The Scale Kenya Forum for Kenyan social impact start-up 

Applications are currently been accepted for The Scale Kenya Forum for Kenyan social impact start-up 2024, all applicants are to send in their applications before the deadline and also ensure that they have complied with the criteria as stated.


The Scale Kenya Forum is coming to Kenya and invites all social impact start-ups to take their innovation to the next level. At Scale, you will have the opportunity to pitch to an audience of experienced investors and advisors, while benefiting from pre and post-event coaching.

Winning ideas will receive mentorship, workspace, and incubation support provided by Scale Kenya partners.

The scale is a program hosted by the East Africa Civil Society Initiative (CSI), a joint initiative of the Aga Khan University and the Aga Khan Foundation.

With youth unemployment rates surpassing 50% in some regions, Scale aims to support young East African social entrepreneurs to unlock the growth of East Africa’s economies.


The Scale Kenya Forum for Kenyan social impact is meant for young entrepreneurs who are interested in Startup programs.


The Scale Kenya Forum for Kenyan social impact is for entrepreneurs

 Eligible country:

The Scale Kenya Forum for social impact was designed for entrepreneurs in Kenya

To be Taken in:

The Scale Kenya Forum for social impact was be held in Kenya

Selection Criteria:

  • The team is primarily Kenyan.
  • The idea has gained some traction, yet is still in the start-up phase.
  • The business can come from any sector but must focus on social or economic development in Kenya or East Africa.
  • They will have a measurable positive impact on an industry, community, or the environment. The business can be commercial or non-profit but must be highly scalable.
  • The team represents they have the skills and drive to succeed.

Judging Criteria:

  • A business idea that has gained some traction, but still in start-up phase/early stage (revenue and funding less than Kshs 10 million).
  • Vision to solve pressing challenges first in Kenya and/or East Africa, and then globally.
  • A business concept that will have a measurable positive impact on an industry, community or the environment.
  • Potential to scale.
  • Skills and drive to succeed.

Requirements from Selected Pitch Applicants:

  1. Successful applicants MUST have a pitch deck.
  2. The team will pitch for up to 5 minutes and be provided with 5 minutes of Q&A from judges.
  3. The pitch deck should contain:
  • The problem
  • The solution
  • Market size
  • Traction
  • Revenue streams
  • Customer acquisition channels
  • Competition
  • Team
  • Impact

Application Procedure:

Interested pitch competition applicants will follow the process below:

  1. Start-ups will apply for the pitch competition online by 5 pm EAT on 10th February 2024
  2. 10 finalists will be announced on 15th February 2024
  3. Finalists will receive coaching sessions facilitated by the iHub and Village Capital.
  4. The main presentations of all finalists will take place from 3-5 pm on February 22nd, 2024 at the iHub. Finalists will pitch for 5 minutes each, followed by 5 minutes of feedback and questions from judges.
  5. Judges will choose three winners with the highest scores.
  6. Winners will receive support from Scale Kenya forum partners: the iHub, Intellecap, TBN, and Mendoza.

Application Deadline: 5 pm EAT on 10th February 2024

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Scale Kenya Forum 2024

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