15 Top Scholarships for Pakistani Students in Turkey,  [Updated]

Hurry now and make a choice out of the Top Scholarships for Pakistani Students in Turkey below and take on an entirely new world to get first-class academic training. In recent times, Turkey has become a center of attraction for economic and Academic aspects amongst other things for any Pakistani student who intends to study in Turkey.

Turkey has a lot to offer: high-quality education and a very multicultural population, lively cities and beautiful landscapes, artistic, cultural, and sportive events. As a Pakistani, Living and studying in Turkey will definitely inspire you and change your perspectives permanently.

We’re pleased to inform you about the top 15 scholarships for Pakistans to study in Turkey. Carefully read through and apply from a pool of options.

Know about Turkey

Turkey is a nation straddling Eastern Europe and western Asia with cultural connections to ancient Greek, Persian, Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman empires.

The country has a lot of low tuition universities with tuition fees ranging from $600 to $1500 a year for international students. The cost of living is also on the low side usually estimated at $300 to $400 per month.

About Turkey Scholarships for Pakistani Students

These Turkey scholarships for Pakistanis are applicable to any level of academic pursuit, from undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate studies. Most of which are fully funded which means that all the expenses of the students be it accommodation, health, travel, tuition, and every other living cost are taken care of as the case may be.

There are also other Financial aid platforms available to Pakistanis to enable them to support themselves while they go about their studies in Turkey.

#1. Turkey Scholarships for Graduate Studies Programs

The Turkish Government is pleased to call for applications for the Türkiye Government Masters and Doctorate Degrees Scholarships for International Students 2024, eligible persons are by this notice invited to hurry and apply for this program.

Türkiye Scholarships include both scholarship and university placement at the same time. Applicants will be placed in a university and program among their preferences specified in the online application form…Read More

#2. Postgraduate Scholarships In Turkey’s Near East University

Near East University is delighted to offer a number of postgraduate scholarships for 2024 academic years. Both domestic and overseas students are welcome to apply. Those who are selected will receive the benefit of a maximum of 100% of tuition fees…Read More

#3. International Students Masters/Ph.D. Scholarships at Eastern Mediterranean University in Turkey

Eastern Mediterranean University is accepting applications from Turkish and international students for masters and Ph.D. scholarships at the university. An eligible person is welcome to apply and on time too…Read More

#4. Scholarships for International Students at Yeditepe University, Turkey

Yeditepe University is delighted to announce the availability of the Academic Merit Scholarship for the academic year 2024. Students enrolled in University may become eligible to be awarded these scholarships based on the principles determined by the University Boards. Applicants are reminded…Read More

#5. International Students, Near East University Scholarships in Turkey

Applications are currently invited to Near East University for Scholarships for international students to pursue postgraduate (Master and Ph.D.) programs. All applicants both national and international are to meet up with the listed eligibility criteria…Read More

#6. Foreign Students Fatih Sultan Mehmet VakIf University Scholarships in Turkey

Fatih Sultan Mehmet VakIf University Scholarships Applications are on-going for Foreign Students in Turkey, and Final Date for Full Scholarship Applications is July Annually and any other application after the said date will not be taken into consideration.

This study program is available for pursuing a master’s and PhD program. Starting from the 2024 academic years, all successful applicants will be awarded 50% scholarships from the University Board of Trustees….Read More

#7. MS and Ph.D. Scholarships in Turkey

Offers are available at Ozyegin University for graduate students who will work in a large-scale research project on the development of low emission diesel engine components with industry collaboration.

The research will be conducted in the field of control systems. Candidates should have an engineering degree from the departments of mechanical, electrical & electronics, mechatronics, control or closely related disciplines…Read More

#8. Success and Support Scholarships for International Students in Turkey

Turkey Government announces Success and Support Scholarships for international students (Turkish citizens holding dual citizenship are ineligible). Bursaries are only open to those currently enrolled in Turkish universities and cannot be held in conjunction with any other scholarship…Read More

#9. Ozyegin University Undergraduate Academic Merit Scholarships, Turkey

Undergraduate Academic Merit Scholarships are scholarships awarded to eligible undergraduate students with academic distinction.  The scopes, quotas, and requirements of undergraduate academic merit scholarships are reviewed by the Board of Trustees each academic year…Read More

#10. STRC Research Fellowships for Visiting Scientists and Scientists on Sabbatical Leave in Turkey

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey is providing research fellowships to the scientists of any country. These fellowships are awarded in the fields of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technological Sciences, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities…Read More

#11. The TRT World Fellowship for International Journalists in Turkey

The TRT World family is delighted to invite applications for its Fellowship Program, starting this summer. Journalists from around the world are eligible to apply for this fellowship. The main objective of this program is to foster next-generation talents who are passionate about journalism.

As the TRT World family, we invite you to take part in our journey in the international news landscape and meet our international team… Read More

#12. Turkish Foundation Int’l Scholarship Program for International Students in Turkey

Offers are up for the new Int’l Scholarship Program for all new international students offered by the Turkish Foundation. Scholarships are available to study at high school, bachelor’s, masters and Ph.D. levels in Turkey.

The program aims to contribute to the Islamic education of the Muslim communities as well as training qualified people in every aspect of Islam who will benefit their communities with their knowledge and experiences, according to the foundation…. Read More

#13. Turkish Government – Yunus Emre Turkish Language Scholarships Program

The Turkish government is offering scholarships under the name of Yunus Emre Turkish Language Scholarship program to ensure Turkish language education in Turkey for the civil servants and academicians of foreign countries.   The scholarship will cover the expenses for the Turkish language education as well as the monthly scholarship allowance, the travel expenses for the first travel to Turkey and the return from Turkey at the end of the course and accommodation expenses…Read More

#14. Turkish Government – Ibni Haldun Social Sciences scholarships program for Post Graduates

Applications are invited by the Turkish government for the Turkey graduate scholarship program for 2024 academic years. The scholarships are available for international students (non-Turkish) to pursue master’s and Ph.D. degrees at Turkish universities.

Two scholarship programs: Ali Kusçu Science and Technology Graduate Scholarship for science, engineering and technology, and Ibni Haldun Social Sciences Graduate Scholarship to study in the field of social sciences are available…Read More

#15. Türkiye Government Masters and Doctorate Degrees Scholarships for International Students

The Turkish Government is pleased to call for applications for the Türkiye Government Masters and Doctorate Degrees Scholarships for International Students 2024, eligible persons are by this notice invited to hurry and apply for this program.

Türkiye Scholarships include both scholarship and university placement at the same time. Applicants will be placed in a university and program among their preferences specified in the online application form…..Read More

#16. Scholarships at Koc University for international students in Turkey

The call is open for the high caliber international and Turkish students, who wish to study an undergraduate, masters or Ph.D. degree program at the University…Read More

How to get a scholarship in Turkey?

Applicants must first open an account on Turkey Scholarships Application System (https://tbbs.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr) and enter their “Personal Information, Educational Background, Social Activities, etc.” in order to apply to Success Scholarship.

Top 5 Reasons to Study in Turkey

Turkey is fast attaining a reputation as an ideal destination for international students seeking quality educational qualifications. Is this level of interest justified or will it fizzle out as just another fad of globalization? As the following irrefutable reasons why you should consider studying in Turkey show, this is most certainly not the case.

#1 Cost of Living

The country offers the quality of living that is on par with the most advanced global cities as a result. The main difference between some of the world’s well known melting pots of culture is the cost of living. Turkish cities offer all the convenience you expect of first world economies at a surprisingly low cost.

#2 University-Industry Cooperation

For well over a decade today, the Turkish government has aggressively pushed for greater integration between courses offered at universities and the needs of the world’s industries. The law paved the way for the development of technology development centers and technoparks right in university campuses to provide the most relevant hands-on training for students.

#3 A Host of Scholarship Opportunities

According to data from UNESCO, well over 3.6 million students were enrolled in degree programs abroad at the turn of the decade. This represents a sharp increase compared to the state of affairs in the early 2000s.

Such a radical transformation can be directly attributed to the increased availability of scholarship opportunities. Emerging higher education destinations such as Turkey were identified as key contributors to this encouraging trend.

It is worth noting that a vast majority of scholarships awarded to international students in Turkey are funded by the Turkish state.

#4 Quality of Education

The higher education sector in Turkey has undergone a virtual revolution in the last couple of decades. It is not just the number of universities which have increased markedly but the quality of the education offered has also greatly improved too.

#5 Ideal Location

Turkey is euphemistically known as the “Bridge to the World” or “Where East Meets West” and the concepts are true in a literal sense as well. Turkey is ideally located at the geographical meeting point of Europe and the Middle East, and as such serves as a veritable melting point of diverse cultures and worldviews, all coexisting harmoniously.

This unique aspect of everyday life in Turkey guarantees a discerning student the perfect environment where to learn and create a repertoire of scintillating memories.

You can access more information about what it takes to live and study in Turkey and Low tuition Universities in Turkey by clicking on the Link

What are the basic things I need to know before applying for Turkey student visa in Pakistan?

If one is interested to study in turkey he must have a student visa in order to stay and study in Turkey. If one does not have any student visa then he will not be allowed to stay and study in turkey nor will he be registered in turkey for a residency permit.

A student visa should be obtained from the Turkish consulate; you can apply to the one that is nearest to your residence. One must have to submit the visa application form along with certain documents required for the processing to get the student visa to a Turkish university.


The student needs to attach the approval letter from the university he applied in for study along with a number of other documents, in order to submit their visa application form. In order to apply for a Student visa from Pakistan, students need to provide the following documents.

  1. The student must have a bank account by his name, but the account must be in foreign currency like Euro, Dollars, and GBP, a new account is also acceptable.
  2. Student needs to go for Medical; Medical is only done in Government Hospital.
  3. Police clearance certificate
  4. Sponsor letter.
  5. Admission letters from Institute.
  6. Passport copy. Valid for more than 90 days
  7. Medical certificate
  8. Bank statement
  9. Processing fee.
  10. Application form – can get from the Turkish consulate near to your residence.
  11. Passport sized pictures- must be 2
  12. Copy of return ticket after the completion of the stay.

Visa fee- for processing the visa (depending on the nationality from where the visa is applied )

How do I apply and obtain a Turkey study visa in Pakistan

Applying for admission to any university/college in Turkey is the first step the candidate must have to fill an application form for the required course he is willing to study in. The application form should be submitted to the university/college before the last date mentioned by the institute. The application form should have some educational documents attached to it like:

  1. The educational degrees you have passed previously.
  2. Language course if required depending on the course you are applying in.
  3. Admission fee for the course as demanded by the college for your course.

Once you have submitted your application to the university/college you have to wait you will get your approval letter from the college for the course you had applied in. Now you had to pay the first-semester fee to the college in order to get the approval letter only then you will be able to apply for a visa.

While applying for a visa you had to fill up the visa application form attached with a number of documents and send it to the Turkish consulate at your country for the processing of your visa application.



For a single entry visa, a non-refundable visa application charge of $48 applies to most visa applications.


There may be other expenses that may vary your budget it generally includes medical examination cost, police checks and translation of documents in English (if required).

For more information, visit the Embassy of Turkey in Pakistan;

Turkish Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan

Street 1, Diplomatic Enclave, G-5


  • (+92) 51 831 98 10
    (+92) 51 227 76 71


  • (+92) 51 227 76 71



Is education free in Turkey for international students?

The Turkish higher education system is similar to other European countries. They offer almost tuition-free Education to international students however you need to take those universities YOS Exam and you have to provide excellent academic GPA and also high Toefl IBT or IELTS result in English.


International students, unfortunately, have no legal right to work either in public or private offices. However, Turkish universities are relatively open to foreign researchers.

According to the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, everyone has the right to receive education. Education is compulsory from ages 6 to 14 and free in state schools. Some schools might have an additional year of language study. High schools are mostly owned by the government and provide free education.

There is no application fee to apply for a grant from the Turkish government. All you have to do is make sure you are a qualified candidate to apply for a scholarship program, as well as make sure you have all the complete and available documents to apply for the Turkish scholarship online.

Applicants must first open an account on Turkey Scholarships Application System (https://tbbs.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr) and enter their “Personal Information, Educational Background, Social Activities, etc.” in order to apply to Success Scholarship.

Editor’s Recommendation

We have other great scholarship opportunities that might be of help to your search

We hope this writing provided your scholarship necessities. Please share with your friends and leave your question or response on the comment box for us to serve you better.

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