Mazars Bursary in South Africa | UPDATED

Opportunities are now existing for students to apply for the ongoing Mazars Bursary in South Africa 2024 and receive the opportunity to have tuition-free studies.

Mazar Bursary is an opportunity organized by MAZAR which offers a range of financial services to a range of customers – from private individuals, to not-for-profit organizations and small businesses, as well as to the public sector entity and large corporation.

Here in this article, we have in detail the relevant information about Mazar Bursary that can help you to apply. Please carefully read!

Brief Description of MAZAR

Mazars founded in 1940, is a global accounting, auditing and consulting group. Headquartered in France, the group’s member firms employ over 20,000 personnel in 86 countries all over the world.

Mazars has a very long and productive history in South Africa of skilled excellence, together with 12 offices located over the nation

Strong values have been at the heart of our organization since its creation. They guide us in our daily actions, providing a common base of values that all Mazars’ partners and teams share and respect. These values are detailed in Mazars’ Charter, individually signed by each partner.

What you need to know

Mazars’s office in Cape Town offers bursaries to deserving students who show commitment to their studies and career with Mazars. All applications will be considered however in line with our transformation policy – preference will be given to EE candidates. Please note that these bursaries are for the 2024 academic year.

The business provides a range of financial services to a range of customers from private individuals to non-profit organizations and businesses, and for the public business entity and large business.

Annually, Mazars awards bursaries to students who exhibit strong academic capacity, commitment to their own studies and a potential career with Mars.

Level/Field of Study

Bursaries are given to students pursuing their studies involving an Undergraduate or postgraduate SAICA accredited degree, in a SAICA accredited post-secondary institution.

Bursary recipients will be required to fulfill the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Submit your academic results to Mazars at the end of every semester
  • Take part in vacation work
  • Complete your Articles/ SAICA TIPP Training Contract with Mazars (this will be over the course of 3 years)
  • Attend Mazar’s social functions when required

Host Nationality

This Mazars Bursary is to be taken in SOUTH AFRICA.

Eligible Nationality

The Mazars Bursary is open to all South African Undergraduate degree or Post-graduate degree students to study in South Africa

Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.


To apply for Mazar bursary in South Africa 2024, Applicants must meet the following minimum entrance standards before implementing (please notice that failure to meet each of the prerequisites will probably result in an application not being considered):

  • South African citizen OR South African permanent resident
  • Strong academic document
  • Improving Matric
  • Assessing or plan on analyzing full time towards a SAICA accredited diploma (Undergraduate or Postgraduate)
  • Assessing or plan on researching in a SAICA accredited the tertiary institution
  • Proven financial requirement
  • Preference will be awarded to EE students

How to Apply for Mazar Bursary 2022

Applications must be done online via the “Apply” button.

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You are expected to join up a merchant account: before you can log in and apply:

Submit clean copies of these supporting documentation Together with your internet program (the entry of those documents is mandatory -when some items are lost, your program will be dismissed):

  • ID record (certified duplicate of)
  • Matric certification (certified copy of)
  • Academic transcripts
  • Cv
  • Motivational Letter describing why you deserve to be given the bursary

Application Deadline

Currently, MAZAR Bursary is not ongoing now. We’ll update the information immediately when the application is ongoing

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