Wakatu Tertiary Scholarships in New Zealand

Having the right skills and knowledge in any field is the secret to exceptional performance in that particular field. This is one of the reasons you should get the Wakatu Tertiary Scholarships in New Zealand.

The Wakatu scholarship is aimed to help beneficiaries advance in their career. It aims to help undergraduate students who want to pursue a degree program in New Zealand acquire more knowledge and skills.

Over the years, Wakatu Incorporation which is the proud sponsor of these scholarships has helped a lot of students pursue their dream careers in New Zealand through these opportunities.

So, if you want to pursue a program in New Zealand as an undergraduate student, then I will advise you carefully to read this article. In this article, we have put down relevant information about Wakatu Tertiary Scholarships that will help you apply successfully.

Don’t miss Out! Just Explore!

Meanwhile, you can scroll through the table of contents below to get an overview of all that is wrapped in this post for you.

Now lets go…

All You Need to Know about Wakatu Tertiary Scholarships in New Zealand

To successfully apply for Wakatu Scholarships, it’s important you know every necessary thing about the scholarship first. This will help you know whether you are eligible. It will help you also know what you will gain and the right way to apply to avoid making mistakes.

Here are some of what you must note that can help you a lot.

Level/Field of Study

Wakatu Tertiary Scholarship in New Zealand is not for all academic levels. This scholarship is opened for undergraduate students. In terms of field, the sponsorship will be awarded in any subject offered by the university.

What You will Gain

Once you win the scholarship, the provider will ensure that your fees and other resources you need to complete your undergraduate degree in New Zealand are made available for at least 3 years.

This means you will complete your undergraduate studies without paying a dime. Also, you will get incentives for studying and achieving academic merit.

Isn’t that an opportunity worth going for? Alright!

Let us look at the eligibility requirements below.

Eligibility for this New Zealand Scholarships

To qualify for any of these scholarships, you must meet up with the following;

  • Be a citizen of New Zealand
  • Enrolled in the undergraduate degree program
  • Have academic transcripts of all the previous schools attended, and copies of passports.
  • Be good at communication and writing.
  • Have a previous degree certificate with excellent academic achievement.

Host Nationality

The scholarship is fully sponsored by Wakatu Incorporation with the core aim of preserving and enhancing their Taonga. Note, the award is hosted in New Zealand.

Eligible Nationality

This scholarship is only available for New Zealand citizens. Another important aspect of this post that you must give rapt attention to is how you can successfully apply. Let’s quickly look at how you can apply for the scholarship.

How You Can Apply for Wakatu Tertiary Scholarships 2022

Application for Wakatu Scholarships is done online. So you can simply complete the application form online.

Remember to attach all the accompanying documents which include your transcripts and copy of passport to your application form.

Important things to do when Applying

  • You must attach a record of academic and other achievements.
  • You must attach a letter outlining your community involvement, particularly if they show connections to Wakatū and the top of the South. Also, include your educational and life aspirations and how you might contribute in the future.

Wakatu Tertiary Scholarships 2024 Application Deadline

The Application Deadline for submitting your application is August 31, 2024. Note, you must submit your application on or before the due date because any application submitted after that will not be considered.

To start your application now, click the button below

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To apply, you must be from New Zealand

No, these scholarships are only for undergraduate students

The application deadline for 2024 Wakatu Tertiary Scholarships in New Zealand is 31st August.


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