Edward E. Masters Fellowship Program For Junior or Mid-Career Diplomats in USA

The USINDO is delighted to announce Edward E. Masters Fellowship Program for the year 2024. This fellowship is awarded to highly qualified KEMLU junior or mid-career diplomats for programs of study beginning in the Fall.

The USINDO Edward E. Masters Fellowship Program supports graduate-level education in the United States for future leaders of the Indonesian Government.

Since 2009, the program has awarded full-tuition scholarships and living stipends to twenty top-ranked junior and mid-career diplomats in the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (KEMLU), to pursue graduate studies in International Relations and International Law at prestigious universities in the United States.

As of 2015, the eligible fields of study also include Public Policy, Environmental Studies, and Economics. The program is now entering its ninth successful year, and USINDO is expanding the program to other Ministries in Indonesia.

USINDO is now seeking applications from highly qualified KEMLU junior or mid-career diplomats for programs of study beginning in the Fall.

Coordinators at Pusdiklat and USINDO provide support for those candidates accepted into the fellowship to select and apply to schools, accept university offers, process visas, and address any issues that may arise throughout the duration of their studies.

Just take your time and go through this article, the World Scholarship Forum has arranged every detail you need to be a participant in the Edward E. Masters Fellowship Program.

What You Need To Know About The Edward E. Masters Fellowship Program

Interested fellowship applicants should note that minimum requirements are somewhat flexible. If a candidate does not achieve the minimum requirement in one section of the application but is very strong in others, this will be considered during the selection process.

Candidates should not be deterred from applying because they do not meet the quantitative minimums outlined in the application.

Level/Field of Study

Edward E. Masters Fellowship Program is available to pursue a Master‘s degree program in the USA. The eligible fields of study also include Public Policy, Environmental Studies, and Economics.

Host Nationality

The Edward E. Masters Fellowship Program can be taken in the USA.

If you are an international student and you wish to study in the UK, this is for you. Complete Guide to Getting A UK Tier 4 Student Visa For International Students.

Eligible Nationality for the Edward E. Masters Fellowship Program

This fellowship is available for Indonesian students.

Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Scholarship Worth of the Edward E. Masters Fellowship Program

The Edward E. Masters Fellowship Program is fully funded.

Edward E. Masters Fellowship Program  Eligibility

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

USINDO is now seeking applications from highly qualified KEMLU junior or mid-career diplomats for the programs of study beginning in the Fall. Coordinators at Pusdiklat and USINDO provide support for those candidates accepted into the fellowship to select and apply to schools, accept university offers, process visas, and address any issues that may arise throughout the duration of their studies.

Interested applicants should note that minimum requirements are somewhat flexible. If a candidate does not achieve the minimum requirement in one section of the application but is very strong in others, this will be considered during the selection process. Candidates should not be deterred from applying because they do not meet the quantitative minimums outlined in the application.

English Language Requirements: Conditional candidates begin preparatory coursework for the TOEFL and GRE, as necessary, which is coordinated by Pusdiklat. Candidates should take the TOEFL and GRE during this period, after completing the preparatory course.

Conditional candidates should devote as much time as possible preparing for the GRE and TOEFL examinations to maximize their score results and prepare for competitive applications for graduate programs. It is the responsibility of candidates to ensure tests are taken early enough to be submitted to their schools of choice by the application deadline.

How to Apply for Edward E. Masters Fellowship Program

Applications for the 2024 Intake are due via email to Mr. Herry Hotma (at admin.dskld@kemlu.go.id) at Pusdiklat. 

Late applications, including recommendation letters, will not be accepted. It is the responsibility of each applicant to ensure his/her recommendation letters are received before the deadline.

Applications must include the following to be considered complete unless otherwise noted:

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  • Edward E. Masters Application: The application can be downloaded from the USINDO website at https://goo.gl/9mgQ9o.
  • Two (2) recommendation letters: Recommendation letters should not be submitted directly by applicants. Letters must be submitted via email by the recommender directly to Pusdiklat at dskld@kemlu.go.id. Letters must be from one academic and one professional source using the USINDO Letter of Recommendation Form available at https://goo.gl/Tmycms.
  • Results from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or another English language test: A minimum score of 575 or equivalent is required to be considered for the program and entered into the TOEFL preparatory course. Applicants can submit a minimum of two years old expired TOEFL or TOEFL Test. But, selected candidates will be required to achieve a minimum of 600 or equivalent following the preparatory course to become an Edward E. Masters Fellow.
  • Results from GRE. Should you already have one, please submit your GRE results. Conditional candidates without a previous GRE result will be required to take the test following the GRE preparatory course. Selected candidates will be required to achieve minimum scores as indicated below following the preparatory course to become an Edward E. Masters Fellow.
  • Transcripts for all university-level work: Unofficial transcripts will suffice for this application. Selected conditional candidates will be required to submit official transcripts.
  • Academic writing sample: Writing samples must be submitted in English, be no more than 900 words in length, written independently (i.e. not a group paper, or with assistance), and analytical.
  • Personal statement: Personal statements must be submitted in English and be no more than 600 words in length. Your personal statement should state clearly your reasons for pursuing higher education in the United States, and discuss the professional, academic, and personal experiences that have most contributed to your desire to study international affairs, what you hope to study and why, your career ambitions, and how your program of study relates to them.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume: CVs or resumes must include position and job description, such as responsibilities and accomplishments at each occupation, as well as the length of employment.

Application Deadline

This scholarship has ended. Keep in touch with us for more details on this scholarship.


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