Stern MBA Scholarships for International Students in USA 

University Stern is offering the Stern MBA Merit Scholarships for Domestic and International Students. Awards range from partial tuition to full tuition fees.

All applicants (domestic and international) are considered for merit-based scholarships. No additional materials are required to be considered.

The Stern MBA scholarship awards the following types of scholarships: Dean’s Scholarship (full-tuition scholarship); Named Faculty Scholarship (full-tuition scholarship); Consortium Fellowship (a full-tuition fellowship awarded for US citizens and permanent residents from underrepresented groups); Military Veterans Scholarship (full-tuition scholarship includes a small stipend to meritorious U.S. Military Veterans); Stern Scholarship (one-year full-tuition scholarship); Community Scholarship (one-year $10,000 scholarship) and Forté Fellowship (awarded in conjunction with a partner organization).

About the Scholarship

Awards range from partial tuition to full tuition and fees.

All applicants (domestic and international) are considered for merit-based scholarships. No additional materials are required to be considered.

Scholarship decisions are made at the time of admission and are included in your official mailed admission letter.


All applicants (domestic and international) are considered for the 2024 Stern Merit-Based Scholarships.

Selection Criteria for Stern MBA Scholarships

Selection will be based on merit.

School(Institutions/ Country):

NYU Stern | USA


The Stern MBA Scholarships are for students who want to study at the Master’s Degree level.


All fields are available in the school’s MBA program.

Funded By:

New York University Stern, USA

Beneficiaries(Target Groups):  

Stern Merit-Based Scholarships are targeted for Domestic and international students

Benefits(Value/ Inclusions):

Award No:

Approximately 40% of admitted Full-time MBA students are awarded a merit-based scholarship.

Scholarship Duration:

Stern MBA Scholarships are awarded for a period of one year.

Scholarship covers:

Awards range from partial tuition to full tuition fees.

All Stern Merit-Based Scholarships decisions are final.

Stern Merit Based Scholarships

Dean’s Scholarship: 

The Dean’s Scholarship is one of Stern’s most prestigious scholarships and is awarded to a limited number of some of our most meritorious admitted students.

This full-tuition scholarship is presented in the name of Dean Peter Blair Henry and affords the opportunity to connect directly with Dean Henry.

#1. Named Faculty Scholarship:

The Named Faculty Scholarship is designed to pair some of our most meritorious students with some of Stern’s most distinguished and prestigious faculty.

This full-tuition scholarship matches admitted students based on their background and interests with a designated faculty member in that field.

Named faculty scholars to have the opportunity to develop close ties to their designated faculty members through informal interactions.

#2. Consortium Fellowship:

A full-tuition fellowship awarded in conjunction with a partner organization – The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management seeks to enhance the representation of African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Native Americans in business education and management. U.S. citizens and permanent residents from these underrepresented groups, as well as other people who can demonstrate a commitment to the Consortium’s mission, are eligible.

Applicants must apply to NYU Stern through the Consortium application to be considered for this full-tuition fellowship.

#3. Military Veterans Scholarship:

This full-tuition scholarship includes a small stipend and the scholarship is awarded to meritorious U.S. Military Veterans who have also exemplified leadership, honor and service.

Military Veterans award is supported by an anonymous donor with matching funds supplied by the Stern School.

#4. Stern Scholarship:

This one-year scholarship covers full tuition for the first year of study and is awarded to admitted students showing strong merit.

The stern scholarship is awarded for the first year of the program only.

Community Scholarship:

This one-year $10,000 scholarship is awarded to a select group of admitted students who demonstrate exceptional interpersonal skills and the potential to be strong contributors to the Stern community.

The Community scholarship is awarded for the first year of the program only.

#5. Forté Fellowship: 

This is awarded in conjunction with a partner organization – The Forté Foundation is a consortium of major corporations, top business schools and influential nonprofit organizations dedicated to educating and advancing women in business.

Stern designates Forté Fellows at the time of admission to exceptional women candidates who are also receiving a merit-based scholarship.


Scholarship decisions are made at the time of admission and are included in your official mailed admission letter. Applicants will be notified by December 15; February 15; April 1; and June 1.

Scholarship Application Method

The mode of applying is online.

Applicants must apply to NYU Stern through the Consortium application to be considered for Consortium fellowship.

Scholarship Application Due Date : 

The application deadlines are:
1st Deadline: October 15;

2nd Deadline: November 15;

3rd Deadline: January 15;

4th Deadline: March 15

Application forms and guidelines can be download from the official website

N.B: It is important to read the application procedure, and visit the official websites (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.

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