Arkwright Trust Engineering Scholarship 

Each year, the Smallpeice Trust offers Arkwright Engineering scholarships to high-performing 16-year-old students who wish to pursue a career in engineering. So, eligible students are encouraged to apply as the application is ongoing.

More on the Arkwright Engineering Scholarships

Arkwright Engineering Scholarship is the most prestigious scholarship in the United Kingdom. Its goal is to inspire and encourage school-age students to become future leaders in the engineering sector in the country.

The Scholarships are awarded to high-caliber 16-year-old students who succeed after a rigorous selection process. After that, these selected students receive support through the two years of their A levels, Scottish Advanced Highers or equivalent qualifications.

Arkwright scholars receive support in various ways as each awarded scholarship gets sponsors from different groups. These sponsorships come from a commercial company, trade association, university, professional institution, military service, government agency, respectful company, charitable trust or personal donor.

The different ways through which Arkwright scholars get support include:

  • valuable hands-on/practical work experience,
  • support for their curriculum project, and
  • A personal mentor who can help them with their studies and career planning.

Level/Field of Study

The Arkwright Scholarship is open to 16-year-old or high school seniors who want to pursue an engineering career.

We have an inexhaustible LIST OF UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS. Read more

Host Nationality

Arkwright Engineering Scholarships are part of The Smallpeice Trust program (a registered charity) in the UK.

Eligible Nationality

The Arkwright Trust Engineering Scholarship is open to Uk citizens and permanent residents.

There are limitless funding for international students from various countries on our COUNTLESS INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS HERE. Read more

Scholarship Worth

Arkwright Engineering Scholarships can help scholars become a future leader in engineering, computing or technical design.

  • Nationally-recognized Scholarship
  • £600 personal financial award
  • £400 school financial award
  • Personal development
  • Support from your Sponsor
  • Industry-based engineering experience days
  • University-based VIP Receptions
  • Early notification of national competitions
  • Network with like-minded students

For more Arkwright Scholarship Benefits, CLICK HERE.

Arkwright Engineering Scholarships Eligibility

At Arkwright, they are looking for the ‘brightest and best’ students with the passion and determination to succeed in their future studies and career.

However, to qualify for the scholarship, you must fulfill the following:

  • Be in a school/college affiliated to Arkwright Engineering Scholarships
  • Be in year 11 (England and Wales), S4 (Scotland), year 12 (Northern Ireland) and about to take GCSEs, Scottish National 5s, IB Standards, BTEC level 2s or equivalent. 
  • Have a strong desire to pursue a career in Engineering  (which includes computing and technical aspects of design).
  • Also, be in the school year in which you will sit your GCSEs, Scottish National 5s, International Baccalaureate Standards, BTEC level 2s or equivalent exams when they apply.
  • Make a commitment to study Maths to A level (England, Wales & Northern
  • Ireland), or Advanced Higher (Scotland)
  • Plan to live in school or sixth form college for two years to study A levels, BTEC level 3 Diploma/Extended Diploma, Scottish Advanced Highers or the International Baccalaureate higher level.

Furthermore, for the full eligibility criteria refer to Section 2, page 5 and 6, of the Arkwright Engineering Scholarship Handbook below.



How to Apply For the Arkwright Scholarships

Firstly, an applicant’s school must have an affiliation with the Arkwright Scholarships Trust before you can apply for a Scholarship. Ask your teacher to complete the school affiliation form if there isn’t any.  Moreover, affiliation is quick, simple and FREE.

Also, as an applicant, you must apply during year 11 (England and Wales), S4 (Scotland), year 12 (Northern Ireland). However, the Scholarship will be awarded as you begin year 12 (England and Wales), S5 (Scotland), year 13 (Northern Ireland) to study subjects that will get you ready for a university degree or higher-level apprenticeship and career in Engineering, computing or technical design.

Notwithstanding, a £40.00 administration fee is payable, by April, for every student’s application to cover the cost of Arkwright’s rigorous selection process.

These fees may be paid by the school or parents of the applicant in accordance with local arrangements (which are not under the control of Arkwright Scholarships.). Also, teachers need to decide how best to pay these fees.

Selection Process

The selection process for the Arkwright Trust Engineering Scholarship consists of five stages:

Stage 1 – Arkwright Online Student Application

An online student application endorsed by a teacher between September to December. ONLINE APPLICATION

Stage 2 – Student Aptitude Exam

A Two-hour student aptitude exam to be held in February. APTITUDE EXAM

stage 3- Arkwright Interview

For those who will pass stages 1 and 2, a 20-minute interview will be held at a university between April and May. INTERVIEW

Stage 4- Arkwright Sponsorship

If you meet the Arkwright Standard, they will attempt to match you to a sponsoring organization, enabling them to award you an Arkwright Engineering Scholarship between May and September.

Stage 5- Arkwright Awards Ceremony

The Scholarship is awarded at prestigious Awards Ceremonies in London and Edinburgh – in October/November. AWARDS CEREMONY

It is important to note that showing your practical ability through the work of technical projects that you have done at school or at home is an integral part of every application.

Click on the link below for Arkwright Scholarship Practical Projects Examples.


Application Deadline

Normally, applications start in September and end in December. However, below are the important 2024 Arkwright Scholarships dates:


Teachers nominate students through the portal on or before midday 18th December.

Online Application

Students submit completed online applications to teachers through the portal by midday 16th January.

Teacher’s Submission

Teachers submit completed applications to Arkwright via the portal by midday 23rd January.

Aptitude Examination

Aptitude Exam to be sat on the afternoon of 5th February.


Interviews take place in April and May.


Administration fee to be paid by 24th April.

For more information on the Arkwright Scholarship, projects, interviews and more, click on the link below:

Scholarship Link


What is Arkwright Trust Engineering Scholarship?

An Arkwright Engineering Scholarship is the most prestigious scholarship in the United Kingdom. Its goal is to inspire and encourage school-age students to become future leaders in the engineering sector in the country.

Who is Arkwright Trust Engineering Scholarship for?

Arkwright Scholarships are awarded to high-calibre students who apply when in year 11 (England and Wales), S4 (Scotland), year 12 (Northern Ireland).

Who can apply for Arkwright Trust Engineering Scholarship?

Application is open to students between the ages of 15 and 16 who are in the year that they do all or the majority of their GCSEs or Scottish National 5s.

When does Arkwright Trust Engineering Scholarship open?

The window for on-line student applications opens in September and closes in December each academic year. However, exact dates vary each year slightly.

How much does the Arkwright Trust Engineering Scholarship application cost?

Each student application costs £40.00.

Can I take the Arkwright Trust Engineering Scholarship exam at home?

Under no circumstances should the Exam be sat at home.



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