Government of Hungary Scholarship Program for Christian Young People 

The application for the Hungary Scholarship For Young Christian Students 2024 Application is now open to eligible Hungarians.

Take your time and go through the content, the World Scholarship Forum Team has arranged all the details you need to win the Government of Hungary Scholarship for Young Christian students. Check it out now.

Hungary is rapidly becoming a study abroad destination; this could be the fact that it is a member of the European Union and a Schengen state. Higher education is conducted according to the Bologna System enabling students to transfer from one EU University to the other.

Diplomas are consequently accepted everywhere in the European Union.

Hungary is a unitary parliamentary republic a landlocked country in Central Europe. Its capital, Budapest, is bisected by the Danube River.

Slovakia borders it to the north, Romania to the east, Serbia to the south, Croatia to the southwest, Slovenia to the west, Austria to the northwest, and Ukraine to the northeast.

About the Young Christian Scholarship Hungary 2024

The core mission of the Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People is to provide the possibility of studying in Hungary for young Christian students living in the world’s crisis regions and/or being threatened in their country because of their faith.

The Scholarship Program for Christian Young People is managed by the Government of Hungary’s Deputy State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians and organized by the Tempus Public Foundation.

After completing their studies, the scholarship holders will return to help their home community with their knowledge, participate in the reconstruction of war-destroyed countries, and contribute to the improvement of social situation and preservation of the culture of Christian communities.

Level/Field of Study

Hungary Scholarship for Young Christian students is available for bachelor, master, and one-tier master programmes. The list of available study programs is accessible in this call on the official website.

In the Hungarian education system, one-tier master programmes cover both the bachelor and the master level of studies; therefore, it is an undivided master’s programme that results in a master’s degree.

These one-tier programmes are offered in specific study fields such as general medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, architecture, law, veterinary surgery, forestry engineering, etc.

Host Nationality

The Scholarship is hosted in Hungary. To check for other scholarship and grant opportunities available in Hungary, follow the link.

Eligible Nationality

Citizens of the following countries:
Egypt, the Lebanese Republic, the Republic of Iraq, the State of Israel, Palestine, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Syrian Arab Republic, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and Nigeria.

Scholarship Worth

Provisions Covered by the Scholarship:

  • Tuition-free education – exemption from the payment of tuition fee
  • Monthly stipend – bachelor, master and one-tier master level: monthly amount of HUF 119 000 (cca. EUR 380) contribution to the living expenses in Hungary, for 12 months a year, until the completion of studies
  • Accommodation – dormitory place or a contribution of HUF 40 000 to accommodation costs for the whole duration of the scholarship period
  • Reimbursement of travel costs – HUF 200 000 /year (cca. EUR 645)
  • Medical insurance – health care services according to the relevant Hungarian legislation (Act No. 80 of 1997, national health insurance card) and supplementary medical insurance for up to HUF 65 000 (cca. EUR 205) a year/person

Young Christian Scholarship Hungary 2024 Eligibility

The Scholarship Programme is based on cooperation between Hungary’s Ministry of Human Capacities and churches, pursuing humanitarian activities in crisis regions. For the 2024 academic year, the scholarship is announced for the citizens of the countries listed below.

  • The applicants may not have Hungarian citizenship.
  • Local Churches are to verify and prove that the applicant belongs to their religious community. A list of Churches is to be found in Annex 1 on the official website. Only those applications can be awarded a scholarship, which also possesses a recommendation from the local Church along with the approval of the Deputy State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians.
  • Scholarship holders must possess the relevant language and education certificates, and degrees requested by the host university of the selected degree programme.
  • The scholarship holders commit themselves in the scholarship agreement that after the scholarship agreement ends they return to their home countries if the local security and political conditions allow it so.
  • Scholarships are for young applicants older than 18 years of age by the time their education starts in Hungary.
  • An individual may win the scholarship only one time at a study level.

Selection Criteria:

Applications are considered formally eligible if all criteria are met. The applicant must the following:

  • Be eligible for participation in the Scholarship Programme;
  • Has applied for a scholarship type and study programme available within the framework of the Scholarship Programme;
  • Has submitted the application and all documents as required no later than the application deadline (except for cases listed in section 3.3.);
  • And has proved his/her language proficiency and language skills meet the requirements of the Host Institution.

Applicants with an eligible, formally correct application can attend the institutional entrance examinations. Each applicant can participate in up to two institutional entrance examinations – based on the submitted application form.

Participating Institutions

Recognized Host Institutions, as compiled by the Deputy State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians. This is accessible in this call on the official website.

Sponsorship Duration

It depends on if it’s time or partial studies. Full-time programmes for Bachelor is 2-4 years, for Master is 1.5-2 years and for One-tier master is 5-6 years. All partial programmes at Bachelor, master or one-tier masters are for 1 or 2 semesters.

How To Apply

All applications are to be submitted through the online application system of the Programme. Upon registration, the applicants will be able to access the application surface.

All applicants must fill out and save all requested information on the online application form in English and present all relevant documents before the deadline below. No hard copies are required.

Each applicant is entitled to apply for two different study programmes in order of preference. Once the application has been submitted, the applicant can no longer change the order of preference.

It is important to visit the official website (link below) for complete information (including the list of Required Application Documents) on how to apply for this scholarship programme.

Deadline For Young Christian Scholarship Hungary 2024

Due to the coronavirus pandemic and its yet unforeseeable future consequences, the application process of the scholarship program has been suspended for the 2024 academic year.

This means the institutional admission procedure will also be cancelled, and your application will not be further evaluated in this application period.

However, organizers ask for your understanding in this hard situation. They hope that they can continue the programme with renewed vigour as soon as things go back to normal.

Notwithstanding, the deadline for the application to Young Christian Scholarship Hungary falls on 31st January yearly.

For more information and application on the Young Christian Scholarship 2024, click on the link below:

Application Link

Scholarship Link

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