Global Diversity undergraduate Scholarships [UPDATED]

Kent State University in USA invites applications for the Global Diversity Scholarship for Undergraduate Students at Kent State University in USA.

This is an international undergraduates scholarship to study in USA for international students. international new Freshman that demonstrate excellent academics and come from underrepresented regions can apply for the Global Diversity Scholarship for 2024 academic session.

They are dedicated to diversify the student body and make sure specific regions are represented at Kent State campus.

READ ALSO: Top 18 US Colleges and Universities that offer Fully Funded Scholarships for International Students

Since its founding as a teacher-training school in 1910, Kent State has become an engine for economic, cultural and workforce development in the region and beyond as a premier university in Ohio.

Kent State offers over 300-degree programs, among them 250 baccalaureates, 40 associate, 50 master’s, and 23 doctoral programs of study, which include such notable programs as nursing, business, history, library science, aeronautics, journalism, fashion design, and the Liquid Crystal Institute.

What You Need To Know About this Global Diversity Scholarship

To be eligible for this scholarship, the applicants must be an international new freshman and have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 on a US 4.0 scale.

Level / Field of Study:

This scholarship is available for undergraduate students to study any course at Kent State University. Thus, the scholarships are open for Global Education

Host Nationality:

This Scholarship is to be taken in USA at Kent State University.

 If you are an international student and you wish to study in the UK, this is for your Complete Guide to Getting A UK Tier 4 Student Visa For International Students.

Eligible Nationality:

The scholarship is open to all international students to study in USA.

See also: Simple and Detailed Answers About Applying and Winning a Scholarship | FAQs

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Scholarship Benefits:

One-time award ranges from $2,000-$31,856.00 will be distributed to awardees who have been awarded a Global Diversity Scholarship.

Global Diversity Scholarship Eligibility

  • Eligible candidate’s following minimum qualifications:
    • Eligible Countries: International new freshman students are invited to apply.
    • Entrance Requirements: International new Freshman that demonstrate excellent academics and come from underrepresented regions.
    • Jointly nominated by the departments and the Office of Global Education
    • Students will add to the diversity of the student population based on the country/region of origin or ethnolinguistic background.
    • Having a minimal overall GPA of 3.0 on US 4.0 scale.
    • Unconditional Admission to Kent State University as a freshman

See also: International Freshmen Merit Scholarships at Dixie State University USA, 2024

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READ ALSO: International Freshmen Merit Scholarships at Dixie State University USA

How to Apply For Global Diversity Scholarship

  • Students will need to submit the scholarship application form that includes an essay to be considered for the scholarship.

Global Diversity Scholarship Deadline

  • Application deadline Fall semester- April 1st
  • Application deadline Spring semester- October 1st

Click here for more details and to apply


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