Surgery Online Global Scholarships at the University of Edinburgh,

The University of Edinburgh UK offers the Edinburgh Surgery Online Global Scholarships for online Masters programs for the academic year 2024. These scholarships are available for all students who are enrolled in the online master’s program in surgery. The scholarship serves as a medium for providing financial assistance to the students.

In this article, we will be telling more about Surgery Online Global Scholarships like eligibility, the scholarship worth, and how to apply for the Scholarship.

About University of Edinburgh

Founded in 1582, and located in the United Kingdom, the University of Edinburgh is your sixth-oldest university in the world. It really is among the planet’s finest universities, always ranked 18th at the 2019 QS World University Rankings. It’s a global reputation for innovative research over a vast array of subjects.

At the University of Edinburgh— The university supplies a range of aid for students. The award-winning Careers Service with the university provides practical ideas and aid to aid the applicants to accomplish their livelihood objectives. It gives many opportunities for applicants to build a wide selection of skills and develop confidence.

About Edinburgh Global Online Learning Masters Scholarships

The University of Edinburgh will offer a number of Masters’s scholarships for distance learning Masters’s programs offered by the University. Each scholarship will cover full tuition fees and will be tenable for the normal duration of the program of study.

Applicants should already have been offered a place at the University of Edinburgh and should have firmly accepted that offer or be intending to do so. The scholarship will be awarded broadly on the basis of academic merit.

Candidates must have, or expect to obtain, a UK first-class or 2:1 Honours degree at the undergraduate level or the international equivalent.


University of Edinburgh Surgery Scholarships 2024 is available to pursue an online master’s degree program at the University of Edinburgh. List of eligible Programs with UCAS code 2024. If you wish to explore more information on Undergraduate Scholarships, click on the link.


Online Global Scholarships are hosted in the UK at the University of Edinburgh. If you are an international student and you wish to study in the UK, this is for you. Complete Guide to Getting A UK Tier 4 Student Visa For International Students.

Eligible Nationality

All applicants for our online master’s courses will be considered for scholarships. Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Scholarship Benefits

  • Each scholarship will cover all tuition fees for a contribution towards the cost of access to the Internet.
  • If your scholarship application is accepted and an IELTS exam is required to complete your EUCLID application, the University of Edinburgh will cover the costs.

Scholarship Number

The Scholarships offers are not specified

Eligibility for Scholarship

  • Scholarships will be awarded to successful candidates for MSc in Surgical Science (E-Learning) and ChM (E-Learning) in General Surgery, Urology, Traumatology and Orthopedics, Vascular and Endovascular.
  • Applicants must be located in one of the countries listed in the list of World Bank low and middle-income countries.
  • If the University’s criteria for the English language are met, you will receive an unrestricted offer, which must also be accepted.

Application Procedure: 

To apply for the scholarship,

  • Complete a EUCLID application – instructions on the full application process can be found on the website
  • Await feedback on the application
  • If eligible to join the course, you will be given a conditional offer, which you must accept.
  • Complete the online application form for an Edinburgh Surgery Online Global Scholarship
  • All applicants into the University is going to probably be asked to establish a degree of language proficiency, irrespective of the nationality or country of residence. Language requirements vary between level program.
  • Contact Details: [email protected]
  • In the event, you demand a Tier-4 visa to study within the united kingdom, the English eligibility that you employ for admissions purposes into the undergraduate degree-level study at the University of Edinburgh.

Click the following link for More Information

Application Deadline

The deadline for applications is a list of June every year. All applicants will be informed by the end of August about the results of their application.


We have other great scholarship opportunities that might be of help to your search

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