South African Women in Science Awards (WISA), 

The Department of Science and Technology (DST) is delighted to offer the South African Women in Science Awards (WISA) for 2024. This award will be given to women who are South African citizens or permanent residents.

The awards recognize and reward excellence by women scientists and researchers, and profile them as role models for younger women.

DST’s mission is to provide leadership, an enabling environment, and resources for science, technology, and innovation in support of South Africa’s development.

More details About the Scholarship

Here are some of the specific details you’d really need to know about South African Women in Science Awards.

Course Level:

South African Women in Science Awards (WISA) are available for pursuing research programs.

Study Subject:

Awards in the distinguished woman and distinguished young woman researcher categories will be made for research that responds to the theme in the fields of Natural (Life and Physical) and Engineering Sciences, and Humanities and Social Sciences.

However, the DST Fellowships and TATA Scholarships are not restricted to the theme.

Scholarship Award:

  • Awards for Distinguished Woman Researchers: Winner: R80 000; first runner-up: R45 000; and second runner-up: R35 000.
  • Awards for Distinguished Young Women Researchers: Winner: R65 000; first runner-up: R35 000; and second runner-up: R25 000.
  • Awards for Research and Innovation: Distinguished Woman: R80 000, Distinguished Young Woman: R65 000
  • DST Fellowships: R35 000 for master’s (X4), R45 000 for doctoral students (X4)
  • TATA Africa Scholarships for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology: Master’s R60 000 (X3) Doctoral R60 000 (X3)

Numbers of Scholarships:

The number of scholarships under the South African Women in Science Awards (WISA) is not known.

Scholarship Location:

The South African Women in Science Awards (WISA) for 2024 will be taken in South Africa.


  • Awards for Distinguished Woman Researchers: These awards will be made to women scientists or researchers for their outstanding scientific contribution to advancing science and building the knowledge base in the theme of the awards. Awards will be made in each of the following fields: Natural (Life and Physical) and Engineering Sciences; and Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Awards for Distinguished Young Women Researchers: These awards will be made to emerging woman scientists or researchers, under the age of 40 or turning 41 during the year of the awards, for their outstanding contribution to advancing science and building the knowledge base in the theme. Awards will be made in each of the following fields: Natural (Life and Physical) and Engineering Sciences; and Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Awards for Research and Innovation Leading to Economic Empowerment of Women: These awards will be made to two women whose innovation (emanating from research) has led to demonstrable economic impact and/or the empowerment of women, especially in the workplace. Awards will be made to Distinguished researcher; and Distinguished young researcher.
  • DST Fellowships for Postgraduate Students: These awards will be made to eight women who are currently involved in full-time study or research leading to masters or doctoral degrees. The said awards recognize outstanding ability and potential in research, to enhance the women’s research experience and output and encourage more young women to complete research degrees. Postgraduate fellowships will be awarded to Four master’s students: 2 in natural and engineering sciences; 1 in humanities and social sciences (HSS) and (1) indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) and Four doctoral students: 2 in natural and engineering sciences; 1 in HSS and 1 in IKS.
  • Tata Africa Scholarships in Science, Engineering, and Technology: Six awards will be made to women who are currently involved in full-time postgraduate study or research leading to masters or doctoral degrees in areas where participation by women is traditionally low. These awards will recognize outstanding ability and potential in research.


The South African Women in Science Awards (WISA) for 2024 will be made to women who are South African citizens or permanent residents.

College Admission Requirement

Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have a previous degree.

How to Apply:

Nominations and applications should be submitted electronically (using the attached form) to

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Application Deadline:

The application deadline for the South African Women in Science Awards (WISA), 2024 is May 26, 2024.

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