UAB International Scholarship in the United States 

With the high cost of education at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, most international students are skeptical of applying to the school. Meanwhile, the best way international students at the University of Alabama at Birmingham succeed in their studies is through UAB International scholarship.

If you are an international student at UAB, there are a good number of merit scholarships you can apply for and stand a chance of spending low during your study this 2024. This article will highlight some of these scholarships to aid you in your study

Over the years, the University of Alabama has deemed it fit to help international students with scholarships to aid their studies.

Hence, to apply for any scholarship successfully, it’s important you know every necessary thing about the scholarship first. This article will help you know whether you are eligible, how much you will gain, and the right way to apply to avoid making mistakes.

What is UAB International Scholarship Worth?

Upon gaining admission at the University of Alabama, if you are eligible for the scholarship, then you get $7,500 per year.

UAB International Scholarship Eligibility

Students must meet all of the following requirements to be automatically considered for this award upon admission to UAB:

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  • Graduate from a secondary or high school (up to 2 years prior to intake) with a minimum grade point average of 3.0/4.0
  • Have not enrolled in post-secondary work
  • Anticipate holding an F-1 visa

The examined GPA will be the cumulative GPA at the time of admission. All scholarships are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis as funds are available and are renewable for a total of four years (or eight academic semesters). Students who are receiving governmental scholarships or other external support are not eligible to receive this award.

How to Apply for the UAB International Scholarship

There is no specific application process for UAB International Scholarships. It is solely by merit.

All you need is to apply for admission into any undergraduate program at the University of Alabama. Upon gaining admission, if you meet the requirements above, then be sure to enjoy this scholarship.

For application to UAB, click the link below:

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UAB International Scholarships Deadline

Students must be accepted to UAB by the following deadlines to be considered for scholarships:

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  • April 1 for the June intake
  • May 1 for the August intake
  • November 1 for the January intake

For more information about any UAB International scholarship, click the link below:

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UAB International Scholarships FAQs

Upon gaining admission at the University of Alabama, if you are eligible for the scholarship, then you get $7,500 per year.

Students must meet all the following requirements to be automatically considered for this award upon admission to UAB:

1. Graduate from a secondary or high school (up to 2 years prior to intake) with a minimum grade point average of 3.0/4.0
2. Have not enrolled in post-secondary work
3. Anticipate holding an F-1 visa

UAB International scholarship at the University of Alabama at Birmingham is eligible for International students.

There is no specific application process for this UAB International Scholarship. It is solely by merit. All you need is to apply for admission into any undergraduate program at the University of Alabama. Upon gaining admission, if you meet the requirements above, then be sure to enjoy this scholarship.

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