Mexican Government Scholarships For International Students 2024

International students who desire to study in Mexico can now study for free or at less cost. The Mexican Government receives applications from eligible international students annually.

This article discusses the Mexican government scholarships for international students. It goes further to explain in detail how to apply to become a beneficiary and what you stand to gain if you win the scholarship.

This scholarship for international students from the Mexican government is available across all levels of study – bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degrees in Mexico.

You know, getting a degree in any of the Mexican Best Universities can be very exciting and interesting in the sense that Mexico is known as one of the countries in the southern portion of North America that offers quality education. So, if you are passionate about getting a degree from any of Mexican Universities, this is your opportunity.

Now, here is the interesting part of it all…..

We, the Kiiky Team, have put down in this article all the relevant information in detail about the Mexcian Government scholarship program this 2024 to help you apply, like the eligibility criteria and so on. Below is an overview of what to expect from this article.

Why Mexican Government Scholarships for International Students?

The Mexican cultural diplomacy has worked in different successful programs, such as human capital training through scholarships for academic degrees awarding and research work performing in different areas of knowledge.

Hence, The Mexican Government Scholarships have two programs: the University Study Scholarship and the Special Program Scholarship.

Mexico Scholarships are offered for full specialization, master’s or doctoral programs, and postdocs. The offer also includes academic mobility for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.

In addition, there are special program scholarships for short-term fellows for visiting professors, Mexican researchers, media workers, art scholarships, etc.

SEE ALSO: 10 Best Medicine Scholarships In Canada For Students From Developing Countries 2024

Who Sponsors the Mexican Government Scholarships Scholarship?

These Scholarships for International Students are sponsored and provided by the Mexican Government. The Federal government of Mexico is the national government of the United Mexican States, the central government established by its constitution to share sovereignty over the republic with the governments.

Basically, Mexican cultural diplomacy has been involved in several successful programs for decades, including the education of human capital through scholarships and the exploration of various areas of knowledge.

The Directorate-General for Educational and Cultural Cooperation designs and manages the Ministry of Foreign Affairs scholarship program through the University Exchange Service.

What Is Mexico Scholarship Worth?

This scholarship for Mexican students has many benefits that students should not miss out on. Some of these benefits count the following:

  • A stipend of 4 (four) times the value of the unit of Measure and Actualization (UMA) for Undergraduate mobility scholarships, Specializations, Master’s degrees or Masters-level research, Spanish language, or Mexican culture courses.
  • Monthly stipend of 5 (five) times the Unit of Measure and Actualization (UMA) value for Doctoral programs, research periods, Postdoctoral fellowships, and medical specialties and subspecialties.
  • Monthly stipends are not divisible or partial. The Scholarships will be paid at the end of each month.
  • Registration fees and tuition, as established by the program at each institution, subject to the final decision of the participating HEI, established in the letter of acceptance.
  • Health insurance from the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), starting the third month of the scholarship. The Scholarship recipient must have health insurance covering major and minor medical expenses and international coverage for the first three months in Mexico.
  • The cost of the temporary resident/student visa issuance for stays longer than 180 days.
  • Depending on the reciprocity with the partner country, it will be included a round-trip international airfare at the beginning and/or satisfactory term of the scholarship. The air ticket will be purchased in economy class and considered the most convenient flight route for the Academic Exchange Office.
  • Should the scholarship recipient pursue studies outside Mexico City, transportation from Mexico City to the host institution and back will be provided at the start and end of his/her academic activities.

Also, apply for Buick Achiever’s Scholarship here.

What Is The Duration Of The Scholarship?

Below is the academic duration of the Mexican Scholarship:

  • Academic mobility programs for students and doctoral students – one academic semester (quarter, quarter, or semester)
  • Scholarships and Postdocs – 12 months (at least 1 month)
  • Specialization -1 year
  • Master – 2 years
  • Doctorate- 3 years
  • Specialties and medicinal specialties 3 years

Note, Several numbers of these scholarships are offered annually.

Who is Eligible for the Mexican Government Scholarship?

Mexican Government scholarships for international students in 2024 are awarded for academic achievements.

  • Scholarships are offered for full specialization, master’s or doctoral programs, and postdocs. The offer also includes scientific mobility for undergraduate and graduate courses. On the other hand, scholarships for special programs are offered.
  • Applicants cannot live in Mexico at the time of application.
  • Except in special cases, scholarships cannot begin in November or December.
  • Requests for information and all scholarship applications must be submitted to the Mexican Embassy or simultaneous embassies of the Applicant’s country or to the designated Mexican institution. Only applications that meet all requirements are considered.
  • All documents and forms must be in Spanish or submitted with Spanish translations.
  • Applicants will be informed of the results by the appropriate Mexican embassy or institution designated by Mexico.
  • Scholarships are not transferable and can not be transferred to subsequent years.

However, Mexican Scholarships cover Honors, bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, and postdoctoral fellowships programs, Including short-term fellowships. Scholarships are offered to study at all participating Mexican institutions, except

The Mexican Government hosts the Mexico Scholarships, and can be taken in Mexico.

Mexican Government scholarship 2024 is available for international students. Aside from the Mexican Government Scholarships, there are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad.

You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

Mexico Scholarships for International students 2024 Application Deadline

Mexican Government scholarships for international students 2024 applications end on 28th September annually.

Important Notes: Candidates will be informed of the results by the corresponding Mexican embassy or designated Mexican institution.

Application Link

Official Website

How Do I Apply for Mexican Scholarship?- Application Procedure

  1. Download the Mexican Scholarship application form from here.
  2. ​Apply online at the website: After registering and filling your profile, please select “Learning Opportunities Abroad” under the “Scholarship and Grant” menu in the left-hand side panel of the online portal. After submission of the application, get its printed copy to be signed & stamped by the employer (if employed already).
  3. Attach a deposit slip of Rs. 300/- (in original) through HEC online Account No. 17427900133401 in HBL, Shalimar Recording Company Branch, H-9, Islamabad (no other documents to be attached with HEC application form except a deposit slip). All payments are to be made to HEC through HBL online facility. This facility is available in all branches of Habib Bank Ltd.

Documents Details:

Please send two sets of Mexican application forms along with the following documents:

  • Statement of purpose explaining their interests in the study
  • Attested copies of all Academic Degrees & Transcripts
  • Letter of Recommendation
  • Medical certificate
  • Copies of all mandatory documents, as mentioned in the Mexican application form

FAQs On Mexican Government Scholarships

Which country is best for getting a scholarship?

Due to their excellent educational systems and post-study employment chances, nations like the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Australia are some of the prospective study abroad locations that have drawn a significant number of students from all over the world.

Can you get scholarships in Mexico?

To be eligible for a scholarship, applicants must have been accepted to an on-site graduate program at any Mexican institutions registered in the Programa Nacional de Posgrados de Calidad (PNPC).

Can a US citizen go to college in Mexico?

Yes, you can. All you need to do as a U.S. citizen is to apply for a student visa.


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