Snehapoorvam Scholarship For Orphaned Children

Kerala Government in India provides the Snehapoorvam Scholarship 2024 to orphans and vulnerable children. This scholarship reduces the incidences of children stopping school because of the death of their parents or breadwinner.

In Kerala, about 75,000 children below 18 years live in orphanages, and 80-90% have families or relatives. These relatives and family members try to support them in the little way they can. But when these family members pass on, these orphans become more vulnerable and slip deeper into poverty.

Kerala government, sensitive to this issue, then decided to set up a scholarship scheme to cater to the education needs of these children. However, the Kerala government administers the Snehapoorvam scholarship through the Kerala Social Security Mission (KSSM).

In this post, we will share all the details of the Snehapoorvam scholarship. You will learn about the set of people who can take the scholarship and how to apply for the scholarship. We will also answer some vital questions about the Snehapoorvam scholarship, which you may be asking.

The Snehapoorvam Scholarship is ONGOING, so learn how to apply online through the scholarship application form and apply before the scholarship deadline date.

About the Snehapoorvam scholarship

The government of Kerala set up the Snehapoorvam scholarship 2024 scheme to identify orphaned children in the community and improve their primary education. The scholarship scheme takes a holistic approach to provide for orphaned children.

While it provides educational assistance to them, it also encourages Indian families to allow their children to live within the family rather than pushing them to the orphanage.

Also, the Kerala government understands that children are the greatest assets of their nation. Thus, the provision of this scholarship scheme to children who are getting the least attention, affection, and support.

In this vein, the scholarship covers orphans living with their family, relatives, and friends or the community’s help through the Social Security Mission.

Furthermore, to ensure that they achieve the objectives of the Snehapoorvam scholarship, the Kerala government administers the scholarship through KSSM. KSSM then provides this Indian scholarship to orphans and vulnerable children annually.

Level/Field of Study

The Snehapoorvam scholarship 2024 covers a wide range of orphans. The Snehapoorvam scholarship application accepts orphaned children below five years, children from class XI to class XII, and university or college students.

Thus, the scholarship is for study in primary, secondary, and tertiary level education.

Host Nationality

The Kerala government of India provides the Snehapoorvam scholarship. Thus, the 2024 Snehapoorvam scholarship is an Indian Scholarship.

Eligible Nationality

The application for the Snehapoorvam scholarship 2024 is open only to Indians who are orphans.

If you’re reading this post and you’re not an Indian student, you can also check out these International Scholarships.

Scholarship Worth

The Snehapoorvam scholarship provides the following benefits to Kerala orphans and vulnerable children.

  • Rs. 300 (Indian Rupees) per month to children below five years of age in class I to V
  • Rs. 500 (Indian Rupees) per month to students in class VI to X
  • Rs. 750 (Indian Rupees) per month to students in classes XI to XII, and
  • Rs. 1,000 (Indian Rupees) per month for undergraduate or professional students.

We also have useful scholarships for students from developing countries

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Snehapoorvam scholarship scheme 2024, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a child who has lost either the mother, father or both parents
  • Be a student pursuing a formal education at any level between the first standard level and college degree level
  • A child below five years of age
  • A child who belongs to the BPL category. BPL simply means Below the Poverty Level. It is a benchmark that the Indian government uses to mark individuals or households at an economic disadvantage, and
  • A child who belongs to the APL category. However, the children who fall under the Above Poverty Level category have restrictions. Their household’s annual income should be below Rs. 20,000 in rural areas (Local body/Grama Panchayat), or below Rs. 22,375 in Urban areas (Corporation/Municipality).

How To Apply

The Snehapoorvam scholarship 2024 application takes place online through an application form. However, the orphan child does not have permission to apply by themselves on the application portal.

Thus, the child, student, or household applying for the Snehapoorvam scholarship will go through the head of Aided/Government institutions. Such institutions are schools and colleges.

The head of these institutions (or degree student) will then go through the Snehapoorvam scholarship application process below:

  1. Log In

    Visit the official site by clicking “START APPLICATION” below. Log in to the site by clicking the “Schools/College Log In” page. You must register if you’re a new user by filling in the required details.

  2. Start Application

    Begin your Snehapoorvam scholarship application by filling out the online form. Carefully enter the correct information.

  3. Upload Document

    Upload a copy of all the necessary documents for the 2024 Snehapoorvam scholarship. Find the list of documents you need to submit below.

  4. Submit Application

    Review all the information you have filled in and the files you have uploaded, then submit your application.

After following these steps, you will receive an application form to print out and submit to the Kerala Social Social Security Mission office.

If you’re applying as a student, however, you will have to get the official seal and the signature of your school or college on the application form before submitting it to KSSM.

KSSM Office Address:

Kerala Social Security Mission,
Trivandrum – 695012.

Start Application


Children below 5 years can directly apply for the Snehapoorvam scholarship to the Executive Director, Kerala Social Security Mission through the representative Child Welfare Committee.

Supporting Documents

As we explained above, there are documents you will need to submit when filling out the 2024 Snehapoorvam scholarship online application.

These documents are as follows:

  • An attested copy of the death certificate of one or both parents
  • BPL certificate or BPL ration card if you fall in the BPL category, including attested income proof of your family
  • Bank Passbook, which should be of a joint account in the name of your guardian
  • Photocopy of your Aadhar or latest proof of Aadhar registration.
  • Passport-size photographs.

Snehapoorvam Scholarship Application Form

Because children below five years of age cannot submit their application for the Snehapoorvam scholarship application online, they will fill out a printed application form.

Of course, they will do this through the help of their guardian or the representative Child Welfare Committee.

So, we have provided you with the form you need to fill out for your child. Click on the button below to download the application form.

Scholarship Application Form

Application Deadline

The Snehapoorvam scholarship application for 2024 will be announced next year. Keep in touch with us for more details on the new one.

We encourage you to apply on time. However, the scholarship runs annually. Thus, you can always use it in the coming years.

If you wish to learn more about this scholarship, visit the official scholarship website below.

Scholarship Website

The £18,000 British Chevening Scholarships is ongoing in case you are an Indian student who wishes to study in the UK.


Is the Snehapoorvam Scholarship available for everyone?

No, the Snehapoorvam Scholarship is for only children from Kerala who are orphans and children who meet the eligibility requirements.

Am I restricted to government schools?

Yes, you can only attend government schools, universities, or colleges in India with the Snehapoorvam Scholarship.

Can children who are not orphans get this scholarship?

You may still get a Snehapoorvam Scholarship award if you are an abandoned child. In this case, your parents may still be alive, but you don’t know them.

How do I apply for the Snehapoorvam Scholarship?

To apply for the Snehapoorvam Scholarship, you will submit the application form and other supporting documents (e.g., death certificate and BPL Certificate) to the head of your institution (school). They will, in turn, complete the application online through the application portal. You can also visit the application portal and apply by selecting the “schools/college log-in.”

How is the Snehapoorvam Scholarship?

The Snehapoorvam Scholarship provides Rs. 300 to children below 5 years, Rs. 500 to students in class VI to X, Rs. 750 to students in class XI to XII, and Rs. 1,000 to degree and professional students every month.


The Snehapoorvam Scholarship is the Kerala government’s scheme that helps provide every child with education.

Thus, the scholarship covers orphaned children from the Kerala community who have lost one or both parents in any way or children who are abandoned.

Children are the country’s future, so improve the future of Kerala and India today by applying for an orphaned or vulnerable child.

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