University of Winnipeg President’s Scholarships /

The University of Winnipeg is delighted to announce the availability of The President’s Scholarship for International Students In Canada 2024/2024.

This scholarship is available to undertake Undergraduate, Graduate, Collegiate, Professional, Applied and Continuing Education (PACE) or English Language Program (ELP).

The University offers a variety of financial support to assist you with funding your post-secondary education.

The scholarships are available for all students who are “new” to The University of Winnipeg and have not taken credits or completed a degree here before.

“New” students can be entering any of the University’s divisions for the first time – Undergraduate, Graduate, Collegiate, Professional, Applied and Continuing Education (PACE) or English Language Program (ELP).

Applicants must be involved in activities that demonstrate leadership. Only eligible persons will be considered for this program.

What You Need To About The University of Winnipeg President’s Scholarship 2021

The University of Winnipeg President’s Scholarship for World Leaders will be given to international students entering any of the University’s divisions for the first time through the following ways:

  1. Undergraduate,
  2. Graduate,
  3. Collegiate,
  4. PACE or
  5. ELP

Scholarship Benefits

Ranges from $100 – $40,000.

  • English Language Program: $3,500
  • Professional, Applied Continuing Education: $3,500
  • Undergraduate: $5,000
  • Collegiate: $3,500
  • Graduate: $5,000

The University of Winnipeg President’s Scholarship Eligibility

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
  • Entrance Requirement: These are for all students who are “new” to The University of Winnipeg and have not taken credits or completed a degree here before. “New” students can be entering any of the University’s divisions for the first time – Undergraduate, Graduate, Collegiate, Professional, Applied and Continuing Education (PACE) or English Language Program (ELP).
  • These awards must be accepted in the academic year they are offered.
  • International students should apply for the President’s Scholarship for World Leaders.
  • English Language Requirements: If you are from a majority English speaking country, you may not be required to provide further proof of your English Language proficiency.
  • Have a minimum 80% admission average or equivalent
  • Be an international student
  • Entering first-year of any program
  • Demonstrate exceptional leadership qualities
  • Apply for admission by the scholarship deadline date

Level/Field of Study

Scholarships are available to study Undergraduate, Postgraduate programs in Professional, Applied and Continuing Education (PACE) or English Language Program

Host Nationality

The scholarship is being taken in Canada at the University of Winnipeg.

Eligible Nationality

This scholarship is available for international students.

How to Apply The University of Winnipeg President’s Scholarship: 

  • Only the Special Entrance Scholarship can be deferred for one year
  • As a new student beginning your journey here, we would like to direct your attention to the entrance awards that we have to offer.
  • “New” students can be entering any of the University’s divisions for the first time.
  • If the account credit is a result of a dropped course, enrolment will be reviewed to ensure the student
  • If the refund is required before the end of the term, students that received an award and/or government student aid are welcome to make an early refund request to our office

When Is The Application Deadline For the University of Winnipeg President’s Scholarship?

The deadline for submission of the application falls in February each year.

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