Nexford University Global Leaders Scholarship

Having an excellent leadership career comes with building a leadership mindset. All you need is to take a step not a soothsayer.

The good news is, you can take a step now with Nexford University Global Leaders Scholarship 2024 and build a lasting career.

With Global Leaders Scholarship, You can get 30% off your degree program tuition. Moreso, you get the opportunity to advance and hit a home run in your career.

You don’t have to miss this opportunity because…..

According to Malcolm X “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” Nexford University Global Leaders Scholarship is a sure preparatory tool for building a career.

What are you still waiting for?

In this article, we have put down relevant information about Nexford University Global Leaders Scholarship 2024 for international students and how you can apply.

The table of content below clearly reveals all you’ll get to know about this scholarship program.

About the Nexford University Global Leaders Scholarship

Global Leaders Scholarship is an award scholarship opportunity for leaders from all around the globe to study an American degree 100% online. Hence, the award includes AAS in Business, BBA or MBA degrees.

However, this Global Leaders Scholarship is provided by Nexford University. Nexford University founded in 2018 happens to be the world’s most affordable online university.

Moreso, this university offers associate, undergraduates and postgraduate degrees programs to tomorrow’s business leaders.

In addition, their degrees are based on the needs of the world’s largest employers. Less theory, more job skills – 100% online.

Furthermore, with Nexford University Global Leaders Scholarship, you can study outside your home country and gain more experience without having to pay through your nose.

Also Read BUAs Bachelor Scholarships for International Students at Breda University, Netherlands

How do you choose if I’ll get a scholarship?

You will not really have to choose, you will be awarded based on your scholarship based on merit.

You will be assessed based on your;

  • University grades
  • How good you are in English
  • Your answers to the scholarship questions

What if I get behind on my work? Will the scholarship be taken away?

The Global Leaders Scholarship is for the leaders of tomorrow. Meanwhile, that’s why you are expected to maintain a 2.0 for AAS, 2.5 for BBA, and a 3.0 in the MBA. 

Of course, they will help you stay on track with support, coaching, and mentoring throughout your program.

What else do I need to do if I receive the scholarship?

Once you receive an official email that you have been awarded the scholarship, don’t just relax.

You’ll still need to enroll within 30 days using your unique email code.

Note, your scholarship will expire if not used within 30 days.

However, you are expected to choose your program start date when enrolling.

This is because learners often need time to make plans before they can start a program.

Who is Eligible for this Scholarship?

Just like other scholarships have basic criteria for qualification so also is the Nexford Globe Leaders Scholarship.

Hence, to be eligible for the Globe Leaders Scholarship 2024, you must;

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  • Have a passion to study a BBA, MBA, or AAS in Business online
  • Not have a prior MBA if you want to apply for an MBA scholarship.
  • Not have a prior BBA if you want to apply for a BBA scholarship.
  • For an AAS in business, you must not have a prior AAS.
  • For degree programs, you meet Nexford’s degree program admission criteria.

Note: AAS program can be completed in 40 months maximum, BBA in 48 months maximum, and MBA in 24 months maximum.

How do I apply for Nexford University Global Leaders Scholarship?

In applying for this Global Leaders Scholarship, note first that the application is processed online.

Then, as an applicant, you must apply for a BBA, MBA, or AAS in Business online at Nexford University.

It’s only when your admission application is granted that you can apply for the award by submitting an online application form.

Supporting Documents

Hence, below are some documents that you must submit your application with.

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  • High school statement of result
  • A short personal statement of no more than 250 words that describes how an education at City, University of London will help you to develop into a global leader of the future.
  • Copy of official diploma
  • Transcript
  • Resume
  • English proficiency certificate.

To Apply: Candidates are required to answer three questions:

  1. What motivates you, and what do you want to achieve in life?
  2. Why are you a strong candidate to earn a degree 100% online?
  3. How would this application help you to become a better leader?
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When is the Deadline for Nexford University Global Leaders Scholarship?

The deadline for applying for this scholarship is not specified.

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This Nexford University Scholarship is open for international students from all around the globe.

To be considered for the scholarship for 2024 entry, you must register by no later than 30th September 2024.

This Nexford University Scholarship awards you a 30% discount off your tuition fees.

The Nexford University Global Leaders Scholarship is open to international students who are undergraduates and graduates .


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