SFAO-Educational Pathways International Scholarships 

The Students Financial Aid Office (SFAO) is accepting applications for the award of Scholarships from the Educational Pathways International scholarship scheme. The scholarships are designed for high achievers (Gifted Students) who are from areas of need.

Education In Ghana

Education in Ghana is a prominent component of life. The country is actively working to improve its literacy rate and strengthen its overall economy as a result. The adult literacy rate here is about 71 percent. Males are more likely to have an education than females. In terms of opportunities for higher education, the country has numerous choices for students.

There are 21 public training colleges in the country, most of which offer specialized education for students who need between one and three years of education. There are 18 technical institutions present and two institutions issuing diplomas. The country also is home to six universities as well as various private programs. The following is a list of the public universities available in the country:

  • The University of Ghana
  • University of Cape Coast
  • University of Education
  • University of Mines and Technology
  • Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
  • University for Develop Studies

Additionally, the country has attracted private investment and school development. In recent years, several new universities have developed, all of which are private institutions. These include:

  • Ghana Telecom University Colleges
  • Central University College
  • Ashesi University College
  • Methodist University College of Ghana
  • Regent University College of Science and Technology
  • Valley View University

Level/Field of study

The scholarships are available for pursuing the undergraduate program in any field of study at the University.

Host Nationality

The scholarship is hosted by the Educational Pathways International scholarship scheme at the University of Ghana.

If you are an international student and you wish to study in the UK, this is for you: Complete Guide to Getting A UK Tier 4 Student Visa For International Students.

Eligible Nationality

The scholarship is open to indigenous and indigent students in Ghana. Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Scholarship Worth

The Scholarship will cover tuition, books, as well as room and board, and a little extra and will be awarded for four years as long as excellent academic standards of at least a B CGPA (3.0 GPA) continue to be met.

Scholarship Number

The number of offers was not specified.

Educational Pathways International Scholarships Eligibility

The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the scholarship:

You are eligible to apply if you:

  • are a Level 100 student.
  • reside in an impoverished part of the country.
  • attended a less endowed school (GES approved)
  • are able to demonstrate limited family income and/or insufficient funds to cover most or all educationally related expenses.
  • have the will to succeed (determination, perseverance, and success in other pursuits).
  • obtained an aggregate of 11 or better at the WASSCE.
  • are a Level 200 continuing student with CGPA of 3.5 (limited slot) or
  • a female Level 300 or above continuing student with CGPA of 3.7 (limited slot)
  • confirm that you are not currently receiving support through any other scholarship program and pledge not to accept any other scholarship while in the EPI program.
  • are upon graduation, willing to work for a minimum of two years in Ghana.
  • will during non-school periods, work in a company as an internship or do community service within Ghana
  • are a gifted child

Educational Pathways International Scholarships Application Procedure

Submit a completed SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION and the required essays and

  • High School Transcripts (Terminal Reports)
  • West African Senior School Certificate Exam Results (WASSCE)
  • University Acceptance Letter
  • Records regarding achievement tests, academic awards, honors, and substantive assessments by teachers, including letters of recommendation.
  • Documents to substantiate your need

Please click here to Download a Rev. 6-17 application form.

For inquiries call the Students Financial Aid Office on 020-518-6904/0302- 945-312 or email finaid@ug.edu.gh.

The SFAO is located at House No. 11 East Legon – Main Campus behind the College of Agriculture and Consumer Sciences and opposite CEGENSA.

You can begin the application and get more details by clicking the Scholarship Link

Application Deadline

Currently, this scholarship is unavailable but we shall keep you posted on the new date

Applying for Ghanaian Student Visas

Students will need to obtain a visa to study here. The student visa requires students to already have an active passport and acceptance into a school. An application for office student visas must be sent along with an invitation letter to the embassy for the student to receive a visa. There are fees associated with obtaining the visa, but for most students, the process is simple and straightforward.

What you need to know about living in Ghana

Ghana is an ethnically diverse country. It has a low cost of living in some areas, but imported products can be very expensive. This contributes to a higher than most countries’ cost of living in modern cities. Most of the country is not modernized. However, low inflation helps to keep things affordable.

In terms of culture, the country has strong art, music, and dance history. Most of its culture is influenced by the Kingdoms of the Akan.

Ghana has a diverse population and numerous reasons to study here. However, one of the biggest impacts of doing so is the ability to contribute to the country after you graduate. Salaries for even very in-demand countries remain low, but the ability to contribute to the well being and improvement of the country could be a very good reason to get your education here. With opportunities to do so readily available, it may be the ideal place to study.

We recommend other scholarship opportunities.

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