National Scholarship Portal  NSP | How to Register

With the intention to help students financially to continue their studies the government of India has introduced the National Scholarship Portal. National Scholarship Portal Application is available for Indian students who need financial support in the area of academics.

National Scholarships Portal works as the Mission Mode Project related to the National e-governance Plan (NeGP), so more people can take its benefits. Here we are providing all the details about NSP. The official Website for NSP is or www.national scholarship portal.

NSP Student Login is a unique and simple platform made for students.

The National Scholarship Portal 2.0 2024 was modified, made a new and less complicated website. This ensures that students are informed about available national scholarship in an efficient and transparent way.

The main purpose of National Scholarship Portal 2.0 is to present Streamlining, Automation & Effective Management of activity related to Application processing, receipt, sanction and disbursal of centrally sponsored national Scholarship schemes to Indian students.

Here is the table of content.

What You Need To Know About The NSP Portal

The NSP Portal is a digital scholarship platform that offers several scholarships offered by the central government, state governments, and various government agencies, such as the University GrantsCommission (UGC), AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education), and others.

National Scholarships Portal is a single access point for enabling various services such as processing, sanctioning and disbursal of student application and application receipt of different scholarships to Students.

With the help of this, students can get complete details regarding all scholarship related issues/queries, from the beneath segment of this page, which is well tailored by the team of

This initiative aims at rendering best and transparent services for quick & effective disposal of Scholarships applications. The funds get delivered directly into beneficiaries’ accounts without any spills. In this article, we shall examine the detail.

Host Nationality

The National Scholarship Portal is to be taken in India. If you are an international student and you desire to study in India, Check this How to Get Scholarship for Indian Students | How to Apply for A Scholarship.

Eligible Nationality

The Scholarship Portal is open to Indian students. If you are searching for a fully-funded scholarship to study anywhere in the world see this 2024 Fully Funded Scholarships – APPLY NOW

Scholarship Worth

The NSP Portal hosts some 50 fellowships among scholarship holders registered on the platform. According to officials, the platform has so far helped the government to fund and disburse scholarships worth more than INR 2000 crores. The platform has more than 125 Lac applications, including 105 Lac applications.

Why National Scholarship Portal? 

What was the need to create this portal? This is an obvious question to occur in your mind. The key objectives behind the creation of this NSP Portal include –

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  • To ensure that the scholarships are being disbursed to students on a timely basis
  • To offer a common platform for both Central and State Government scholarships
  • To create a transparent scholars’ database
  • To avoid duplication that occurs while processing the applications
  • To harmonize the variety of scholarships and their norms
  • To ensure the application of DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer)

How is NSP beneficial for students?

Some of the innumerable benefits of NSP for the students are:

1) Simplified process for students

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  • All scholarship information is made available under a common umbrella.
  • Single integrated application for all scholarships.

2) Improved Transparency

.ugb-993d00d li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-993d00d.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • The system suggests the schemes for which a student is eligible.
  • Duplication is reduced to a great extent.

3) Helps in Standardization

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  • Master data for institutions and courses at pan India level.
  • Processing of scholarships.

4) NSP serves as a decision support system (DSS) for various Ministries & Departments as updated information is available on demand.

5) Comprehensive MIS System to facilitate monitoring every stage of scholarships disbursal i.e. from the student registration to the delivery of funds.

NSP portal 2024 application form

Take A Look At Scholarship Schemes under National Scholarship Portal:

Students are to be informed that the Application Form is to be filled for all applications schemes through National Scholarship Portal. This process has reduced the burden of filling multiple application forms for various scholarships. Now, only one form is to be filled under the NSP Portal for all the scholarship schemes.

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  • Post-matric Scholarship Scheme
  • Merit-cum-Means Scholarship Scheme
  • Pre-matric Scholarship Scheme
  • Incentives to Girls for Secondary Education
  • Central Sector Scholarship Scheme of Top Class Education for SC Students
  • Pre-Matric Scholarships for Students with Disabilities
  • Post-Matric Scholarships for Students with Disabilities
  • Scheme For Award Of Scholarships Under Cine/Mine/Lsdm/Beedi And IOMC Workers Welfare Fund
  • Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College and University Students
  • National Means Cum Merit Scholarship Scheme
  • Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme for ST Students

What are the various scholarships that NSP offers?

NSP offers a gamut of scholarships under the purview of various Government Ministries and Departments. Please refer to the following table which highlights some of the NSP scholarships. Also given against each scholarship is the link to its guidelines.

Essential Document For National Scholarship Portal(NSP) 2022

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  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • Religion Code
  • Category Code (SC/ST/OBC Etc)
  • Disability Flag (True/False)
  • Mobile Number
  • Email Address
  • Aadhaar Number
  • Aadhaar Enrolment Number (If no Aadhar)
  • Aadhaar Enrolment Date (If no Aadhar)
  • Branch IFSC Code
  • Bank Account Number
  • Name of Mother
  • Name of Father
  • Annual Family Income
  • Domicile State
  • Domicile District
  • Ministry Code
  • Scholarship/Fellowship Name
  • Scheme-Specific Unique ID 22 Starting year of Scholarship
  • Duration of Scholarship in Years
  • School/College State
  • School/College District
  • School/College Name
  • Scholarship Category (Pre / Post Matric)
  • Current Course Name
  • Scholarship Amount Transferred
  • Scholarship Payment Date
  • Fund Transfer Method
  • PFMS Scheme Code
  • PFMS beneficiary ID

Apply Online:

For the Registration, the students need to register themselves through the Student Login Panel. After registration, fill academic and other mandatory details in the application form. After these steps, they will get to see all the list of scholarships for which they are eligible.

Nowadays it has provided a facility of the online form for the students and then it is also simple for them to transfer the amount to the student’s account.

To get the benefits of the government scholarships, first of all, the students have to log in and register in the panel, and then next they have to fill in all the details which are asked. then after they can see the lists for which they are valid for scholarships.

Follow The given Step to Apply for an online scholarship

Step: 1

First, you need to open the scholarship portal here

Step: 2

Here we are giving all the details about the application form below for all the students and we are requesting you to confirm all the details are correct and proper.

Find Out the below option

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  • National Scholarship Portal Student Login: On the homepage, a login section is available for the Students’ first log in.
  • Registration: Then next all the required details are to be fill in and register. As in the following image, you can see on your display.
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  • Temporary Registration Number: After registration, the required details Once the details a 20 digit temporary Registration Number will be given to the applicant.
  • The applicant gets the permanent registration number on mobile through the SMS. when they complete the registration process and then the old temporary Number is not valid.
.ugb-82d644c .ugb-image-box__box{border-radius:12px !important}.ugb-82d644c .ugb-image-box__item{height:400px !important;justify-content:center !important}.ugb-82d644c .ugb-image-box__item1 .ugb-image-box__image{background-image:url(}.ugb-82d644c .ugb-image-box__item:hover .ugb-image-box__overlay-hover{opacity:0 !important}.ugb-82d644c .ugb-image-box__title{color:#ffffff !important}.ugb-82d644c .ugb-image-box__description{color:#ffffff !important}.ugb-82d644c .ugb-inner-block{text-align:center}.ugb-82d644c.ugb-image-box > .ugb-inner-block{max-width:400px !important}@media screen and (min-width:768px){.ugb-82d644c > .ugb-inner-block > .ugb-block-content > *{min-height:400px;justify-content:center}}@media screen and (min-width:768px) and (max-width:1025px){.ugb-82d644c .ugb-image-box__item{height:300px !important}}@media screen and (max-width:768px){.ugb-82d644c .ugb-image-box__item{height:300px !important}}

Logging in account: the candidate can use their Temporary Registration Number and their birth date for login into the National Scholarship Portal.

.ugb-4d3d166 .ugb-image-box__box{border-radius:12px !important}.ugb-4d3d166 .ugb-image-box__item{height:400px !important;justify-content:center !important}.ugb-4d3d166 .ugb-image-box__item1 .ugb-image-box__image{background-image:url(}.ugb-4d3d166 .ugb-image-box__item:hover .ugb-image-box__overlay-hover{opacity:0 !important}.ugb-4d3d166 .ugb-inner-block{text-align:center}.ugb-4d3d166.ugb-image-box > .ugb-inner-block{max-width:400px !important}@media screen and (min-width:768px){.ugb-4d3d166 > .ugb-inner-block > .ugb-block-content > *{min-height:400px;justify-content:center}}@media screen and (min-width:768px) and (max-width:1025px){.ugb-4d3d166 .ugb-image-box__item{height:300px !important}}@media screen and (max-width:768px){.ugb-4d3d166 .ugb-image-box__item{height:300px !important}}

Fill details: After logging in to the National Scholarship Portal with the use of temporary Number and birth date applicant has to fill the details which are given below.

  1. Personal Details & Bank Account Details: here students need to enter the correct personal and bank details because the government transfers the amount of scholarship in the respective filled-up bank account number.

Academic Details: here students need to enter basic details about previous and present academic details.

.ugb-6884f80 .ugb-image-box__box{border-radius:12px !important}.ugb-6884f80 .ugb-image-box__item{height:400px !important;justify-content:center !important}.ugb-6884f80 .ugb-image-box__item1 .ugb-image-box__image{background-image:url(}.ugb-6884f80 .ugb-image-box__item:hover .ugb-image-box__overlay-hover{opacity:0 !important}.ugb-6884f80 .ugb-image-box__title{color:#ffffff !important}.ugb-6884f80 .ugb-image-box__description{color:#ffffff !important}.ugb-6884f80 .ugb-inner-block{text-align:center}.ugb-6884f80.ugb-image-box > .ugb-inner-block{max-width:400px !important}@media screen and (min-width:768px){.ugb-6884f80 > .ugb-inner-block > .ugb-block-content > *{min-height:400px;justify-content:center}}@media screen and (min-width:768px) and (max-width:1025px){.ugb-6884f80 .ugb-image-box__item{height:300px !important}}@media screen and (max-width:768px){.ugb-6884f80 .ugb-image-box__item{height:300px !important}}

Details of Scheme: as per the validity of the students the list of scholarship scheme appears into the display. And also regarding a student’s educational qualification and region.

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Documents for upload: Candidate can apply a for one or more scholarship. After selecting respected scholarship than on the next page the list of documents which are to be submitted is appears on the screen.

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Contact Details: To complete all the process the applicant has to submit their correct contact details.

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Printing application form: After complete all the process you can select the ‘Print Your Application’ button for getting the print out of the form. If an applicant wants to check their application status they can use ‘Check Your Status.

National Scholarship Portal Application Submission process

It is necessary to fill the form in the appropriate format. Before the submission, they have to check and confirm full form and if there are any error or mistake then should be done properly. because after submission they are not allowed to do any changes in their registered details. a candidate has not sent the hard copy to NSP but only clicking the submit button they sent it.

National Scholarship Portal 2.0 Status

We will tell you how to check national scholarship portal 2.0 status online 2019. first, you have to search on Google NSP 2.0 the official website. find the login option and fill the box with your application ID and password or do not miss to fill captcha box.

After NSP 2.0 login you will be able to see your NSP 2.0 status. A list will appear and next to each list you will see a box with the right or wrong symbol if you see the right symbol that means that the procedure is completed and if you see a wrong symbol that means the procedure is not completed yet.

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Learn How to apply for National Scholarship Portal through a video tutorial this video is provided on the Official website of NSP.

Ravi Shankar Prasad who is Communications and Information Technology Minister of India since 2014 had posted this video on his Twitter account. Watch this video to for apply an online national scholarship 2024.

List of Scholarship Offered under the National Scholarship Portal for which Application is Open

Ministry of Minority Affairs

Name of the ScholarshipLast Date to Apply
Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme for Minorities31st October 2024
Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme for Minorities31st October 2024
Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship for Professional and Technical Courses CS31st October 2024

Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities

Name of the ScholarshipLast Date to Apply
Pre-Matric Scholarship for Students with Disabilities31st October 2024
Post-Matric Scholarship for Students with Disabilities31st October 2024
Scholarship for Top-Class Education for Students with Disabilities31st October 2024

Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

Name of the ScholarshipLast Date to Apply
Top-Class Education Scheme for SC StudentsLast week of October 2024

Ministry of Labour and Employment

Name of the ScholarshipLast Date to Apply
Post-Matric Scheme for Award of Scholarships under Beedi Workers Welfare FundLast week of October 2024
Post-Matric Scheme for Award of Scholarships under Cine Workers Welfare FundLast week of October 2024
Post-Matric Scheme for Award of Scholarships under IOMC Workers Welfare FundLast week of October 2024
Post-Matric Scheme for Award of Scholarships under LSDM Workers Welfare FundLast week of October 2024
Pre-Matric Scheme for Award of Scholarships under Beedi Workers Welfare FundLast week of September 2024
Pre-Matric Scheme for Award of Scholarships under Cine Workers Welfare FundLast week of September 2024
Pre-Matric Scheme for Award of Scholarships under IOMC Workers Welfare FundLast week of September 2024

Rates of National Scholarship NSP Portal

Candidates can check the rate of scholarships for minority students from the table given below.

Type of Financial AssistanceRate for hostellerThe rate for Day Scholar
Maintenance Allowance (For a period of 10 months only)Rs. 10,000/- Per Annum (Rs. 1000/- Per Month)Rs. 5000/- Per Annum (Rs. 500/- Per Month)
Course FeeRs. 20,000/- Per Annum or actual, whichever is less.Rs. 20,000/- Per Annum or actual, whichever is less.
TotalRs. 30,000/-Rs. 25,000/-

Tracking the NSP Application Status

Once you’ve successfully submitted the NSP online application form, you must take a printout of the application form by clicking on the ‘Print Your Application’ tab. You can check the status of your scholarship application by clicking on the ‘Check Your Status’ tab on the NSP Portal.

Please check the eligibility criteria for various schemes before you apply for scholarships.

One of the frequently asked questions about the National Scholarship Portal application process is whether the Aadhar Number is mandatory for the NSP application process? The answer is ‘No’.

Aadhar number is not mandatory to apply for a scholarship through the National Scholarship Portal. All eligible candidates who want to take advantage of the NSP scholarships can register themselves using any of the following three things/documents:

  • Aadhar Number
  • Enrollment Id
  • Bank Passbook

However, it must be noted that applications for NSP scholarships can only be submitted online.

National Scholarship Portal Login:

The National Scholarship Portal Version 2.0 (NSP-2.0) is a unique and simplified platform created for students to help them to avail the benefits of educational scholarships in an efficient and transparent manner.

Looking for www.national scholarship? This content answers all your queries on National Scholarships in India.

Some others have mistakenly searched for www.national scholarship portal, this contents also takes cares of that

The main features of the National Scholarship Status

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  • Students can Register and Submit their application online (For Applying for centrally/state-sponsored scholarship schemes), from anywhere at anytime
  • Students can View/Track the status of their own application with User ID and Password generated by the system
    Students can Renew their applications with the same credential(Student ID/Password)
  • Uploading of documents by students in support of their claims (such as income, mark sheets, bank account details, category, caste certificate, etc.) be enabled for easy verification and transparency
  • Provision of SMS and e-mail alerts to the Stake Holders such as Institution and students at various stage of processing
  • Renewal of the application by the Institutes only – by importing the application from the previous year
  • Role-Based Unique Login ID and Password will be made available for all stakeholders
  • Auto & bulk processing of Scholarship application by the Institute
  • Easy Scholarship Sanctioning process for Sanctioning Authority
  • Auto disbursal of Scholarship to Student‟s Bank Account
  • Easy monitoring of Scholarship by the Department and State Authority

National Scholarship Portal Login Importance For Students:

Various advantages are provided by the National Scholarship Portal to the students. Get to know the major benefits of NSP portal from below:

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  • It simplified the scholarship process for students.
  • This portal improves the transparency of different schemes.
  • It helps in the processing of scholarships.
  • The portal acts like a decision support system for various ministries as well as for departments.
  • National Scholarship Portal supports MIS system in order to monitor every stage of scholarship disbursal.

National Scholarship Portal Last Date

The NSP portal is extremely helpful for students as it improves transparency and offers a simplified application process. Last Date for Scholarships Listed on NSP. Pre Matric Scholarships Scheme for Minorities: As listed on National Scholarship Portal the last date for this scholarship is 30th September.

Frequently Asked Question About National Scholarship Portal Registration

Aadhar Number is not at all compulsory to apply or fill National Scholarship Portal Application. The students can register themselves by using Aadhar Number or Enrolment ID or Bank Passbook.

Candidates, who fulfill the scheme guidelines of various ministries, are eligible to apply. Check inside the pos above to view all guidelines

You can check on National Scholarships Portal, closure dates for acceptance of various scholarship applications.

You can only edit the information till the closure of the application form. After you submit your application, it will be forwarded to the next level and you can’t edit it now.

To view the details of a particular scheme, first of all, press on particular Ministry from the bottom scroll bar and press on the “More Info” button. You will now get to see all the details of the scheme you wish to choose.

To open your saved application for editing, use a temporary ID. To retrieve the Registration ID, Forgot ID can be used.

No, you don’t have to fill up the online application in one sitting. You can fill up the online application in as many sittings as you wish, until and unless you are fully satisfied that you have entered all desirable fields.

Temporary Registration ID is a reference number that is given to the applicants as a token of their registration in the online database.

You cannot apply as a fresh if you are a Renewal candidate. If you try to do so, your application will be rejected in that case.

You can know the name and contact details of the Nodal Officer/State Department of all States/UTs by selecting the “Services->Know your State Nodal Officer” option.

The student can easily check the status of their online application by submitting his/her Permanent ID.

To know whether your application is selected or rejected, signing-up with Permanent Registration ID and you’ll get to see all relevant details.
This is all about National Scholarship Portal We believe that this article is worth sharing with friends.
if you have any about this article or any other scholarship do well to use the comment box our team will respond to you ASAP.


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