Young Global Changers Scholarship Program  in Berlin

With Young Global Changers Scholarship Program 2024 you can become an early-career researcher, entrepreneur, technology expert or even a journalist.

So if you are passionate about changing the state of the world for the better or have developed tools, insights, or mechanisms that address global issues and help to improve people’s lives then this post is for you.

Young Global Changers organizes a Global Solutions summit in Berlin from 17 to 22 April 2024. This Summit provides you with the opportunity to share your works, thoughts, and ideas with great minds from think tanks, business, politics, and civil society.

In order to be eligible, your focus of interest should fit into one or several of the overarching topics of the Global Solutions summit 2024.

This post provides you with information about Young Global Changers Scholarship Program 2024 in Berlin and how you can apply.

You can quickly scroll below to see an overview of all you will learn from this post.

About the Young Global Changers program

The main aim of the Young Global Changers program is not only to connect inspiring young people from around the world during the Global Solutions Summer School and the Global Solutions Summit in Berlin but to create an engaged global network of young individuals with innovative ideas from across the world to change the world for the better.

Also, it focuses on bringing about change. In addition, this program brings together young people from around the world who are working towards a global significant change. It combines the talents of these fellows together to become a firm voice for change.

Host Nationality

Young Global Changers Scholarship is to be taken in Berlin and provided by the Young Global Changers.

Eligible Nationality

This Scholarship is open for all international students.

What are the Benefits of the Young Global Changers Scholarship?

The benefits of this young Global Changers Scholarship include;

  • Travel to Berlin and attend the Global solutions summit from 17 to 22 April 2024. Accommodation will be provided and scholarship holders will receive a lump sum to cover travel expenses.
  • Become part of the G20 process and engage in the development of powerful narratives for one or more of the global solutions of the Conference
  • Meet Nobel Laureates and pitch your ideas to world-renowned thinkers
  • Take part in dedicated Young Global Changers events on 17 – 22 April 2024.
  • Link up with outstanding Berlin-based initiatives, entrepreneurs, and scientists on a guided tour through Berlin
  • Become part of an exclusive network of like-minded Young Global Changers and build long-lasting relationships
  • Get access to quality journalism and receive a free subscription to Berlins leading newspaper in either German or English

Who is Eligible to Apply for the Young Global Changers Scholarship?

To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must fit the following profile:

  • Early career researcher, entrepreneur, technology expert, or journalist/blogger
  • Able to attend the Global Solutions summit and dedicated Young Global Changers activities from 17 to 22 April 2024.
  • Working on an idea or a specific project that you believe can change the world–or at least parts of it
  • Able to pitch your idea or project (in English) to a high-level audience
  • Willing to actively engage in creating a sustainable narrative for one of the Global Solutions that will be developed during the Conference

How to Apply for this Global Changers Scholarship Program?

  • Please fill in the application form below (in English) and upload your CV and a quick project or research description of max. 350 words
  • Tell how and why this idea, project or initiative contributes to a better world and which specific topic of the Global Solution Conference it addresses
  • Tell why you want to be a Young Global Changer
  • If you are applying for the journalist program, please submit two work samples. If work samples are not available in English, please submit a brief abstract in English with corresponding links to the original source

Global Changers Program 2024 Application Deadline:

The deadline for the 2024 Young Global Changers program can be accessed through the link below.


Frequenty asked Questions

For you to apply, you must be a young person aged between 21-35 years. You must also be a young innovative non-profit leader and researcher.

The scholarships cover travel expenses, accommodations during the summit, and workshops.



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