University Of Western Australia James T F Chong Scholarships 

The University of Western Australia is offering the James T F Chong Scholarship Program which is provided to Interested applicants who are willing to pursue a degree program at the Institution.

Choose the University of Western Australia (UWA) and you’ll join a dynamic and passionate community of forward-thinking people who are determined to explore the unknown, challenge convention and make things happen.

What You Need To Know About The University Of Western Australia James T F Chong Scholarships

At UWA, your degree is an investment in your future. We celebrate strong industry partnerships with a range of organizations, which helps provide you with practical, real-world experiences alongside valuable networking opportunities.

It based our innovative and flexible course structure on a global model that will prepare you to meet the challenges of our rapidly changing world and maximize your career options.

The choice of more than 70 majors also means you can explore your interests and discover your passions before finalizing a study pathway.

We received five stars in the Good Universities Guide 2024 for student demand, graduate starting salaries and the student: teacher ratio.

Plus, our graduates consistently exceed national average starting salaries and State graduate employment rates.

By choosing UWA, you’ll gain qualifications with international recognition and develop skills and personal attributes to succeed in a growing society.

UWA is the only Western Australian university in the Group of Eight – a coalition of the top research universities in Australia—and is one of only two Australian members of the Worldwide Universities Network, a partnership of 18 research-led universities.

We’re also a foundation member of the Matariki Network of high-quality, research-intensive universities with a particular focus on the student experience.

Level/Field of Study

The Scholarships are available to study the Doctorate degree program at the University of Western Australia

The scholarship is to be taken in Australia to study at the University of Western Australia.

Eligible Nationality

Australian Citizen, Australian Permanent Resident, New Zealand Citizen, Australian Humanitarian Visa.

Scholarship Benefits

The successful applicants will receive $2000


To be eligible, applicants must:

  • be a domestic students
  • be experiencing financial hardship
  • have completed their Bachelors & Masters degree program

How To Apply For The James T F Chong Scholarship Program

Follow the link below to apply for this scholarship before the deadline.

Click Here To Begin Application

Application Deadline

The deadline for submission falls on November 2nd annually.


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