University of Rochester Scholarships

Asia Youth Volunteer Camp 2024 takes the theme “Diverging Peace by being a Global Volunteer”. Inspired by the upcoming 2024 United Nations day, United Nations Youth Day, the role of youth in global development is considered essentials with regard to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 4 (Quality Education for All) and 17 (Partnership for the Goals).

This program will combine an inspirational workshop session about volunteer and actional activities (volunteerism), social mission sustainability development projects.

As the action part, the delegates will do a social visit to 50 children refugees, and orphans and create a peace project with social impact based on the social visit.

The University of Rochester offers scholarships focused on both performance and needs.

What You Need To Know About The University of Rochester Scholarships

Level/Field of Study

The University of Rochester Scholarships is available to Undergraduate and postgraduate degree students in any subject of the university.

 Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Host Nationality

The University of Rochester Scholarships in 2024 is hosted in  New Zealand. Check out other scholarships you can apply for in 2024 to study in EuropeAfricaAsiaAmerica, etc.

If you are an international student and you wish to study in the UK, this is for your Complete Guide to Getting A UK Tier 4 Student Visa For International Students.

Eligible Nationality

The scholarship is open to international students. If you are an international student looking for a scholarship to Study Abroad, you can check out our Study Abroad scholarships available for international students

Scholarship Worth:

  1. Join the main program: Inspirational and volunteerism orientation, volunteerism workshop, volunteering visitation, peace project, cultural exchange, and networking
  2. Camp in the beautiful ORIGINAL MELAYU LAND (Kampung Janda Baik/Janda Baik Village)’
  3. Meals
  4. Local transport (include airport pick up & drop service)
  5. International certificate
  6. Volunteer Kit
  7. City Tour
  8. Include donation for refugees and orphan

University of Rochester Scholarships Eligibility

  1. Youth age between 17 – 30 years’ old
  2. Good Communication and knowledge
  3. Having a good personality and attitude
  4. Aware of social empathy
  5. Able to pay the program fee
  6. No need English Practice


  1. Apply online through the given link.
  2. The announcement will be sent 3 days after register (direct email)

Application Deadline: April 7, 2024. Check back for updates in case the application link changes.




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