University of Birmingham – Canada Undergraduate Scholarship 

The University of Birmingham, in partnership with the Canada Alumni Chapter, is delighted to offer an undergraduate scholarship to an outstanding candidate from Canada. The University of Birmingham Scholarship is worth £2,500.

The candidate should have an excellent academic background with at least 80% overall in 6 x grade 12 U or U/C courses.

You should also demonstrate excellence in an area of your life; this might be outstanding academic achievement, exceptional achievement in extracurricular activities (such as sport, music, managing events or societies) or significant achievement gained either in your working life or through volunteering and service to others.

However, I believe the information in this article will make you stand out among other applicants because you will know the scholarship eligibility and how to apply for it easily.

Good luck!!!

All You Need To Know About Canada Undergraduate Scholarship 2022

Level of Study

The level of study available under the University of Birmingham-Canada Undergraduate Scholarship is the undergraduate level.

Subject area

Under the University of Birmingham-Canada Undergraduate Scholarship, the candidate can study in fields such as; Arts and Law, Engineering and Physical Sciences, Life and Environmental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Social Sciences


Canada Type of Award:   The award will be given by the University of Birmingham.   Value of Award   One scholarship available to the value of a £2,500 reduction in tuition fees for the first year of study.

Eligibility Criteria

In order to be eligible, candidates must:

  • have received an offer of a place to study on the first year of an undergraduate program at the University of Birmingham;
  • have a valid student ID number;
  • be studying full-time and on-campus (not distance learning);
  • be a national of, and currently domiciled in Canada;
  • be classified as overseas for fees purposes;
  • have made adequate financial provision to study in the UK (including any associated visa/travel expenses);
  • be able to pay any outstanding tuition fees not covered by the scholarship;
  • not be in receipt of a full tuition fee from any other source.

How to Apply

If you are eligible to apply, please complete the application form.

Application deadline

The closing date for the University of Birmingham-Canada Undergraduate Scholarship is April 30 every year

If you have any questions about the application process, please email


Funding, Graduation & Awards

+44(0) 121 414 7391


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