Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship for International Students 

If you are seeking a grant-in-aid for students, the Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship at Robert Gordon University got you covered.

The scholarship will take care of your tuition and is available in all the fields of study.

Robert  Gordon University, commonly referred to as RGU, is a public university in the city of Aberdeen, Scotland. Robert Gordon University is one of the top UK universities for postgraduate employability.

The University focuses on delivering education that prepares students for the professional world. Robert Gordon University has an international reputation for providing high-quality education right through from undergraduate to postgraduate and PhD level, alongside high-quality courses to support continuing professional and personal development.

Level/Field of Study

The scholarship is available for an undergraduate degree. The scholarship is awarded in the subjects offered by the University.

Host Nationality

Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship for International Students will take place in the UK. You can also check our scholarship by country category for more scholarship updates.

Eligible Nationality

International applicants can apply for the Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship for International Students. You can also check other international scholarships in 2024.

Scholarship Worth

The scholarship will cover the full tuition fee for the first year of study.

Eligibility for Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship for International Students 2022

Applicants must meet the following area for the scholarship:

  • Must have received an offer and selected RGU as their firm choice for any full-time undergraduate program.
  • Hold or expect to achieve three A-levels at grade A (or equivalent qualifications).
  • Be classed by the University as an international fee payer for tuition fee payment.
  • Must be a self-funded student.

College Admission Requirement

Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have a previous year’s degree.

English Language Requirement: Applicants must meet the necessary language proficiency requirements of the host institution.

How to Apply for Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship for International Students 2022

Applicants can apply via email.

  • Applicants must submit a scholarship application form, including a 500 words statement of support. The Scholarship Panel would expect applicants to highlight why they should be considered for the award.
  • Download and complete the application form: Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship Application Form (DOC 55KB)
  • Send your completed application form to
  • Shortlisted candidates will be invited to a telephone or Skype interview.
  • The successful candidate will be informed by Sunday 21 July.

Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship for International Students 2024 Application Deadline

The application deadline is June 30

Scholarship Link


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