APPLY: Phyllis Mary Morris Scholarships

Do you want to do your postgraduate studies in the United Kingdom? Applications are being accepted for Bristol University International Scholarships 2024.

These Phyllis Mary Morris Scholarships are open to applicants who have applied for a one-year full-time program at the University of Bristol.

So Dear, for you not to miss these opportunities, it’s expedient you carefully read through to get all the relevant information in regards to Phyllis Mary Morris Scholarships which this article contains.

The University of Bristol is seeking nominations for the Phyllis Mary Morris Scholarships. Candidates have the opportunity to win six scholarships worth £2,000 each, which can be used to cover the cost of living.

About the Sponsor: University of Bristol

The University of Bristol (simply referred to as Bristol University and abbreviated as Bris. in post-nominal letters, or UoB) is a red brick research university located in Bristol, United Kingdom.

It received its royal charter in 1909, although like the University of the West of England and the University of Bath, it can trace its roots to the Merchant Venturers’ Technical College, founded as a school in 1595 by the Society of Merchant Venturers. Its key predecessor institution, University College, Bristol, has been in existence since 1876.

Bristol is organized into six academic faculties composed of multiple schools and departments running over 200 undergraduate courses largely situated in the Tyndalls Park area of the city.

The University of Bristol is a leading institution contributing to the development of creative graduates through scholarships, research activities, cultural, social, economic and environmental activities

Level /Field of Study

The Phyllis Mary Morris Scholarships are available for postgraduate studies. These Bristol University International Scholarships award the areas of climate change, environmental policies, and management, human geography: society and space.

Host Nationality

Phyllis Mary Morris Scholarships in the UK is hosted by the University of Strathclyde.

Eligible Nationalities

The Phyllis Mary Morris Scholarships 2024 are available for International students.

Phyllis Mary Morris Scholarships 2024 Worth

Bristol University offers six Phyllis Mary Morris Scholarships worth £ 2,000 each. Rewards may cover the cost of living.

Number of Phyllis Mary Morris Scholarships awards

There are a total number of Phyllis Mary Morris Scholarships available for Bristol University International Students annually.

Eligibility for Bristol University International Scholarships

You can apply for a Phyllis Mary Morris Scholarship 2024 if you are classified international students for chargeable purposes and have applied at Bristol University in September 2024 for a full year of full-time qualified studies.

How to Apply for Phyllis Mary Morris Scholarships 2024

To apply for the 2024 Phyllis Mary Morris Scholarship, applicants must submit an application online via the following link:

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Application Deadline for Phyllis Mary Morris Scholarships 

The deadline for submitting Phyllis Mary Morris Scholarship application forms, including letters of recommendation is June 30, 2024.

We also Recommend the following Scholarship Opportunities 

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