Study in Italy: Admissions, Tuition Fees, and Cost of Living 2024

Italy is a European country located in the Southern part of Europe. It borders countries like France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, San Marino, and Vatican City. Many students choose to study in Italy because of the high standard of education coupled with low tuition fees.

So if you cannot afford the high tuition fees to study in countries like Australia, the US, Canada, and the UK, you can make up your mind now to study in Italy. In today’s article, we shall be looking at the cost associated with studying in Italy, admission requirements, language requirements, cost of living, etc.

This post provides you with information about Study in Italy Admissions, Tuition Fees, and Cost of Living. You can check the table of content below to get an overview of all this post entails;

Cost of Studying in Italy

Universities in Italy charge extremely low tuition fees for all students including international students. The average tuition fees for Bachelors and Masters programs is 1500 Euro per academic year.

In some cases, students are exempted from paying tuition fees depending on their financial condition or academic performance. We advise that you contact your university in Italy to find out if you are qualified for a tuition fee exemption.

READ ALSO: List of Low Tuition Universities in the UK for International Students And what they pay.

Cost of Living in Italy

Cost of living in Italy for students can be considerably high or low depending on where you live. For example, tourist areas and main cities especially in the North are more expensive than in smaller towns.

In one month, a budget of 1000 Euro to 1500 Euro can carter for living expenses like feeding, accommodation, transportation, buying of books, etc. Here’s the breakdown below:

Admission Requirement

If you are applying for an undergraduate program, you should be in possession of a valid school leaving certificate that qualifies you for higher education studies in your country.

This will also qualify you for studies in Italy. For Masters, a good bachelor’s degree certificate is usually required, and for Ph.D., a good Master’s degree results.

Note that some of the programs are taught in the Italian language and you may be requested to prove your proficiency.

Language Requirement

Italian Language

According to Italian regulations regarding access to university studies, students are required to have adequate knowledge of the Italian language as it is the usual language of instruction. In general, you need to have a minimum level of Italian corresponding to B2 in the Europass Language Passport classification.

If your level of knowledge of Italian corresponds to C1 or C2 in the Europass Language Passport classification, you will be exempted from taking the Italian language test.

Unless your level of knowledge of Italian corresponds to C1 or C2 as previously explained, you will be required to pass a test of the Italian language. The test will be organized by the institution where you will be studying, usually in September.

English Language

If your study program or course is taught in English, you will be required to prove your level of command of English by presenting the results you received at English courses.

Please, always check with your university whether your English studies are sufficient for you to meet this requirement.

Intake Periods/Deadlines

Please adhere to the following dates when applying for admission into an Italian university:

  • Mid-April to mid-May: students contact the Italian embassy or consulate in their home countries to receive a Letter of Academic Eligibility and Suitability (in Italian, Dichiarazione di Valoro in Loco (DV)) and pre-apply for the study program of their choice.
  • August: students receive a notification on whether they have been admitted to the selected study program and the exact date to take the Italian language exam and any additional exam in case of competitive programs with limited study places.
  • September: students take the Italian language exam and any additional exam if needed.

How to Apply for Admission

The mode of application for admission into an Italian university varies depending on the school and your study program. Please click here for detailed information on how to apply for admission.

READ ALSO: 10 Most applied Fully-funded Scholarships for International students

List of Universities in Italy

  1. Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
  2. Accademia Italiana
  3. American University of Rome, The
  4. Basilicata University Potenza
  5. Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome
  6. Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
  7. Domus Academy
  8. Dutch University Institute for Art History (DUIA)
  9. European School of Economics (Rome, Milan, Florence)
  10. European University Institute
  11. Free International University of Social Studies
  12. Free University “Maria Santissima Assunta”
  13. Free University Institute “Carlo Cattaneo”
  14. Free University Institute of Bio-Medicine Rome
  15. Free University of Bozen
  16. Higher School of University and Advanced Studies Pisa
  17. Institute of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
  18. International Higher School for Advanced Studies Trieste
  19. John Cabot University
  20. Johns Hopkins University, SAIS Bologna Center
  21. Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti
  22. Polimoda Institute of Fashion Design
  23. Polytechnic Institute of Bari
  24. Polytechnic Institute of Milan
  25. Polytechnic Institute of Turin
  26. Pontificia Università Gregoriana
  27. Pontificia Università Lateranense
  28. Pontificia Università S. Tommaso
  29. School of Education Pisa
  30. Second University of Naples
  31. John’s University, Rome Campus
  32. Third University of Rome
  33. Università Bocconi
  34. Università Pontificia Salesiana
  35. University Institute of Architecture Venice
  36. University Institute of Modern Languages
  37. University Institute of Naval Studies
  38. University Institute of Oriental Studies
  39. University Institute of Teacher Training “Suor Orsola Benincasa”
  40. University of Ancona
  41. University of Bari
  42. University of Bergamo
  43. University of Brescia
  44. University of Cagliari
  45. University of Calabria
  46. University of Camerino
  47. University of Cassino
  48. University of Catania
  49. University of Chieti
  50. University of Commerce Luigi Bocconi
  51. University of Ferrara
  52. University of Florence
  53. University of Genoa
  54. University of Italian Studies for Foreigners of Perugia
  55. University of Italian Studies for Foreigners of Siena
  56. University of Lecce
  57. University of Macerata
  58. University of Messina
  59. University of Milan
  60. University of Milan – Bicocca
  61. University of Modena
  62. University of Molise
  63. University of Naples Federico II
  64. University of Padua
  65. University of Palermo
  66. University of Parma
  67. University of Pavia
  68. University of Perugia
  69. University of Pisa
  70. University of Reggio Calabria
  71. University of Roma “La Sapienza”
  72. University of Roma “Tor Vergata”
  73. University of Salerno
  74. University of Sannio
  75. University of Sassari
  76. University of Siena
  77. University of Teramo
  78. University of Trento
  79. University of Trieste
  80. University of Turin
  81. University of Udine
  82. University of Urbino
  83. University of Venice
  84. University of Verona
  85. Viterbo State University
  86. Yorker International University, Milano


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