$ 1,000 Urban Flower Market Scholarship

If you need financial assistance to fund your education, apply for the Urban Flower Market scholarship.

This scholarship is aimed at business and marketing students in secondary, junior, or senior years at a recognized US university and is worth $1,000.

They know how hard it is to pay for college, and that every bit is important. As a florist, they build things. As a company, you want to help others grow.

About the Sponsor: Urban Flower Market

Urban Flower Market is a new spin on the neighborhood florist. We are an experience rather than just another Wayne NJ florist. Our property features over an acre of amazing products.

Not only do we have a huge outdoor selection of plants and trees but we also have the area’s finest selection of indoor plants and exotic varieties housed in our vintage greenhouse. Our expert floral department offers the best Wayne NJ wedding flowers

Urban Flower Market carries the finest supply of fresh-cut flowers. Aside from our current selection of stunning bouquets and high-quality cut flowers we are now happy to announce we are offering wholesale flowers to the public.

You can now buy in bulk for amazing prices and get all of the fresh-cut flowers you could ever need.

Level/ Field of Study

The Scholarship covers College sophomore, College junior, College senior levels in the following field of study.

  • Business Administration
  • Management and Operations
  • Marketing

Host Nationality

United States

Eligible Nationality

The Urban Flower Market Scholarship is available for the United State of American citizens.

How much is the Urban flower market scholarship worth?

The Urban Flower Market offers (1) a scholarship worth $ 1,000.

Who can apply for the Urban Flower Market scholarship 2024?

  • Candidates a degree in Commerce or Marketing from a recognized college in the United States.
  • The candidate has to start his second year.
  • Must be under 25 years old.
  • Possess a Cumulative Grade Point
  • An average of at least 3.0 and be able to prove it
  • Must be a US citizen.
  • Candidate must attend college full-time or part-time
  • The candidate must be currently registered.
  • When the scholarship is awarded, it will be sent to the school with instructions for applying for tuition, fees, and books.

How Can One Apply For Urban flower Market Scholarship 2021

  • Unofficial transcripts from your current educational institution.
  • Essay Requirement: No more than 3 pages double-spaced.

To apply, please submit an essay on the topic of “Creative Ways To Market A Local Florist”.

Also, include a personal summary detailing:

When Is The Urban Flower Market Scholarship Application Deadline?

The Urban Flower Market Scholarship application deadline is 1st February annually.

Official website

Editor’s Recommendations

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