Fully funded Wenner-Gren Foundation Ph.D. Fellowships 

CareerFitter Scholarship 2024 applications are now open to eligible candidates. The CareerFitter Scholarship is designed for applicants who have the intention of attending a university, college, or graduate school program during an upcoming spring/summer/fall term.

Career Test examines your personality in the workplace. It also provides you with insight into which careers to consider dependent on work personality. The CareerFitter Scholarship 2024 awards successful applicants with a cash amount of $500.

Level/Field of Study

CareerFitter Scholarship is available to eligible high school seniors and students who are planning to enroll or participate in a college, university or graduate school program during an upcoming spring/summer/fall term

Host Nationality

CareerFitter Scholarship is hosted in the US. The body of the CareerFitter assessment is a mixture of personality testing and occupational research that dates back to the early findings of Psychologist Carl Jung during World War II.

The initial focus groups of the assessment were various organizations, employees, and individuals throughout the United States.

Now, CareerFitter joins decades of studying and research to assist you to find the career and jobs that fit.

Eligible Nationality

CareerFitter Scholarships are open to US students

If you are an international student seeking scholarships to study in the United State of America, you can find such on Study in the USA category.

You can also check out other Study Abroad scholarships available for you irrespective of where you are coming from.

Scholarship Worth

The CareerFitter Scholarship will give successful applicants $500.

How to Apply

Eligible applicants  must comply with the provided steps:

  • Follow the link below to watch this short video (1 min.41 second);

CareerFitter video

  • Take a Free Version of the Career Test HERE.
  • Copy & paste the summary of your results within our online CareerFitter Scholarships application.

You cant get the application form by visiting the link below:


To be eligible, applicants of the Scholarship must;

  • Be students who are planning to enroll or participate in a college, university, or graduate school program during an upcoming spring/summer/fall term.
  • Be US students
  • Have at least a 2.4 Grade Point Average.

Application Deadline

All applications for the CareerFitter Scholarship has closed. Please, continue to check us as we bring you more details on the scholarship.

For more information on the scholarship, click on the link below:


For those who have some question concerning the scholarship, then send an email to 2008@careerfitter.com


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