UOW Sydney Business School Bursary Scheme

The UOW Sydney Business School Bursary Scheme is a 20% discount off the full tuition fee available to International students, commencing their first course at Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong.

The bursary is available for a student enrolled at the Sydney or Wollongong campus.

There is no limit on the number of Bursaries to be granted for students commencing in 2020 and they will be awarded at the time of offer.

Postgraduate programs are designed for individuals seeking to expand or deepen expertise, to build professional excellence, or to enhance their leadership capabilities.

What You Need To Know About  UOW Sydney Business School/Bursary

It is the graduate school of the Faculty of Business and offers high-quality postgraduate business programs at the Sydney CBD Campus located at Circular Quay and UOW’s Wollongong Campus.

Bursaries applications can be submitted throughout the year, as some of these bursaries do not have an appointed time of closing date.

For candidates applying for the UOW Sydney Business School Bursary Scheme, they are urged to send their applications ahead of time, so it reaches them before the closing date.

You do not have to make a separate application for a bursary, as it will be awarded automatically when you receive an offer for an eligible course and meet scholarship requirements.

Applicants will receive a bursary notification and Terms and Conditions of their bursary at the same time as their offer of admission into their course.

Level/Field of Study

Bursaries are available for pursuing a master’s program. Bursaries are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.

Number of Scholarships: There is no limit on the number of Bursaries to be granted for students commencing in 2024 and they will be awarded at the time of offer.

Host Nationality

Scholarship can be taken in Australia.

Eligible Nationality

The bursary will apply to students from the following nationalities; Argentinian, Bangladeshi, Bolivian, Brazilian, Chinese, Cambodian, Chilean, Colombian, Ecuadorian, Ghanaian, Guyanese, India.

Indonesian, Iranian, Kenyan, Mongolian, Myanmarese, Nepalese, Nigerian, Pakistani, Paraguayan, Peruvian, Sri Lankan, Surinamese, Thai, Turkish, Uruguayan, Venezuelan, Vietnamese, and Zimbabwean.

Scholarship Benefits

The bursaries offer a 20% reduction of the tuition fee per trimester of the study of applied.

Please note: This bursary only refers to students who were issued offers after the 20th August 2018

UOW Sydney Business School Bursary Scheme Eligibility

Students commencing their first trimester of study with UOW, Sydney Business School for the following 16 subject Masters courses and meeting all other conditions will be eligible for the Bursary:

  • Master of Applied Finance (double specialization)
  • Master of Business (double specialization)
  • The master of Business Administration (Advanced)
  • Master of Professional Accounting (Advanced)
  • Master of Science (Supply Chain Management & Project Management)

Students returning a signed acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and meeting all conditions will be eligible for the Bursary.

College Admission Requirement

Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have an undergraduate degree.

Test Requirement: No

English Language Requirement: All students are required to meet the UOW English language requirement for their course.

How to Apply

You do not have to make a separate application for a bursary, as it will be awarded automatically when you receive an offer for an eligible course and meet scholarship requirements.

Applicants will receive a bursary notification and Terms and Conditions of their bursary at the same time as their offer of admission into their course.

Application Deadline: Contact Employer

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