to log in to the Mahadbt portal next time. Use a moderately strong password and never use your name or predictable password.
    Password must contain at least a small letter, a capital letter, one special character, and a number. Otherwise portal will not accept it. The length of the password should be at least 8 characters.
    Your registration process is complete
    We suggested the Aadhaar card process as it is super easy to register for Mahadbt Maharashtra E-Scholarship with it. If you face any problem, try to register for some time or the next day. Also, try to update your browser or change the browser.

  6. Apply for Post or Pre Matric Scholarship of Maharashtra Via MahaDBT

    Once you log in with the username and password, you can scroll to the Apply Schemes -> Category -> E-Scholarship. You will find all the Scholarships are listed there.
    Now, this is your profile and dashboard and you can apply, check status directly from here. You can also check eligibility from Check Eligibility -> E-Scholarship.

More Useful tips submitted by Users

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  • Once you log in for the first time with your username and password, students will be asked to enter some more details like Your Scholarship Scheme, bank details, photo, Education details, Applicant details, User account management.
  • Once you submit your online Scholarship, please wait for a while till the concerned authority verifies and approves your application for eligibility condition as per the information provided.
  • Now your application is submitted and in case you want to track the status of your application, please log in with the credentials and track it.

So this was all about MahaDBT, Mahaeschol, or DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) if you have any queries about this site do let us know through the comment section. We will get back to you quickly!

Also, answer the queries of other students, they are like you and me and seeking help.

And, don’t forget to share this article with your friends on Social media like Facebook, Google+ & WhatsApp

How to redeem mahadbt scholarship

If you’re selected for a mahadbt mahait scholarship, you’ll receive a link to redeem it via SMS or email. Follow the link enter your user id and password after login simply clicks Redeem Scholarship. After the first installment redeems do not forget to redeem the Maharashtra scholarship for the second installment after a few days.

How to edit mahadbt scholarship form

These steps include:

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  • Contact your institute immediately.
  • Request the refusal of the correction of the application form.
  • Enter your application ID (application ID) in college.
  • Write on plain paper to correct the mistake in the details needed to process the scholarship form.

How to fill scholarship form mahadbt

This is an easy step to take. Just easily follow the procedures below:

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  • Step 1: Open Portal. …
  • Step 2: Click On New Registration. …
  • Step 3: Select Aadhaar Card As the Registration Method. …
  • Step 4: Verify Aadhaar Number Using OTP. …
  • Step 5: Create Username and Password.

How to edit Mahadbt Scholarship form

If the applicant’s mahadbt scholarship application form has not yet been approved by the college, then this position will be even easier for the applicant. Because they will not need to go further to the level of the department. Now there is no need to scare much of how to edit the applications after submitting.

Steps for the candidates.

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  • Contact your institute immediately.
  • Request the refusal of the correction of the application form.
  • Enter your application ID (application ID) in college.
  • Write on plain paper to correct the mistake in the details needed to process the scholarship form.
  • You can change the application form when the institution returns the Mahadbt form to the student’s login.

Let us know how you can correct the application form after the final submission. We now know how to reject the Mahadbt scholarship applications for correction. In order to change the Mahadbt scholarship form after the institute’s approval, it must also be rejected by the department and then by the departmental level, further aggravating the problem.

If the institutions give a good answer, they will soon reject the scholarship form approved by the department.

Steps for institutions.

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  • Log in with your username and password.
  • After logging in, identify the search application using the search option.
  • Find the right application form that must be rejected.
  • Click on the App ID.
  • Review the review process.
  • Final action and click “Decline” with the reason for the rejection of the stock exchange form.

Congratulations … Now the application form for scholarships will return to the student login. In this way, an applicant can easily change their applications even after submission.

One more thing about the scholarship form Correction.

It has also been seen that some things cannot be edited after the form returns to the applicant’s login. It should be the first you to delete the latest mahadbt scholarship form and apply a new application again if your correction not made correctly.

Do not panic, there will be no harm in it. just keep in mind if the application’s last date does not end then you can apply the application again once. Last Chance is now any applicants, who have made a mistake of filling online for the scholarship of Maharashtra can correct application before cross mahadbt scholarship last date.

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  • If the form is not edited successfully, then cancel itself.
  • Check whether your profile details are correct or not.
  • Select the right department from all plans
  • Choose the plan you want to apply for.
  • Click on the application.
  • Submit a Maharashtra scholarship form to the last step.

If you think to correct all the incorrect forms on the scholarship portal as well, then immediately share this post on social media. If you still have difficulty in applying, then contact us from the comment box, then apply the grievance online.

If you have any doubt regarding MahaDBT then we request you to post it below in the comment section. We will try to answer as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

The last date to apply for these scholarships at Mahadbt for the academic year 2024 has been updated to 31 January 2024.

User Login
To login into Aaple Sarkar DBT portal, the Applicant has to perform the following steps. Select User Type from the following options:
Enter registered mobile number or email and correct captcha code and click on submit button to get the OTP.
Step 2: Verify OTP

Visit the official portal of
Hit the “Status” tab on the website’s homepage.
Enter the registration number and date of birth correctly.
Click on the search button and application status will be displayed on the screen.

The annual income limit to be eligible to apply for the scholarship is less than one lakh rupees. In the case of SC/ST candidates, the family annual income should not exceed more than two lakh rupees

Final Words

If you are already registered for MahaDBT then go login with UserName and Password. If you have not yet, then follow the procedure to get login details.

The biometric option is a little hard to complete because you need to scan your thumb with the biometric machine. SO always try to go with the Aadhar card option while applying for MahaDBT


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