Shoprite Bursaries in South Africa 

Finance should no longer be a hindrance to achieving your dreams. Shoprite Bursary for South Africans is always on the lookout every year for students who have a passion and vision for programming.

So, the Shoprite Bursaries in South Africa 2024 has begun its search for students who are worthy of their financial assistance.

Basically, there are rules and eligibility criteria for intending beneficiaries to fulfill. Hence, this article provides details on this grant, stating clearly its eligibility criteria and how to apply for this bursary.

This is because the Shoprite Group is on the lookout for students who would like to work for one of the biggest retail companies in South Africa.

If you are trying to find a lifetime opportunity and also a company in which you may grow and understand a wide selection of inspirational brands, then this bursary might just be for you personally. Shoprite presents brilliant chances for the employees and has a passion for its staff and customers!

This Bursary Scheme is geared toward attracting and financing future Sophisticated Developers (programmers) that possess a passion and a vision to ensure dynamic outputs in an area known for ongoing change.

What is Shoprite?

Back in 1979, the Shoprite Group was founded in a little town in South Africa by the purchase of 8 Cape Town-based supermarkets. Now, Shop-Rite operates over 270 stores across 16 countries in Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands.

The Business also possesses nearly 2, 000 corporate shops for example Checkers, Checkers Hyper, Checkers Liquor, Checkers MediRite, Ok Furniture, Ok Express, House & Home, Hungry Lion, Shop-Rite Liquor, Shop-Rite MediRite, and Usave.

Besides the corporate shops, The Shoprite Group additionally has 367 franchise brands shops around South Africa and Namibia, such as Friendly Stores, Friendly Liquor, Megasave, Ok Foods, Ok Minimark, Ok Grocer, Ok value, Sentra, and Enjoy.

What Does The Shoprite Bursary Program Cover?

The Shoprite Group will be awarding bursaries within the following fields of study:

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  • Accounting (CA Stream – SAICA): 10 positions available for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-year students
  • Retail Business Management: 60 positions available for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-year students
  • Logistics/ Supply Chain: 24 positions available for 1st, 2nd, 3rd year and Honours students
  • Information Technology: 24 positions available for 1st, 2nd, 3rd year and Honours students
  • BPharm: 5 positions available for 1st-year students only)

Here is a list of South African Scholarships to Apply to in 2024

Who Should Apply For Shoprite Bursaries South Africa?

Well, there are certain eligibility criteria that must be fulfilled before your application for South Africa Bursary will be put into consideration. So, before sending in an application see if you satisfy the following requirements.

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Bursaries are available within the following fields of study:

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  • Accounting (CA Stream)
  • Information Technology
  • Logistics
  • Retail Management/ Hospitality Management
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Host Nationality:

This Scholarship is to be taken in SOUTH AFRICA. If you are an international student and you wish to study in the UK, this is for your Complete Guide to Getting A UK Tier 4 Student Visa For International Students.

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Eligible Nationality:

The Bursary is open to all South African students to study in any of the country’s universities. Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

What Does Shoprite Bursary Cover?

The bursary ranges from R30 000 to R60 000, depending on the course of study and institution. They aim to cover tuition fees, prescribed books, and an allowance for accommodation.

Please note that there is a mandatory work-back requirement – for every year that you are covered by the bursary program, you will work at Shoprite for an equal amount of time.

Shortlisted candidates will be contacted – should you not receive feedback within 30 days, please regard your application as unsuccessful.

Are There Requirements For Shoprite Bursaries For South African Students?

Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying (please note that failure to satisfy all the requirements will lead to your application not being considered):

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  • South African citizen
  • Currently, in Matric AND have obtained a minimum average of 70% for the first semester OR
  • Currently studying within one of the aforementioned fields of study AND have obtained a minimum average of 60% for the first semester
  • Accounting students: studying towards a BCompt/ Bachelors of Accounting, leading to CTA and qualifying for a registered articles program (1st year/ 2nd year/ 3rd year/ Honours)
  • Information Technology students: studying towards a BSc in Computer Science/ Statistics/ Mathematical Science/ Data Science (1st year/ 2nd year/ 3rd year)
  • Logistics students: studying towards a BComm in Logistics (Quantitative Management)/ BSc in Operational Research or related qualification (1st year/ 2nd year/ 3rd year)
  • Retail/ Hospitality Management students: National Diploma:Retail Business or equivalent (1st year/ 2nd year/ 3rd year/ B-Tech)

How Should I Apply For The Shoprite Bursary Application Form?

Applications must be done online at 

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You will first be required to register an account on the Shoprite Careers portal here:
Once you have created an account, you may log in here:
You may be required to submit clear copies of the following supporting documentation when applying online (the submission of these documents is compulsory – if any items are missing, your application be disregarded):

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  • ID document (certified copy of)
  • Matric latest results, if currently in Matric
  • Matric certificate, if completed Matric
  • Latest tertiary academic record, if at tertiary level

What is the Scholarship Deadline For South Africans?

(Applications submitted after 30 June 2024 will not be accepted – please apply before the closing date to ensure your application is considered.)


For any queries related to this Shoprite Bursary for South Africans, please contact Shoprite Holdings directly:
Head Office
Tel: 021 980 4000
*Read the FAQ’s before contacting Shoprite:

FAQs on Shoprite Bursaries in South Africa

The Bursary is open to all South African students to study in any of the country’s universities.

Shoprite Bursaries can range from R30 000 to R60 000, depending on the course of study and institution. The company aims to ensure that the bursary value covers tuition, books, as well as an allowance for accommodation.

For every year that you have a bursary, you will be required to work back a year. If you should leave the employ of Shoprite before completing your work back obligations, you will be required to pay the company back a pro-rata amount.

Yes, provided it is reflected on the fee statement and does not exceed the value of the bursary awarded.


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