Top 12 Ph.D. Scholarships For Chemistry Students,

In our formal post on Masters Scholarships for Chemistry Students, we dealt with the topic extensively. This post deals with the Top 15 Ph.D. Scholarships for Chemistry Students in 2024.

Apparently, there is more to chemistry than we actually know. So, as a chemistry student looking forward to bagging a scholarship, kindly read through this article and have a swell time being informed.

Chemistry is the scientific discipline involved with compounds composed of atoms(elements and molecules), their composition, structure, properties, behavior, and the changes they undergo during a reaction with other compounds.

The discipline addresses topics that border on how atoms and molecules interact through chemical bonds to form new chemical compounds.

Top 15 Ph.D. Scholarships for Chemistry Students in 2024.

Here are the top 15 Ph.D. scholarships for chemistry students in 2024

#1. Doctoral student, Chemistry, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

The Department of Chemistry in the Faculty of Mathematics and Science of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, offers a Doctoral Chemistry scholarship for EU and Non-EU student applicants.

The Ph.D. studentship program is going to be a duration of 4 years, starting on May 2, 2024, and the student will work with a team of interdisciplinary researchers in areas such as structural and synthetic chemistry, computational chemistry and spectroscopy, renewable natural resources, and chemistry of the living environment, etc.

The candidate will be working on the Macrocyclic receptors for selective anion extraction, an Academy of Finland-funded project which aims to offer pioneering solutions for the selective binding of biologically and technologically important anions from water.

All tuition fees will be taken care of by the faculty, and the candidate will receive a job-specific salary of a Doctoral student, which is based on the job demands level 1-4 (EUR 1,826.50 €/month –EUR 2,500.06 €/month) according to the salary system concerning teaching and research staff at universities in Finland.

The student will also be eligible to receive an additional personal performance-based salary component amounting to a maximum of 46.3% of the job-specific salary.

The application requirements for Ph.D. Scholarships for Chemistry Students include a master’s degree in Chemistry or any related discipline.

Furthermore, the student must have permission for post-graduate studies at the University of Jyväskylä. This could be applied for from the Faculty of Mathematics and Science after selection for the position in the event that the candidate does have permission already.

A trial period of six months will be used when the position is first filled.

Qualified and Interested candidates are required to submit; a short cover letter outlining the motivation for applying for the Doctoral student position and; Curriculum vitae composed according to good scientific practice and considering the template for the researcher´s curriculum vitae by The Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity; Degree certificate and a record of studies; and Two letters of recommendation to Academy Research Fellow Kaisa Helttunen

The deadline for application is October 31st, 2024. More information about the program can be found directly on the school’s website here:


#2. Doctoral studies in Theoretical Chemistry & Biology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

The Department of Theoretical Chemistry and Biology at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, is offering a doctoral scholarship in Theoretical Chemistry and Biology to both EU and International Student Applicants.

The Ph.D. studentship program is going to be a duration of 4 years, and the student will work with a team of multi-disciplinary researchers to apply methods in theoretical chemistry for the simulation of ionic liquids as well as the development of computational methods in molecular spectroscopy.

Furthermore, this project is part of a collaborative project between KTH and USTC (University of Science and Technology of China). Up to 50% of the program time will be spent in USTC.

All tuition fees will be taken care of by the faculty, and the candidate will receive a monthly salary according to KTH´s Ph.D. student salary agreement. The candidate will also receive a monthly salary during the time spent at USTC at a level corresponding to the salary at KTH.

Travel costs between KTH and USTC will also be paid by the employer. The department might also help the candidate relocate and get settled in Sweden and at KTH.

The application for Ph.D. Scholarships for Chemistry Students’ requirements include a Master’s degree in Physics, Chemistry, or a closely related program.

Great emphasis will also be placed on the candidate’s personal qualities and suitability, such as the ability to independently pursue his or her work, collaborate with others, have a professional approach, and analyze and work with complex issues.

The scholarship is available for only one successful candidate. Interested and qualified candidates are required to send their CV, Statement of purpose (2 pages max.), Copy of degree certificate and transcripts from previously attended university-level institutions, and Representative publications or technical reports on the application portal here

The deadline for the application is October 4th, 2024. More information about the program can be found directly on the school’s website here:


You can read this: OWSD Ph.D. Fellowships for Women from Developing Countries

#3. Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry/Nanotechnology, ERC project: passive cooling technologies

University of Bayreuth, Germany

The Department of Physical Chemistry/Nanotechnology at the University of Bayreuth, Germany, is offering a doctoral scholarship in Physical Chemistry/Nanotechnology to both EU and International Student Applicants.

The Ph.D. studentship program is going to be a duration of 3 years, and the student will work with a team of multi-disciplinary researchers to fabricate and characterize highly refined materials with a specific shape, size, and composition based on a colloidal templating approach in order for those materials to find application in novel passive cooling devices.

This ERC VISIRday research project is an interdisciplinary one that combines inorganic synthesis, nanophotonic characterization, and finite element modeling. All tuition fees of any accepted candidate will be taken care of by the faculty.

The application for Ph.D. Scholarships for Chemistry Students’ requirements include MSc or equivalent degree in chemistry, physics, nanotechnology, or other related disciplines. Applicants must be fluent in the English Language, and basic knowledge of German could also serve as an advantage.

Another added advantage is prior knowledge about nanostructured materials’ structural and optical characterization. Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply because the University of Bayreuth is an equal-opportunity employer.

The deadline for application is 28 September 2024. Interested and qualified candidates are required to send their CV, letter of motivation, publication list, and a minimum of two names of recommenders to Markus Retsch at the following email:

More information about the project and applications can be found on the school’s official website below:


#4. Ph.D. Students in Chemistry or Material Science

EMPA, Switzerland

EMPA research institute for materials science and technology is offering a doctoral scholarship in Chemistry or Material Science to both EU and International Student Applicants for a joint research project between the Laboratory for Functional Polymers, Empa, Dübendorf, Switzerland, and the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The Ph.D. studentship program is going to be a duration of 4 years, and the student will work with a team of multi-disciplinary researchers to develop new dielectric elastomer materials with good dielectric and mechanical properties to be implemented in dielectric elastomer generators and sensors.

The emphasis will be on the synthesis of some specially designed filters, which will be used as active components in polydimethylsiloxane elastomers.

Furthermore, thin-film elastomers will be investigated regarding their dielectric, mechanical, and piezoelectric properties. All tuition fees of any accepted candidate will be taken care of by the faculty.

The Ph.D. Scholarships for Chemistry Students’ application requirements include MSc or equivalent degree in chemistry, material science, polymer chemistry, or other related disciplines.

Advance Knowledge of materials characterization techniques is an advantage. The candidate must also have excellent communication skills and fluency in English (written and oral).

The deadline for application is 28 September 2024, and the program is meant to commence in November 2024. Interested and qualified candidates are required to submit their CVs, letters of motivation, diploma transcripts, and names of two recommenders through the webpage link

More information about the project and applications can be found here on the institution’s official website.

School Website

#5. Ph.D. Student Position in Organic chemistry

Masaryk University, Czech

RECETOX, the research center at the Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic, is offering a doctoral scholarship in Organic Chemistry to both EU and International Student Applicants to work in the group of Prof. Vladimir Sindelar.

The Ph.D. studentship program is going to be a duration of 4 years, and the student will work with a team of multi-disciplinary researchers and will be concerned with the synthesis of Bamburi receptors and the investigation of their supramolecular properties.

All tuition fees of any accepted candidate will be taken care of by the faculty, and the candidate will also be exposed to International mobility and internships.

Further information about the research group can be found on the webpage

The Ph.D. Scholarships for Chemistry Students application requirements include MSc or equivalent degree in Organic chemistry or other related disciplines. Background Knowledge in host-guest chemistry and synthetic organic chemistry is preferred.

The candidate must also have excellent communication skills and fluency in English (written and oral). Discussing the research topic with a supervisor is mandatory before the formal application – contact the responsible supervisor, Prof. Vladimir Sindelar

The deadline for application is 6 October 2024. Interested and qualified candidates are required to submit their CV, letter of motivation, and contacts of two recommenders through the webpage link

More information about the project and applications can be found here on the institution’s official website.

School Website

#6. Ph.D. Scholarship in Organic/Organometallic Chemistry – Medicinal Electrosynthesis: A New Approach to Drug Design.

University of Greenwich, United Kingdom

The Department of Organic/Organometallic Chemistry at the University of Greenwich, United Kingdom, is offering a doctoral scholarship in Organic/Organometallic Chemistry – Medicinal Electrosynthesis: A New Approach to Drug Design to both EU and International Student Applicants, a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2024 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 801604.

The Ph.D. scholarship program is going to be a duration of 3 years and the student will work with a team of multi-disciplinary researchers to propose the use of electrosynthesis to prepare Cymanquine analogs and conduct a structure-activity-relationship study to probe for how variations in structure affect the redox behavior as well as the biological activity and identify one or more lead compounds suitable for pre-clinical studies.

The faculty will waive all tuition fees of any accepted candidate, and the candidate will be paid a minimum salary of (approximately) £20,989 per annum.

The selected candidate will also be to access an annual DTA elective bursary to enable attendance at DTA training events and interact with colleagues across the Doctoral Training Alliance(s).

The final application deadline is Monday, 8 October 2024. Applicants must apply using the online form on the University Alliance website link

Full details of the program, eligibility details, and a list of available research projects can be found at the link.

School Website

Also, read this; Top 15 Ph.D. Scholarships for Agricultural Science Students in 2024

#7. Ph.D. student in physical chemistry, molecular spectroscopy, and biophysics

University of Gothenburg, Sweden

The Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, is offering a doctoral scholarship in physical chemistry, molecular spectroscopy, and biophysics to both EU and International Student Applicants.

The Ph.D. scholarship program is going to be a duration of 4 years (extendable to 5 years), and the student will work with a team of multi-disciplinary researchers in the field of two-dimensional infrared (2D-IR) spectroscopy of proteins to combine a variety of biomolecular, analytical, and computational techniques.

The candidate will learn how to operate femtosecond laser systems, synthesize and purify peptide and protein samples, process and analyze experimental data, and write scientific publications.

The faculty will waive all tuition fees of any accepted candidate. The candidate will be paid a salary corresponding to the salaries for doctoral students regulated in a local agreement at the University.

The Ph.D. Scholarships for Chemistry Students’ application requirements include MSc or equivalent degree in Chemistry, Biology or Biophysics, or other related disciplines. Knowledge and experience in programming will be considered a great asset.

The specific entry requirements also include an acceptable command of spoken and written English. Guidelines for assessing English proficiency may include a minimum score of 550 on the TOEFL test (or 213 on the TOEFL-CBT or 79 on the TOEFL-iBT).

The deadline for application is 21 October 2024. Interested and qualified candidates are required to submit their CV, cover letter, Copy of graduation certificate, Academic transcripts from both undergraduate and M.Sc studies, and contacts of two references to Dr. Michal Maj and Prof. Sebastian Westenhoff

More information about the project and applications can be found on the institution’s official website below.


#8. Doctoral Candidate in Systems Chemistry / Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry

University of Turku, Finland

The Department of Chemistry at the University of Turku, Finland, is offering a doctoral scholarship in System Chemistry/Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry to both EU and International Student Applicants.

The Academy of Finland funds the program available in the laboratory of Dr. Jianwei Li at the University of Turku.

The Ph.D. scholarship program is going to be a duration of 4 years, and the student will work with a team of multi-disciplinary researchers to try to develop innovative drug/gene delivery systems from Dynamic Combinatorial Libraries.

The proposed project ranges from synthetic chemistry, analytical chemistry, materials chemistry, noncovalent interactions study in supramolecular chemistry, and drug/gene delivery.

The faculty will waive all tuition fees of any accepted candidate. The salary is determined in accordance with the university salary system for teaching and research personnel.

For doctoral candidates, the salary is at levels 2 – 4 on the job demands chart, where the task-specific salary component is 2,005.71 – 2,500.06 euros per month.

In addition, a personal work performance component will be paid.  The personal work performance component is a maximum of 46.3 % of the task-specific salary component.

The Ph.D. Scholarships for Chemistry Students’ application requirements include MSc or equivalent degree in Chemistry, biomedicine, materials, or other related disciplines.

Knowledge and experience in related areas such as supramolecular chemistry and materials chemistry with applications in biomedicine and/or soft matter chemistry will be given preference.

The candidate should have excellent oral and writing skills in English and have the willingness to attend international conferences and work on some collaborative projects with groups in Europe.

Interested and qualified candidates are required to submit their recent CV, motivation letter, list of publications, Academic transcripts from both undergraduate and M.Sc studies, and contacts of two references through

For more information about the program, contact Dr. Jianwei Li at or Click on this link.

#9. Ph.D. in Chemistry of high voltage Li-ion battery cathodes at the Ångström Advanced Battery Centre (# of pos: 2)

Uppsala University, Sweden

The Department of Chemistry – Ångström, Uppsala University, Sweden, is offering a doctoral scholarship in high voltage Li-ion battery cathodes at the Ångström Advanced Battery Centre to both EU and International Student Applicants.

The project is conducted with the industrial partners Scania and Volkswagen and will, in part, be carried out at these companies.

The Ph.D. scholarship program is going to be a duration of 4 years, and the student will work with a team of multi-disciplinary researchers to work on the development of high-voltage cathodes for Li-ion batteries, primarily based on manganese-containing oxides.

The research will comprise gaining a fundamental understanding of degradation mechanisms in the materials, but primarily the development of strategies to stabilize the electrodes. The work duties can also include teaching and other departmental duties (no more than 20%).

The faculty will waive all tuition fees of any accepted candidate, and the salary is determined according to the local collective agreement for doctoral students.

The Ph.D. Scholarships for Chemistry Students’ application requirements include an MSc or equivalent degree in Chemistry, Chemical engineering, or Materials science and a good understanding of materials or surface chemistry and electrochemistry.

Experience in materials characterization and surface coating techniques is meritorious. Previous experience with lithium or other battery systems is an advantage, likewise is knowledge about polymer materials. The candidate should also have excellent oral and writing skills in English.

The deadline for application is October 31, 2024. Interested and qualified candidates are required to submit their recent CV, certificates of exams, a copy of their Master’s thesis, list of publications (if available), Academic transcripts from both undergraduate and M.Sc studies, and contacts of two references through this link.

For further information about the program, interested candidates should contact Professor Daniel Brandell and Assoc. Prof. Reza Younesi.

#10. Ph.D. student in Quantum Physics / Quantum Chemistry, University of Warsaw

The University of Warsaw, Poland, offers a doctoral scholarship in Quantum Physics / Quantum Chemistry to both EU and International Student Applicants. The project is Quantum simulations, computations, and sensing with novel quantum molecular systems.

The Ph.D. scholarship program is going to be a duration of 4 years, and the student will work with a team of multi-disciplinary researchers to investigate theoretically novel quantum molecular systems for applications in quantum simulations, quantum computations, and quantum sensing using methods of AMO and many-body physics.

Two new architectures are proposed: ultracold highly magnetic and polar molecules and polar molecular ions in traps. The faculty will waive all tuition fees of any accepted candidate, and the salary is determined according to the local collective agreement for doctoral students.

The Ph.D. Scholarships for Chemistry Students’ application requirements include MSc or equivalent degree in Physics, Chemistry, or a related field. Experience in materials characterization and surface coating techniques is meritorious.

The candidate must also possess an interest in the subject, motivation to scientific work, and wish to complete a Ph.D. thesis in physics in our group. Knowledge of quantum mechanics and experience in programming an advantages.

Interested and qualified candidates are required to submit their recent CV, cover letter, Academic transcripts from both undergraduate and M.Sc studies, and contacts of two references through the link below.

School Website

Check this: Top 25 Masters Scholarship for Chemistry Students, 2024

#11. UCC Ph.D. Studentship in Biochemistry for International Students in Ireland, 2023

The School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology of the University College Cork, a constituent university of the National University of Ireland, is offering a Doctoral Studentship in Biochemistry for EU and Non-EU student applicants.

The Ph.D. scholarship program is going to be a duration of 4 years, and the student will work with a team of multi-disciplinary researchers in the School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology.

All tuition fees will be taken care of by the faculty, and the candidate will receive a personal stipend of €18,000 annually in addition to research expenses.

The Ph.D. Scholarships for Chemistry Students’ application requirements include an MSc or BSc degree in Biochemistry, analytical chemistry, microbiology, food science, or other related disciplines with an excellent academic record.

Applicants must be fluent in the English Language. Good writing and communication skills are also very important qualities that the student must demonstrate.

An added advantage could be a prior experience in material chemistry, spectroscopy, food microbial safety, sensors, or microbial testing (culture-based and molecular methods) of food and environmental samples.

The scholarship is available for only one successful candidate. Interested and qualified candidates are to send their cover letters with a research statement, CV, and names and emails of two academic referees to Prof. Dmitri B. Papkovsky.

More Information can be found on the UCC research website below


#12. Ph.D. Fellowship in Organic Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, 2023

The Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark is offering a Doctoral fellowship in Organic Chemistry / Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry for EU and Non-EU student applicants.

The Ph.D. fellowship program is going to be a duration of 4 years, and the student will work with a team of multi-disciplinary researchers in the development of novel Positron-Emission-Tomography (PET) tracers and aims to 3H-label and evaluate prime candidates that will be developed within the MC-ITN-ETN network. All tuition fees will be taken care of by the faculty.

Furthermore, the Ph.D. Scholarships for Chemistry Student’s application requirements include a strong background (preferably a Master’s degree) in organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, radiochemistry, pharmacy, or related disciplines.

Candidates must also be fluent in English and be able to demonstrate excellent communication skills.

It is also required at the time of commencement of the program that the candidates have not been previously awarded a Ph.D. degree and are within the first 4 years (full-time equivalent) of their research careers.

Furthermore, the candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Denmark for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to their recruitment.

There are three fellowship slots available for the program. Interested and qualified candidates are required to submit their Cover Letter: stating their interest in and qualifications for the project (max. one page).

Transcripts for both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, CV, and names of academic and/or professional references on the application page


More information about the program can be found on the School’s website here:



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