Hip Hip! Hooray! If you are reading this, you must be in love with impacting positively on girls. You deserve a badge! The Girls Scouts Movement was formed in the 1920s as a replica of the Boy Scouts, to teach girls bravery, boldness, self-dependence, and community service all over the world.

One of its main agendas is to provide equal opportunities for the girl child and remove the stereotypes that revolve around raising girls. Instead of teaching girls to doll up and be coy as it were in the past, Girl Scout Movement gives girls opportunities to come out fierce, independent, bold and prepared to face challenges in day-to-day life, now and in the future.

Girl Scouts was originally founded by Juliette Gordon in 1912, a deaf girl who thought if boys were being taught scout values, then girls deserved a chance as well. She started the movement in the United States of America and spilled it over to the rest of the world by 1928.

Being deaf, she was not blind to the fact that boys were getting better skills in self-reliance and survival tact compared to girls. Admiring Lord Powel and his sister Olivia Powel, Juliette sought after their footsteps and with their great help, started the Girls Scouts Movement to run concurrently with the boys.

Volunteering as a girl scout or for the girl scouts is open to all, adults and young people, men and women. The programs give you an opportunity to leave a mark in a girl’s life or the environment at large. There are various places that would need your volunteer services. Read on!


Girl Scouts is a movement that deals with teaching girls bravery, confidence and service. It instills creativity and innovativeness. It gives a chance to girls to learn goal setting and working towards accomplishing the set goals.  

In the face of challenges, girl scout teaches girls to survive on minimal resources and make use of what is available to survive for as long as one can. Through camping and the many outdoor activities, the girls’ scout movement and volunteering programs expose girls to survival techniques and thinking outside the box.

Consequently, this movement gives girls a chance to be better human beings. It teaches them boldness and pride in being a woman who can do what men can do equally well if not better.

Besides personal growth, the movement instills character, relations with other people, and the ability to serve their communities through impactful activities like planting trees, raising funds for the needy, and cleaning the environment.

This is in line with the global goals of humanity that require humans to work so that to touch a fellow human being, impact positively on the environment we live in, and maybe make profits later.

 It is a worldwide movement with elaborate chattered offices and branches, affiliated to the World Scouts Association. A good number of countries, developed or undeveloped have this movement going on and therefore anyone can be a girl scout in their own country. Availability and ability to act on your curiosity, measure it, and execute what you learn, are the qualifications of being a Girl Scout. And definitely being a girl.

There are six common groups of girl scouts for various ages, as listed below. However, every country has its own system of doing it.

1. Daisy in Grade one

These are little girls under the age of four years. They are barely old enough to handle the hard tasks but are aware of winning and gratification.

Actually, these girls are taught speech, confidence, and basic interpersonal skills. Their badges are cute and very colorful. Some countries call them rainbows.

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2. Brownie grades 2-3

A five-year-old girl is old enough and actualized. Brownies are older and more aware of what is expected of them. Their activities just like those of Daisies are monitored and supervised all through.

They are, however, allowed to make discoveries outdoors and win badges in small achievements like making flowers and cutting out patterns.

3. Junior Cadets grades 6-8

At the age of 8 and above a girl is self-aware. This is the stage where confidence and courage are instilled.

At this age, girls are looking for mentors and role models and can relate to whatever is happening around them. Bake-sales start at this time. saving towards a goal are taught here too. Environmental awareness is instilled around this time as well.

You want your child to be a girl scout as early as now to avoid trouble in the next stage of their lives: teenhood.

4. Senior cadets grade 9-10

These are pre-teens and early teens. Molding takes place to more defined forms and shapes. Character is taught here.

Beyond this level, then it will be an uphill task to teach an old dog new tricks. These girls are no longer enticed by small adrenaline triggers. They want big achievements.

The girls in this scouts volunteering programs definitely take on tasks that are more defined like tree planting, nurturing animals, carrying out donation campaigns, individually baking cookies and selling them, helping out in communities that need them, just to mention but a few.

5. Ambassadors grades 11-12

Teenagers are an interesting group of girls. If they are girl scouts, they are good-natured sweet pre-adults. they are self-driven, focused, and goal-oriented. They have skills in first aid, conservation, child care, public relations, financial discipline, and pet care and they can do anything that requires skills.

In many countries, at this level, they can volunteer within their countries or outside with permission from parents. They don’t require lots of supervision and they run big, ambitious projects.

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6. Adults who are the models, mentors, troop leaders and volunteers.

This is the group of adults who were previously Girl Scouts or are interested in being mentors and role models. They are supporters of projects and help the juniors and seniors in their activities. They supervise camps and lead troops. Here we get a huge number of volunteers.

If you are an adult, a parent of girl scouts, or an enthusiast, this is where you belong.

Meanwhile, below we will discuss the benefits of volunteering for girl scout programs.

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When you volunteer, you will not just benefit the movement but the girl and yourself as well.

Research shows that those who volunteered claimed to get self-benefits more than how you benefit others.  You stand a chance to make tomorrow better for a girl by volunteering.

The volunteers of girl scout volunteering programs make it possible for the girls to maximize their potential and reach the peaks of their lives.

Here are some benefits of volunteering highlighted and explained:

  1. You become a role model. Imagine a young person looking up to you and wanting to be exactly like you? It keeps you in check and you work towards being better every day for the sake of the girls that look up to you.
  2. You discover your leadership skills and potential. As a volunteer, you might be assigned to a troop of girls or several, for you to lead and train. Here you might need to have prior knowledge of scouting to be a better leader.
  3. You build a new social network of people with similar goals and dreams. Girl Scout Movement is interactive and very wide. Countries exchange programs and they have international camp competitions. You will meet amazing people with goals like yours and you will be able to create a wide range of social networks.
  4. You will learn new skills from other people. Girl Scout Movement entails lessons from social networking, basic soft skills, and even technical skills. Girl Scouts are taught science and technology, computer expertise, and hand skills like writing, painting, and craft. You will not miss anything to do.
  5. Be a mentor to a group of girls or one. Mentoring is a gift. It is satisfying knowing that you are building a legacy in another human being.
  6. Raise money for charity. What beats kindness? The cookie stands, charity events, lemonade stands, agricultural shows, painting and fashion, galleries, and modeling, all target to raise money for charity. As a volunteer, you will help see all these actualized. You will witness help reaching people who actually need it.
  7. Participate in environmental conservation. This is noble. Make the world a better place for the next generation. Planting trees, cleaning the environment, cleaning the lakes and rivers, controlling waste just to mention but a few. You will be playing a huge role in helping girls partake in these activities.

Volunteers participate in ensuring that the world has reached a point where girls have their places at the table of opportunities.  You might love being one. Visit the girl scout website and pick a volunteer program that suits you perfectly. Moreso, every ounce of effort is worth it.


Yes. Parents and adults can be girl scout volunteers. These are the key volunteers in the programs in many countries since girl scouts are already a part of all the programs. They play the following key roles:

  • Troop leading
  • Co troop leaders
  • Cookie volunteers
  • Troop family and friends
  • Mentors
  • Non-troop volunteers


The girl scout’s volunteers play important roles in the girl’s lives. You can pick the roles that you can execute well.

In the various programs that exist, the following roles are key so you can volunteer in a cookie-selling program for example, as a troop leader, or the seller, or a mentor.

These are the girl scout volunteering programs;


They set up camps, mentor girls, watch how they make friends, see them do outdoor activities, set up goals and direct most of the activities done by the girls.

Troop leaders are usually in charge of the camp groups or specific area girl scouts.  

When you are in charge of a troop, you ensure they are achieving the troop goals and purpose.

You also report to the office on their progress and you are in charge of all the financial needs and requirements.


Just like the troop leader, you coordinate the girls and watch over them as they run their girl scout errands.

You are fully in charge in case the troop leader is away or absent. You deputize the leader and ensure a smooth sail in the troop activities.

This is another role of girl scout volunteering programs.

Ever made a bake stand or booths before? Here is a chance for you with your girls. In those cute girl scout uniforms, you will bake cookies and sell them.

Note that you can volunteer to bake the cookies and have another group sell them, pick baked cookies and organize the sale, or do both.

The Junior Girl Scouts are usually enthusiastic about this. Brownies too can do it under supervision.  The volunteers supervise this. You can also join the ambassador group by running larger bake sales and cookie booths for longer periods of time, with bigger goals to achieve.

This gives you a chance to interact with your mentee and offer your role modeling activities. The money collected, will be sent to the organization. The smile on the faces of girls when they get the best seller badges is unreplaceable. Dare try it!


This doubles up as a family fun and bonding day.

However, the activities performed are geared towards girl scouting like talks on money management, activity planning, driving, setting up camp, making snacks, and other outdoor activities.

The volunteers coordinate the girls and ensure they are operating in a safe environment.


All adults can be mentors. Former girl scouts stand a better chance in this category.

However, any interested adult, who passes the vetting and screening can volunteer as a mentor. Whenever mentoring opportunities arise, they will be considered. Go out there and mentor and girl!


Non-troop volunteers play significant roles like coaching games, organizing camp competitions and being global action team advisors.

Some are allowed to join the general volunteering pool and get assigned whenever opportunities arise.

Girl scouts organize activities that are meant for civil education, games, or some Science Fairs.

You can volunteer as an expert in this case and be a judge, sponsor the programs or even coach a team or troop. There are always opportunities.


Today! Now. Don’t wait a minute any day, any minute is good to go. You can volunteer by visiting your countries offices or filling online forms to see if you meet the requirements stipulated.


Interest is key. The desire to touch a life is the fuel. If it is the life of a girl, the flames are already on!

You need to check your interests and the exact place you want to impact on. If it is baking, selling, mentoring, or leading for instance, out of troop activities are also welcome.

Once you have identified the exact place you want to be, do a cross-check of requirements in the specific category, go through the screening, and fill the forms provided on their website.

Upon submission, you will be contacted by an authorized person from the Girls Scout movement to get more details and place you where you belong.

How exactly can you join a girl scout volunteering program? It is simple, log in the website provided below, check out the specific volunteer options, read and understand what is required and fill the forms provided truthfully. You will be screened for competence and the security of the girls.

Log into the Girl Scout website here: Visit Website

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FAQ on Girl Scouts Volunteering Program

Nope! Only girls. Boys can join the boy scouts.

Every country has a system attached to the boy scouts and mainly schools. You can find them through the area chiefs and local leaders who are normally the patrons of the movement.

Any reasonable age. As a member or a volunteer adult.

The movement was formed in 1912 for the girls who wished to join the activities of boy scouts.

this is short form for Special whatchamacallit Affectionately Pinned Somewhere. This is when girls make new friends and exchange friends. It is a social event.

Juliette Gordon Low of the USA.

Just fill the form provided on the movement’s website and you are good to go.

You touch a girl’s life, create memories and leave a legacy. You make the community a better place. These benefits are very valuable.

Yes. They are the key volunteer and the most recommended. 


Volunteering for a girl scout program will not only help a girl in your community achieve her goals, build her character, and enhance her physical goals. But also nurture her to be a woman who will impact greatly on the world. You will be able to create memories, fill in blanks, and even enjoy lots of outdoor activities that are good for your body and soul.

In addition, you will meet amazing people who share your interests and get a chance to build on your social network. 

The icing on the cake comes when you know you are contributing towards making the world a better place than you found it through a girl. Moreover, charity goes a long way.

In conclusion, you don’t need a second thought, just volunteer today for a girl scout volunteering program!



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