20 Scholarships in Colorado [UPDATED]

Have you ever thought about studying in Colorado but you have no money for college expenses? Then, you will benefit a lot from this article. Colorado is one of the states that believe in Education and as such, secure a great future by studying in it.

And for this reason, we have compiled over 20 scholarships for students in Colorado for you this 2024.

The availability and provision of free money have made it easy for one to afford university degrees especially in states like Colorado in the United States.

One of the good things associated with this Student scholarship is that it is non-returnable and doesn’t necessarily require much to qualify for, especially for those who may not have a good past record.

In this article, we carefully prepare the details of the 20 Scholarships in Colorado for 2024.

20 Scholarships In Colorado For 2022

Here is a list of 20 Scholarships in Colorado for students in 2024:

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  • ICRME White Rose Scholarship
  • Bervin Hall Memorial Scholarship
  • ASSE Foundation Four Corners Chapter Scholarship
  • Unigo Education Matters $5K Scholarship
  • Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship
  • Foot Locker Scholar Athletes Program
  • Foreclosure.com Scholarship Program
  • Greenhouse Scholars Scholarship
  • Community College Scholarship
  • Unigo $10K Scholarship
  • Furman University Charles H. Townes Scholarship
  • LAEF General Scholarship
  • CESDA Diversity Scholarship Application
  • ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Scholarship
  • Darling Ingredients, Inc. Scholarship
  • Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Company of Iowa Scholarship
  • Colorado Lamplighters/Beta Omicron Endowment Scholarship
  • Colorado Lamplighters Endowment Scholarship
  • Clinton J. Helton Manufacturing Scholarship
  • MCA Failure Fair Scholarships

ICRME White Rose Scholarship

ICRME White Rose Scholarship is a scholarship that White Rose Scholarship Foundation awards. And the award is available to currently enrolled U.S. students who are Colorado residents.

Desired applicants should have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher. They should also be able to demonstrate financial need and a history of community involvement and service.

The scholarship ranges from $500 to $2,500 annually and though non-renewable automatically, past scholarship recipients are still eligible to reapply.

Deadline: January 17

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Bervin Hall Memorial Scholarship

Awarded by the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP), the Bervin Hall Memorial Scholarship is awarded to college juniors or graduate students, especially from the US states of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah or Wyoming. This is for students who enroll for a degree in occupational safety and health, or a cognate discipline.

The Bervin Hall Memorial Scholarship requires that the applicant be an ASSE Student Member. If the student is not already an ASSE member, he/she may apply for membership at the time of scholarship application. The foundation’s website announces the winners on April 01, 2024, after a 3-month committee review.

Deadline: December 01

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ASSE Foundation Four Corners Chapter Scholarship

Awarded by the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), the ASSE Foundation Four Corners Chapter Scholarship is awarded to international and U.S. college juniors and graduate students. These are students who enroll for a degree in occupational safety and health or a cognate discipline.

The award is a non-renewable $1000 annual offer to a successful candidate.

The desired applicant must enroll full time and have a minimum grade point average of 3.0. Applicants who reside in or attending classes in New Mexico or Colorado will be given preference.

The ASSE Foundation Four Corners Chapter Scholarship requires the applicant to be an ASSE Student Member. If the student is not already an ASSE member, he/she may apply for membership at the time of scholarship application.

The foundation’s website announces the winners on April 01, 2024, after a 3-month committee review.

Deadline: December 01

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Unigo Education Matters $5K Scholarship

The Unigo Education Matters Scholarship is a $5,000 annual scholarship award. This award goes to United States residents that are 13 years or older.

It is a non-renewable scholarship award. This award also goes to the applicant with the most creative and original written response to a scholarship match quiz/questionnaire at UNIGO.

The successful applicant must be attending a post-secondary institution of higher education and must submit proof of enrollment to the sponsor on or before Dec. 31, 2024.

The Education Matters Scholarship winner gets a notification This can either be by mail or phone or around February 28.

Deadline: November 30

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Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship

The Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship is an annual award to High school seniors who reside in an area serviced by Comcast. Some of these areas include Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, etc.

The award is worth a non-renewable $2,500 annually and approximately 2,000 awards offered annually

Deadline: December 07

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Foot Locker Scholar Athletes Program

Offered by Foot Locker Foundation, The Foot Locker Scholar Athletes program is open to students with U.S citizenship or permanent residency who, together with their participation in athletics in school, are also able to demonstrate exceptional academic ability and strong leadership skills in their schools and within their communities.

Desired applicants should have a high school minimum GPA of 3.0 and also gain undergraduate admission into college as at the fall of 2024 at a four-year school. They announce scholarship winners in April.

Deadline: December 14

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Foreclosure.com Scholarship Program

The Foreclosure.com scholarship program offers eligible U.S. undergraduate students an opportunity to be recipients of scholarships valid from $500 to $2,500.

The program, which started in 2009, has issued $72,000 in scholarship money to 40 college students in the U.S. The offer three awards annually, with $2,500 going to the top prize winner and the two runner ups will receive $500 each.

Desired applicants should be a minimum of 13 years old at the time of application and must complete and submit an essay as posted on the Foreclosure.com website.

Deadline: December 15

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Greenhouse Scholars Scholarship

Commencing, the Greenhouse Scholars Scholarship reaches students with U.S citizenship or permanent residency in the United States areas of Colorado, Georgia, Illinois or North Carolina. And these students are the ones who show a commitment to academic excellence at the high school level by having a grade point average of 3.5 or higher.

Applicants must be planning to attend a four-year accredited academic institution in the United States and must be able to demonstrate financial need (annual household income no greater than $70,000). The applicant must also possess excellent leadership skill, and a strong interest in and commitment to their community.

The scholarship worth ranges from $1,000 to $5,000 annually, renewable for up to three additional years. The specific financial need of each recipient determines the exact award amount. They announce scholarship winners on March 25.

Deadline: December 17

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Community College Scholarship

Offered by the SR Education Group, the Community College Scholarship award is for U.S. students who are enrolled full-time at a public community, junior or City College.

The scholarship award is worth a non-renewable $5,000 annually and goes to only one successful applicant.

Deadline: December 30

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Unigo $10K Scholarship

Offered by Unigo Education dynamics, the Unigo $10K Scholarship is open to student applicants who are legal residents of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia.

The scholarship award worth is a non-renewable $10,000 annually and goes to only one successful applicant.

Desired applicants must be a minimum of thirteen (13) years old at the time of application and be currently enrolled (or enroll no later than the fall of 2024) in an accredited post-secondary institution of higher education within the United States.

Deadline: December 31

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Furman University Charles H. Townes Scholarship

Awarded by Furman University, the Charles H. Townes Scholarship reaches out to U.S. high school seniors who reside outside of South Carolina and plan to enroll in an undergraduate program at Furman University.

The scholarship award is worth $35,000 annually, renewable for up to three years if the student maintains a grade point average of 2.7 or higher.

The award also includes a study abroad scholarship of $2,000, a $3,000 stipend for a summer internship or research experience, and the opportunity to participate in Public Leadership Seminars.

The scholarship reaches to 10 successful applicants annually.

Deadline: January 05

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LAEF General Scholarship

The Latin American Education Foundation has, since 1949, awarded over 6,000 scholarships to US Citizens of Hispanic origin or who are actively involved in the Hispanic community. The LAEF General Scholarship is open to all Colorado residents – regardless of U.S. permanent legal residency status or U.S citizenship; the eligible applicants comprise of High school seniors, college undergraduate, and graduate students.

The award is worth $1,000 to $2,000 annually and precious winners can re-apply. Qualified applicants should have a Minimum 3.0 cumulative on a weighted GPA scale of high school or college.

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CESDA Diversity Scholarship Application

Offered by Colorado Educational Services and Development Association (CESDA), CESDA Diversity Scholarship reaches to graduating high school seniors from the state of Colorado who plans to enroll in an accredited college or university in Colorado.

Desired applicants must have a grade point average of 2.8 or higher, able to demonstrate financial need, a history of community involvement and service, and must be a member of a minority group or a first-generation college student.

The scholarship worth is a non-renewable $1,000 annually and goes out to seven successful applicants in 2024.

Deadline: January 18

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ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Scholarship

Awarded by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Foundation, Inc., the ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Scholarship covers the US graduating high school seniors and current undergraduate students who are residents of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, or Wyoming and hold active amateur radio license.

The scholarship worth ranges from $500 to $5,000 annually and goes out to only one successful applicant annually. The successful applicant will also receive a one-year membership to the ARRL if he/she is not a current member.

Deadline: January 31

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Darling Ingredients, Inc. Scholarship

Awarded by the National Future Farmers of America (FFA) Organization, The Darling Ingredients, Inc. The scholarship is available for U.S. high school seniors who plan to attend a land-grant college in Colorado, Illinois, Indianapolis, Kansas, or Wisconsin.

The scholarship worth is a non-renewable $2,000 annually and is offered to only one successful applicant.

Eligible applicants should be members of Future Farmers of America and intend to enroll a four-year degree in selected agricultural fields.

Deadline: February 01

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Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Company of Iowa Scholarship

Awarded by the National Future Farmers of America (FFA) Organization, the Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Company of Iowa Scholarship covers specifically members of the Future Farmers of America (FFA) who are residents of one of the following states: Arkansas, California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia or Wisconsin.

The scholarship worth is a non-renewable $1,500 annually and goes out to 20 successful applicants.

Deadline: February 01

Scholarship mail: scholarships@ffa.org

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Colorado Lamplighters/Beta Omicron Endowment Scholarship

The Colorado Lamplighters / Beta Omicron Endowment Scholarship is available for Colorado high school seniors, college or graduate students who enroll or plan to enroll in a Colorado college or university.

Eligible applicants must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

The scholarship worth is a non-renewable $750 annually and goes to only one successful applicant.

Deadline: February 01

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Colorado Lamplighters Endowment Scholarship

Established by the Lamplighters of the Colorado State Council, the Colorado Lamplighters’ Endowment is available for U.S. and international undergraduate and graduate students who are residents of Colorado.

Eligible applicants must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

The scholarship worth is a non-renewable $750 annually and goes to only one successful applicant.

Deadline: February 01

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Clinton J. Helton Manufacturing Scholarship

Awarded by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers Education Foundation, the Clinton J. Helton Manufacturing Scholarship is available for the U.S. and international students who plan to enroll in a degree program at the Colorado State University or any of the University of Colorado campuses.

Eligible applicants must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and be majoring in a manufacturing engineering or technology program.

The scholarship worth is at a minimum award amount of $1,000, but the successful applicant may receive a higher amount if more funding is available.

The number of awards offered varies annually and is subject to available funding and the number of qualified applicants.

Deadline: February 01

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MCA Failure Fair Scholarships

The Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA) Denver grants its Failure Fair Scholarships to young Coloradans who submit an innovative, risk-taking creative project.

Eligible applicants must be seniors at Colorado high schools, plan to attend accredited four-year colleges, exhibit artistic creativity and willingness to risk failure and have a minimum GPA of 2.5.

Proposals are received from February 17th through March 20th. Finalists will receive scholarships from $500 to $10,000. The scholarship prizes are as follows: $10,000 for Top Prize; $5,000 for Second Prize; $3,000 for Third Prize.

The top prizes will be distributed over four years, provided that the recipient maintains full-time (minimum 12 credit hours per semester) enrollment in an accredited four-year college or university, has a 2.5 or higher cumulative grade point average, and maintains Satisfactory Academic Progress as defined by their institution.

Deadline: March 20th

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